View Full Version : ANDROID PLAYERS: There's a new update coming!

03-26-15, 04:13 AM
HOPE WE'LL GET IT TOMORROW!! And hope all the articles included in previous update that never arrived are included in this new update. Let's see what happens tomorrow......

03-26-15, 04:38 AM
I play in farm story 2 and Im not disappointed welkome your company policy. I dont understand why the game on ois is more interesting tnat on android for special task /easter egg hund/ . This is not the egual treatment on their customers. Why someone is more favorable to the title of having the i pad i phone that players running android. This game is wery boring.

03-26-15, 04:52 AM
I play in farm story 2 and Im not disappointed welkome your company policy. I dont understand why the game on ois is more interesting tnat on android for special task /easter egg hund/ . This is not the egual treatment on their customers. Why someone is more favorable to the title of having the i pad i phone that players running android. This game is wery boring.

Is true there's not an equal treatment, and I'm allways posting and asking why the updates for android are so delayed..... but iOS players never receive gems when a new version of this game arrives ....... I must be honest with this point.

03-26-15, 05:27 AM
I don't see where this info is at in Google Play.

03-26-15, 05:58 AM
There a new update on google play

03-26-15, 08:13 AM
Oh...I thought there was another update within Bagel Cafe since it has some bugs.

03-26-15, 12:52 PM
well, i hope we ll get a gem offer to install it, if not i wont get it :P

03-26-15, 03:55 PM
I play in farm story 2 and Im not disappointed welkome your company policy. I dont understand why the game on ois is more interesting tnat on android for special task /easter egg hund/ . This is not the egual treatment on their customers. Why someone is more favorable to the title of having the i pad i phone that players running android. This game is wery boring.

There is a difference playing games on different platforms. Its not Storm8 that controls this. Its the App Stores.

I have played other games with other companys and it is like this allover. There will always be a difference no matter what platform you play the game on. Whether Android or Apple or Kindle.

This is why people go thru there App Store and leave complaints there and rate it a 1 star.

Android uses Google Play Store, ios which is iphone and Apple uses iTunes, and Kindle I think is Amazon. do not quote me on that. Please complain to the App Store that you play your game on.. Eventually they will do something to change it.

We did this with Dragon Story game and now Android users now have ios features on our game. Not all but most of it. Kindle still has yet to update.

03-26-15, 03:59 PM
Is true there's not an equal treatment, and I'm allways posting and asking why the updates for android are so delayed..... but iOS players never receive gems when a new version of this game arrives ....... I must be honest with this point.

ios players do not get gems because it is iTunes that is not allowing it. This is not Storm8 fault. Go to iTunes and complain there and leave a 1 star rating then maybe iTunes will change this in the future.

I have read this in the forums under Dragon Story.

03-26-15, 05:02 PM
and Kindle I think is Amazon. do not quote me on that.

Yes kindle is amazon

03-26-15, 05:44 PM
Is true there's not an equal treatment, and I'm allways posting and asking why the updates for android are so delayed..... but iOS players never receive gems when a new version of this game arrives ....... I must be honest with this point.

yeah, this is usually the one point in android's favor (although obviously the recent update brought a second point). does anyone know why android has so many versions? i mean, i absolutely love the free gems and am in no way complaining about them, i've just always been curious as to why some updates require new versions and others don't. i'll probably never have an answer. oh well!

03-26-15, 06:39 PM
yeah, this is usually the one point in android's favor (although obviously the recent update brought a second point). does anyone know why android has so many versions? i mean, i absolutely love the free gems and am in no way complaining about them, i've just always been curious as to why some updates require new versions and others don't. i'll probably never have an answer. oh well!

It's been said that its a form of marketing. Keep the players interested. Keep them needing to go to the App Store to download the game. Otherwise with just one version they may forget it's there, not check it, not play, not pay real money...
The gems are an incentive. Kind of like when bakery and Google worked together and gave free items to bakeries players. We had a big fat android robot with candy in its tummy as a prize. I also love the free gems. My smaller shops have so many awesome things because of them.

Now ios doesn't play that foolishness. You will not keep writing them to approve a new version of a game, that's easier to code and was initially created for iOS platforms. Because you know...they're busy and all. This is why we see those not so true comments, saying free gems aren't given as a result of games being downloaded. Yeah, they are.

I play other games that had us downloading items for free gems. We didn't get them. Some players complained. Itunes put an end to it.

But the player who didn't hit the switch for the last RS goal needs to be demoted. And bakery whatever the last version is (I can't keep up) stinks.

I have to restart my phone every time I use it. Or it takes up my entire screen. And excuse you but I have a cute pic of Chris Evans on my screen!!!

03-27-15, 02:07 AM
I can't believe I just got the fast food goal, literally right after I downloaded that version (but luckily went to castle story before opening, so I knew to collect my goals before playing.)

But the player who didn't hit the switch for the last RS goal needs to be demoted. And bakery whatever the last version is (I can't keep up) stinks.

I have to restart my phone every time I use it. Or it takes up my entire screen. And excuse you but I have a cute pic of Chris Evans on my screen!!!

I'm assuming this is more sarcasm?

03-27-15, 03:36 AM
ok, today we got fast food.........now begins the expectation for the new update, do we have to wait 1 month and 9 days like we waited for fast food????

03-27-15, 04:10 AM
I can't believe I just got the fast food goal, literally right after I downloaded that version (but luckily went to castle story before opening, so I knew to collect my goals before playing.)

I'm assuming this is more sarcasm?

Gasp....! What kind of woman do you think I am...to make a joke about Chris Evans? O.o....have you seen his chest? The nerve!

Finally...I can download the game and get the gems. If I order some clothes I suppose and find a clever way to care enough to check on time in time, maybe I can order a nice display on fashion.

03-30-15, 10:05 PM
Does this update have anything to do with andoid not getting bagel sandwich recipes on basic stove? I was looking for a place where i could ask because im not able to get the recipes & didnt know they existed until a few days ago so i started inquiring & most nbrs have itbon their basic stove but didnt realize it could be a glitch. What should I do? I play on Android

03-31-15, 02:43 PM
Does this update have anything to do with andoid not getting bagel sandwich recipes on basic stove? I was looking for a place where i could ask because im not able to get the recipes & didnt know they existed until a few days ago so i started inquiring & most nbrs have itbon their basic stove but didnt realize it could be a glitch. What should I do? I play on Android

You can download the version Bagel Cafe from Google store, is available, that if you don't mind loosing the gems that comes with the update. Maybe this friday the update arrives to the Android world and you will have the recipes and the gems. But I cannot assure that this will happen on friday. The last update, Fast food took 1 month and 9 days to arrive. You'll have to choose to wait or to download, is up to you.

04-03-15, 07:19 AM
Ok this week we didn't receive bagel cafe update are we beginning a month expectation like we have to expect with fast food????

Please if you're not a 3/4 stars player who have been playing for a long time - don' send invitations to be neighbours - i only play with those who play.

04-10-15, 02:01 AM
Another week without bagel update!!!! Again we'll have to wait one month to get this??? Why?????

Why this allways happens with rs updates and not with bs????? Somebody understand this??

04-17-15, 12:29 AM
Got a pop-up to install RS Earth Day today on reset. Now we've totally skipped the Bagel Cafe version hmm...

04-17-15, 01:43 AM
I got the goal to install earth day. Bagel cafe was the version before Earth Day.. it should be in google play

04-17-15, 08:37 PM
Yay I got the goal to install Earth Day! I want all of the new content :) However I did notice a few things that are missing.

1.) I never got a goal update like others to download Bagel Cafe which I was really excited about. So when I got Earth Day I thought for sure the Bagel content would be available on it, but it's not.... I will probably have to download Bagel to get it.

2.) The loading screen for Earth Day shows a gorgeous dessert with a blueish purple color on it. I didn't see a new recipe for that? I hope it gets released this coming week.

3.)The pop up content for goal items being removed. Regardless if a person was playing at this time, this content should be available to all players. I don't understand why people that were playing during this goal, but did not participate are able to purchase these items. Yet newer players that started after this goal can not....

04-18-15, 02:28 AM
Got a pop-up to install RS Earth Day today on reset. Now we've totally skipped the Bagel Cafe version hmm...

Probably gotten wait more than one month later for the pop-up. Hahaha... :p