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View Full Version : Benefits of leveling up fast or more slowly?

04-15-15, 06:04 AM
I have been playing for about 5 months and feel like I have been leveling up pretty quickly - I'm almost at 36 and when I look at other kingdoms around my level, a lot of them seem to have more "stuff" or be expanded more. For example, I was not part of the bountiful table quest because I had just started playing. Sometimes I feel like my kingdom has growing pains because I move up levels, which opens certain questlines, but I'm not ready for them. Does that make sense? Is there a way to play the game to level up more slowly but still be able to play every day? ( I have a long train commute twice a day). Thoughts?

04-15-15, 07:44 AM
I can see what you're saying and understand where you're coming from, but IMO I'd still want to level up faster as it gives you the increase in energy and plots. If I open a goal due to leveling up, I know I can try to ignore it until I'm ready - though I know that can be difficult as some goals trigger just off of normal game play, but........I'd still prefer to level up due to the energy and plot boost.

It is really hard to NOT level up actually. Almost everything you do gives you XP. I'd just try to ignore the goals I know I can't do right now and concentrate on those I can, unless they are timed, then I try to do them. :)

04-15-15, 07:54 AM
I have been playing for about 5 months and feel like I have been leveling up pretty quickly - I'm almost at 36 and when I look at other kingdoms around my level, a lot of them seem to have more "stuff" or be expanded more. For example, I was not part of the bountiful table quest because I had just started playing. Sometimes I feel like my kingdom has growing pains because I move up levels, which opens certain questlines, but I'm not ready for them. Does that make sense? Is there a way to play the game to level up more slowly but still be able to play every day? ( I have a long train commute twice a day). Thoughts?

I don't see any disadvantage of leveling up faster. Yes, you might give yourself a lot of goals at once, but the key there is to have self control, and tell yourself you're going to work on one at a time. That's what I'm doing in my game. You can read ahead and know what's coming for each quest line, and which ones are more important to get done first, and then pick one or two and work on those and ignore the ones that can wait until later.

I've found that when I wasn't doing this, it became overwhelming, and I wasn't making progress on ANY of the goals because I was splitting my resources too much.

I don't think it really matters what level you are. The faster you level up, the more often you get the energy refills, but eventually you'll hit the cap and there will be no more refills, so that's kind of a trade off. I would think that hitting the levels faster during the stages of the game where you have the most to do is probably better, because the extra energy really helps.

Where are you in the quests? If you play without planning ahead, you're probably more likely to level up without being prepared for the goals you have coming, because everything you do earns XP, but if you don't plan ahead, a lot of what you do might not actually be helping you make story progress. If that makes sense. I check the game as often as I can, visit all my neighbors daily, and read up on the coming goals to plan ahead, and I feel like I'm farther ahead than my level indicates (I base this on my neighbors, but I could be wrong). I'm level 31 and working on the earliest parts of glimmergate, building the faerie respite, earliest parts of dragon egg... and almost finished with troll tribe 5.

04-15-15, 09:45 AM
ReadySetGo -- what guide are you using for doing quests? I also feel a little lost on what I should be doing first. Thanks for any help!

04-15-15, 09:45 AM
Thank you both - all that does make sense. I only recently started looking at the forums to see what my upcoming goals are and it is helping a lot with planning and not spinning my wheels. As I mentioned, I'm at level 35 and have had my fairy respite and troll castle finished for a while. I'm finally close to having all 10 bestiaries so I can move forward in the dragon quest and I'm currently forging the Glimmergate key. I see that I will need to craft a bunch of different meals soon so I spent my waiting time when I was trying to get silver and bestiaries to make all the components I need for those four meals so all I have to do is craft when prompted. Now I'm crafting a second sweet feast in case I need to do the burning sands adventure more than once to get the burning ember.

04-15-15, 10:00 AM
ReadySetGo -- what guide are you using for doing quests? I also feel a little lost on what I should be doing first. Thanks for any help!


Just figure out where you are in each of the chains and you can read ahead. The Help Me thread (it's a sticky) is also a great place to post to get advice on which goals to do first.

04-15-15, 10:04 AM
Thank you both - all that does make sense. I only recently started looking at the forums to see what my upcoming goals are and it is helping a lot with planning and not spinning my wheels. As I mentioned, I'm at level 35 and have had my fairy respite and troll castle finished for a while. I'm finally close to having all 10 bestiaries so I can move forward in the dragon quest and I'm currently forging the Glimmergate key. I see that I will need to craft a bunch of different meals soon so I spent my waiting time when I was trying to get silver and bestiaries to make all the components I need for those four meals so all I have to do is craft when prompted. Now I'm crafting a second sweet feast in case I need to do the burning sands adventure more than once to get the burning ember.

You're a little further ahead than I am - I'm doing dark caves adventures for the scroll in the glimmergate quest, then I will have to wait forever to get enough mithril to make the key. I am almost ready to build the faerie respite, then I will have a long, long road ahead to upgrade it. I would guess that I'll probably be around level 35-36 when I finish all this. At least, I hope it doesn't take any longer than that to get the mithril. I guess it easily could.

Anyway, yeah, that's what I meant by planning ahead. I hadn't been doing any dark caves for a long time before I got to this part, so that I'd be ready with several feasts already made so that I could do as many adventures as it took. I'm also not doing any desert sands for the same reason - I'm working to craft sweet feasts as much as I can, but I won't actually go on the adventures until I'm at that point in the dragon quest line. I think this kind of planning helps things go more smoothly overall.

04-15-15, 10:32 AM
Thank you both - all that does make sense. I only recently started looking at the forums to see what my upcoming goals are and it is helping a lot with planning and not spinning my wheels. As I mentioned, I'm at level 35 and have had my fairy respite and troll castle finished for a while. I'm finally close to having all 10 bestiaries so I can move forward in the dragon quest and I'm currently forging the Glimmergate key. I see that I will need to craft a bunch of different meals soon so I spent my waiting time when I was trying to get silver and bestiaries to make all the components I need for those four meals so all I have to do is craft when prompted. Now I'm crafting a second sweet feast in case I need to do the burning sands adventure more than once to get the burning ember.

You'll be very lucky if you get it the first time. I'm on my 10th run via the 2tina account and still haven't gotten one. :(

04-15-15, 10:37 AM
ReadySetGo -- what guide are you using for doing quests? I also feel a little lost on what I should be doing first. Thanks for any help!

You should look over the HUB thread in general, as it may help you overall with the game. :)


04-15-15, 12:03 PM
Thank you both - all that does make sense. I only recently started looking at the forums to see what my upcoming goals are and it is helping a lot with planning and not spinning my wheels. As I mentioned, I'm at level 35 and have had my fairy respite and troll castle finished for a while. I'm finally close to having all 10 bestiaries so I can move forward in the dragon quest and I'm currently forging the Glimmergate key. I see that I will need to craft a bunch of different meals soon so I spent my waiting time when I was trying to get silver and bestiaries to make all the components I need for those four meals so all I have to do is craft when prompted. Now I'm crafting a second sweet feast in case I need to do the burning sands adventure more than once to get the burning ember.

The burning ember is a rare sands adventure drop. I've had 2 eggs sitting in inventory for months & months & I do the sands adventure at least 3 or 4 times a week. Still waiting :). So keep making those sweet feasts every day or so if possible cuz you're gonna need a bunch.

04-15-15, 04:22 PM
You might also benefit from looking at the newly updated Story Outline Guide - link in my signature below. :)

04-15-15, 06:16 PM
You'll be very lucky if you get it the first time. I'm on my 10th run via the 2tina account and still haven't gotten one. :(
Ugh - your tenth? That takes a lot of patience! I've actually got two sweet feasts made and am working on the components for a third and fourth, but I need some of that for the Glimmergate too. Looks like a lot of dessert making for me!

04-15-15, 06:18 PM
Just play in the pace you like, and try not to empty your stock too soon, especially when it's on something you have difficulties restocking (eg. wool is often a rare drop).

Don't concentrate on that burning ember, it will come one day. But it sure can be your 10th or 20th try, so don't feel like focussend on it: it will only get your spirit down.

Try to have atleast 1 feast (+ enough of the other nessecitities) in stock, so, when an event needs you to send an event, you don't have to make it first. Try not te send an adventure shortly before update-day. Read the thread about thinks we wish everybody knew when they started playing.

Enjoy the game, once you've finished all goals, you won't have anything left to do but wait till the next update...

04-16-15, 03:10 AM
I did the same thing by visiting my neighbours daily I levelled up about once a week. At level 50 I hadn't even got to the Glimmergate if I remember correctly. I've just got Kaz back so am now working on glimmer magic quests. I've got many expansions left to go to, frantically doing the egg and milk trade. As I'm going to start running out of space. That for me is the only possible down side - room for stuff.