View Full Version : Question about catalog slots and accepting friends

04-05-15, 12:04 PM
What level do you stop getting additional slots for the catalog? I THINK I'm at it - I'm level 43, and I have 24 slots after purchasing two with gems, and I thought I remembered from my last account that the given slots end up with 2 slots after a certain amount of 4 piece outfits - so you are kind of hanging, and if you want to do a complete outfit at the same time, you would have to purchase slots (at least, that's what I did, because I got in the habit that as soon as I could place the orders for all four pieces, I would - I understand other people configure their orders differently than I do).

Also, friends. How many do many of you limit yourselves to, once you've gotten past the stages where there any goals anymore?

Thanks for your feedback.

04-05-15, 01:12 PM
I've never purchased slot, on purpose or on accident, so I still have 22. I used to order entire outfits until they were level 2.

Now that I'm 99 and fully expanded, my ordering plan is totally different. I tend to still work on the new catalogues and getting them up to 2, while also picking one long time and one shorter timed catalogue to "farm" all the way to 4. So the long timed one I'll just pick one or two items, and overnight I order just those, with just a couple of the newer catalogue if it's a long timer as well. If it's a weekend or I otherwise have the free time, I do 3 and 4 hour catalogues during the day, again with just and item or two out of each.

I try my hardest to do that to earn more gems. At the same time I try and fit these items into a fully decorated shop. This is, I suppose, the thing I love to do in the game. Try and farm gems while ALSO maintaining a fully planned out shop, not just rows of hangers and tables. Which I understand what people do that, I just like to decorate a lot, too!

04-05-15, 06:40 PM
Okay, so what about neighbors? Amounts, do you keep accepting new neighbors all the way to max level, etc? It just struck me that (and this is my third account, but my "best" account as far as keeping my star rating up) sometimes I have something like 10 neighbor requests per day, at level 43.

04-06-15, 04:46 PM
I am at a much higher level right now, so I have stopped accepting most neighbour requests. Most of these players trawl forums like this for usernames to make up their numbers. Many of them won't be playing for long as they are merely meeting goal requirements. Some of them only send meeting invites so that they can see your store layout as this is the only way to find someone's store. I no longer accept invites unless they are at a level in the high 90s, I recognise them from this forum, or they ask me really really nicely on my wall with a personalised message. This is also partly due to me playing a little less these days and in general being a bad neighbour more often than not :p

If you still need neighbours to meet expansion requirements, I would say it doesn't hurt, but if you do not need more neighbours I would be more selective. Cleaning up abandoned neighbours is a tedious task.

04-08-15, 08:14 PM
I am at a much higher level right now, so I have stopped accepting most neighbour requests. Most of these players trawl forums like this for usernames to make up their numbers. Many of them won't be playing for long as they are merely meeting goal requirements. Some of them only send meeting invites so that they can see your store layout as this is the only way to find someone's store. I no longer accept invites unless they are at a level in the high 90s, I recognise them from this forum, or they ask me really really nicely on my wall with a personalised message. This is also partly due to me playing a little less these days and in general being a bad neighbour more often than not :p

If you still need neighbours to meet expansion requirements, I would say it doesn't hurt, but if you do not need more neighbours I would be more selective. Cleaning up abandoned neighbours is a tedious task.

I'm pretty much to the point where I'm only going to be accepting neighbors that are under level 20 or 25 or so. That puts them above the threshold where they are given goals in the other games to get to that level so they can get a reward (gems or gold). Fewer abandoned accounts that way, but as it is (I'm going to clean house and get the abandoned accounts out next week) I have over 250 neighbors. Of course, a fraction of that visit me every day - even if you only play one team lava game, you can't possibly visit all of your neighbors in a day in all games at higher levels unless you do nothing else all day long.