View Full Version : Cash register comes without a Cashier?

04-19-15, 09:06 AM
How do I activate my second register? I was already sad to get a box of parts when I bought a stove!! LOL HELP!!!
Thanks in advance! ❤❤❤

04-19-15, 09:35 AM
It's ok. You don't need a cashier for it to work. Your customers will still go to it without one there

04-19-15, 09:38 AM
a box of parts? did u asked from yr nbrs to send parts to u? did u built yr stove? :)

cash register is not for "activation". one u got for free as a start up, if u need second one, just buy it from the market. look at the tables tab.

04-19-15, 09:39 AM
ah, and yes, geordie is right: cashier appears itself, but u don't really need him. u can place any decoration instead of him, and yr register will still be working.

04-19-15, 02:43 PM
Also you can put another avatar in front of the second register if you want a realistic bakery:o

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