View Full Version : Explorer dragon

05-01-15, 11:28 AM
New dragon just added
Breeding time 8 hours
Just got with infinity x forest fire
Fails were
10 life
3 rose dragon

05-01-15, 12:13 PM
Stupid me tried diamond x dino... And I got a 10second fire fail. Its going to be stuck in the den for 12 hours :(

1st fail: Fire
2nd fail: Pterodactyl (yay!)
3rd fail: Life
4th fail: Life
5th fail: Fire
6th fail: Forest
7th fail: Life
8th fail: Triceratops (yay!)
9th : 8 hours?!? = Explorer!!!

05-01-15, 02:14 PM
Just got it with landworm/forest combo

8 hours

Was trying landworm/diamond and had 5 life fails, changed to landworm/forest and got it first try :)

Pic of egg

Good luck everyone :)

05-01-15, 02:32 PM
Trying to get it, got 8 hours, hope isn't Rose!

05-01-15, 06:14 PM
i got it with infinity and forest fire 15 failed

05-02-15, 03:20 AM
I just got this one with quetzal/mythic. I didn't know what kind of egg wore sunglasses....

05-02-15, 06:53 AM
First try with Life/Forest and I got a Dino. I'll just have to clear the nest and keep going..

05-02-15, 08:48 AM
1st: Life
2nd: Explorer :D

Combo: Landworm-Radioactive

05-03-15, 05:59 AM
2 Dinos, 2 Lifes, and a Rose so far.

05-03-15, 10:27 AM
Just came online to see what the strange egg was and I see I have bred this with forest and flower.

05-03-15, 10:57 AM
I bred this as a balloon fail with quetzal & virtue, I really want to get a balloon!

05-03-15, 12:36 PM
This one was rather easy to breed. I used life x forest. Cute egg!

05-04-15, 08:56 AM
Stupid me tried diamond x dino... And I got a 10second fire fail. Its going to be stuck in the den for 12 hours :(

1st fail: Fire
2nd fail: Pterodactyl (yay!)
3rd fail: Life
4th fail: Life
5th fail: Fire
6th fail: Forest
7th fail: Life
8th fail: Triceratops (yay!)
9th : 8 hours?!?

PLEASE tell me your secret in breeding the two dino friends!?!? The only diamond I have is Astromancer and it produces so many different fails!!

05-04-15, 09:25 AM
First try Life + Rose.

05-04-15, 11:05 PM
PLEASE tell me your secret in breeding the two dino friends!?!? The only diamond I have is Astromancer and it produces so many different fails!!

I'm afraid I did use diamond x dino. The reason your Astromancer produces a lot of fails is probably because the zodiac element can split in to yellow and black, and then blue, purple and yellow. Yellow and blue = MISTS!!! Sorry. In case you couldn't tell, I hate mists lol!

If you already have a Dino, you could try for each dragon separately. I'm not sure of all the combos, but I know Pterodactyl is dino and yellow. Best of luck!

05-05-15, 04:08 AM
PLEASE tell me your secret in breeding the two dino friends!?!? The only diamond I have is Astromancer and it produces so many different fails!!

I have one Dino, so I breed it with Dawntree (or Forest if you dont have) to get Tricerator (the green one). An when I get Tricerator, I breed it with Dino to get Pterodactyl (the yellow one), an then breed Tricerator with Fire to get Rex (the red one). Then I finish all Dino hybrids jst in one week :)
Tricerator is super rare so easy to get other Dino hybrids when we breed it with Dino. an when you breed Dino with Forest or Dawntree first, fails are jst Landworm, Rose, Life, Forest which are very short :) an when you see it's 12h, that's it!

05-05-15, 05:27 AM
Finally got the "egg in sunglasses" with Quetzal and Virtue, after numerous Life and Love fails. :)

05-05-15, 10:18 AM
I have one Dino, so I breed it with Dawntree (or Forest if you dont have) to get Tricerator (the green one). An when I get Tricerator, I breed it with Dino to get Pterodactyl (the yellow one), an then breed Tricerator with Fire to get Rex (the red one). Then I finish all Dino hybrids jst in one week :)
Tricerator is super rare so easy to get other Dino hybrids when we breed it with Dino. an when you breed Dino with Forest or Dawntree first, fails are jst Landworm, Rose, Life, Forest which are very short :) an when you see it's 12h, that's it!

Thank you as well as LP!! I started now breeding the Dino with Fire, actually ended up with an Explorer! Switched it to Dino and Flower as this will also possibly give a Balloon fail, one that I really want.... Hopefully I have some luck! Just stinks that Balloon 3 hours could also produce the dreaded Life fail..... at least it is only 3 hours....

05-06-15, 12:23 PM
Thank you as well as LP!! I started now breeding the Dino with Fire, actually ended up with an Explorer! Switched it to Dino and Flower as this will also possibly give a Balloon fail, one that I really want.... Hopefully I have some luck! Just stinks that Balloon 3 hours could also produce the dreaded Life fail..... at least it is only 3 hours....

That is very, very helpful. Thank you for the advice!

05-06-15, 09:28 PM
Well try as I might there are just some dragons I can't seem to breed. I have tried numerous (50+) Times... For a macaw and now the same or more for this explorer to no avail 😖😣😠..... At least I got some dynamite & gummies out of all the failed breeding. Oh and then there is the ever elusive Mercury .... But I would have thought these 2 would have been easier then him. 😞 darn

05-07-15, 08:47 PM
Oops! I already posted. Sorry!

05-08-15, 08:42 AM
Just bred one with Fire x forest ...... :)