View Full Version : Too Much Food, Too Many Counters

04-24-15, 07:49 AM
I have the same problem with both Restaurant Story and Bakery Story. In both games my 100% happy customers aren't eating the food I cook quickly enough despite there being far more tables and chairs available than visiting customers! I am in danger of being swamped by counters and the amount on some is over 100,000 units, rising to almost 250,000 in the case of BBQ chicken.

I don't want to just delete food from counters as to me it defeats the object of the game; but the only solution I can see is to uninstall the games for a few months as I've effectively stopped playing.

I'm sure I'm not the first person to be in this situation, so any help greatly appreciated

Apologies if this has already been covered!

04-24-15, 08:28 AM
When I want to sell food faster, or just store counters, I place my podium/register close to the door...and no matter how many tables I have out, I block the furthest ones so the bots have no choice but to sit in closer ones, moving them in and out faster. Also if I have the same food on different counters, I will cook some fast, low yield recipes...french toast, omelette, etc....which when placed will push all of the same recipe to one counter....then pick up the empty counters and repeat til they are all consolidated. Also, there are examples of the most efficient seating designs posted in the forums although I can't recall exactly where. Just a couple ideas that I hope help.

04-24-15, 08:51 AM
I wish I had a problem with having too muchfood in restaurant. I can't seem to have enough food to make it through the night.

One solution is to just stop cooking food and allow the food on the couters to sell off.

04-24-15, 08:57 AM
stop cooking high quantity food and do low quantity ones. look at older recipes not the newer ones.

04-24-15, 09:08 AM
Do one food that takes 22 hours for like a week or so and put away counters that are cleared each day before serving that food.

04-24-15, 07:20 PM
Only solution is to stop cooking food.

Sorry but uninstalling the game will not help you. When you re-install the game everything will be exactly how you left it no matter how much time has past. Only thing that might change is some of your neighbors will have deleted you.

I uninstalled Fashion Story.. now that we get gems to install a different version of Fashion Story ... everything there is exactly how I left it.

04-24-15, 08:24 PM
Cook roast chicken (2 days) nonstop except for goals, eventually your food will run low.

04-24-15, 08:27 PM
Thanks for your help guys.

I have been cooking 2-day and 22-hour recipes (stew and apples pies well on their way to being mastered), as well as not cooking with some appliances. If this is having any affect its a very slow process. I have missed the last two monthly goals because of this!

I have now moved the cash register so that it is next to the door and blocked off all but the nearest 20 seats.

I thought that uninstalling, which would mean the appliances doing nothing or the last food they cook spoiling, would have a similar affect to the above plus there would be no temptation for me to cook something lol

04-24-15, 08:57 PM
Did you change your layout to T shaped or multi-door "feeding pens"? You sell food faster if you limit the customers to only walk a short distance from the host table to the tables, no more than 8 step or so. Look at this thread: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23320-most-Efficient-RS-design-(without-maths)

04-24-15, 09:15 PM
Why did this cause you to miss the last two goals ?

04-27-15, 06:48 AM
This is a good situation to be in, though I've never had 100,000 of any dish at one time! To end up with that much food in the first place, your bots must be walking a long ways to the tables, and you must be cooking constantly, and maybe you have a large place or only 1 door. Like others said, stop cooking. Then set up an efficient design so the bots get to tables quickly. Multiple doors help but you have to limit the walking by setting up seating areas for each door, not full access to restaurant by the bots. I have taken a break from cooking because I had over 20 counters. I also stored all appliances which will make remodeling easier.

11-27-15, 07:14 AM
You have 250 000 plates and think this is much? :D I have 8 million ..... They would eat that A WHOLE YEAR ....

01-16-16, 08:31 AM
If 250 000 plates is problem for you.. How about 10 million plates, sir? :D Is it anyway good.. Lol