View Full Version : Non edible gifts

04-07-15, 12:38 AM
Hi, i have no idea what to do with all the things i recive from neighbors that are not food, dont know if have any way to use them. I'll appreciate any help with this.

I love getting cakes,chocolates, etc, but i also appreciate the kind of gifts i dont even know how to use, just wish that i can use them somehow.

04-07-15, 01:57 AM

You will need the parts to build appliances.
Look at this sticky thread.

04-08-15, 11:25 AM
Those items are used for building ovens (and a couple decor pieces). You'll see some ovens in the list with a little box icon in the corner, these are ovens you have to construct with parts. Goal ovens also have to be constructed with parts. A lot of goals introduce new parts, but a lot of parts get reused. They are nice to stockpile so when needed you can just build your appliances without having to ask/wait for the needed parts.

04-09-15, 12:03 PM
Thank you very much!! Great to know why im stocking all that LOL.