View Full Version : Dire Boars/Trolls

04-25-15, 05:24 PM
I need to **** 5 trolls for Kaz's five. However, the triggers for dire boars and trolls are the same. I checked the hub to see if there were ones that I didn't know or if there was one just for trolls. I was wondering what other players used to trigger trolls. Are there items that trigger trolls more than dire boars for you?

04-25-15, 10:54 PM
Dire boar replaces trolls. So once you have Kaz in the storyline, getting trolls is hard. See nugget #5 (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78732-Nugget-5-Beasts) for details. To ensure trolls in the long run your need the sparing pit.

04-26-15, 12:01 AM
Kaz's 5 triggers trolls from the jousting arena when you're on that goal. So just make sure there is no other monster before you collect from the arena... it will take 5 arena visits to complete the goal.

04-26-15, 08:23 AM
Kaz's 5 triggers trolls from the jousting arena when you're on that goal. So just make sure there is no other monster before you collect from the arena... it will take 5 arena visits to complete the goal.
Actually, I think Kaz's 5 are triggered once/day, at the troll pit. The other troll king (I forgot his name, lol) is triggered at the arena.

04-26-15, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the replies. I think readysetgo888 is correct because the only 2 trolls I have received are from the jousting area. I have collected from the troll pit this morning, but I did not get any trolls.

04-26-15, 10:33 AM
Thanks for the replies. I think readysetgo888 is correct because the only 2 trolls I have received are from the jousting area. I have collected from the troll pit this morning, but I did not get any trolls.
Maybe I was thinking of Vulzal at the arena and Yamike's 5 at the troll pit (both of those, troll tribe, part 4?...who can keep up? Lol)

04-26-15, 10:36 AM
I think we did have to trigger trolls for one of those. I'm not sure either.