View Full Version : game migration - new phone

03-22-15, 09:38 PM
hi everyone.
i have been happily playing for a couple of years now, and i recently got a new phone.
i tried to migrate the game as a thread suggested, but there was no "put your username here" and the password only prompted me to create a new password.
i emailed team lava as well, and got an automated email that didn't help.

so... help?

03-22-15, 10:37 PM
You must have a password set up (same as here in forum to log in). Did you download a game with a login feature first? (Like Bakery or Wonderland or racing or Restaurant?) You just need to go to the S8 logo top right of screen to put in your ID and password. It then asks if you want to transfer All games.

03-22-15, 10:58 PM
i have castle story...
i do, of course, have a password and login for it, but when i downloaded it for the new phone,
it didn't really give me the option to input any of that info.
maybe i'm not looking in the right place?

03-23-15, 12:52 AM
No... You need to download anything other than castle. Delete castle off your new phone. I find Bakery Story the easiest as you have to do the least things to be able to get to the S8 icon. Try again :)

03-23-15, 06:16 AM
i have castle story...
i do, of course, have a password and login for it, but when i downloaded it for the new phone,
it didn't really give me the option to input any of that info.
maybe i'm not looking in the right place?

It really is very easy once you know where to look. I use both my iPhone game and my iPad game on my iPad only now, and just log off of one and onto the other, and vice versa. That is basically all you're doing here, logging into your game on your new phone.

Download RS or BS.
In the lower left corner you'll see "Main". Click on that and then click on "Social"
Go to the "Invite Friends" tab. You'll see your Storm ID and then "account settings". Click on "account settings"
You'll have the option of "Log in to Another Account". You click on that and just type in your Storm ID and your Password.
All your games under that Storm ID will now be recognized on your new device. You just need to download the Apps again.

03-23-15, 07:52 AM
it totally did the trick!

now... should i erase the game from the old phone? just curious as to whether it would make sense to leave it there...

thank you so much!

03-23-15, 07:59 AM
it totally did the trick!

now... should i erase the game from the old phone? just curious as to whether it would make sense to leave it there...

thank you so much!

If you're not going to use your old phone or play the game on it, you might as well erase it. But, if you do still plan to use it for gaming reasons, then you can log into your game on it and still play it there as well.

For instance, when I leave the house and don't feel like taking the iPad with me. I just log into my queentina3 Storm ID and play my main games on my phone while I'm out. When I get back home I just log back in on my phone as 2tina so that my queentina3 (main games) can be logged out of that device and I play them again on my iPad. :)

I love the log in feature, it's so handy!