View Full Version : Is it worth it to sell ores in your shop?

04-26-15, 04:44 AM
Just started mining and was wondering if it is worth more to list ores or regular items. I can't see me getting the jewelsmith in the near future and have the ores cluttering up my barn.

04-26-15, 04:59 AM
Just started mining and was wondering if it is worth more to list ores or regular items. I can't see me getting the jewelsmith in the near future and have the ores cluttering up my barn.

You don't actually make that much more money by using them to craft items anyway in the jewelsmith, so selling them as they are is worth it.

Having said that if you wish to participate in events, there has been a heavy need for iron in them lately so I would suggest keeping some in your barn. About 20 if you can and also keep some gold and rubies and mining tools. It is not so important to stockpile silver as it is usually easy to get in the mine and often found for sale in the newspaper.

04-26-15, 07:24 AM
Thanks for your reply. I have read your post on your philosophy of selling along with other posts and you have many valid points, in fact I use yours as the basis for my selling. Even though I am not selling at the level and volume as you and many others, I have been able to increase my efficency greatly since adopting yours to my lower levels. I am not trying to become a level 60 in a few weeks, having a little casah to work with makes the game much easier.