View Full Version : Bait shop vs studio

03-14-15, 02:04 PM
Can anyone give me some feed back or their opinion on which would be a better purchase.....the bait shop or a 2nd studio?

03-14-15, 02:15 PM
Well you need the bait shop in order to make lures for fishing, but I'm not sure if your asking about a 2nd bait shop as well???? Personally I get by with one studio but I have 3 slots open and haven't had a problem making train orders or goals requiring use of it - though I do have to say I've used the paper and neighbors help a few times. :o

03-14-15, 07:54 PM
Yes, I was referring to a 2nd bait shop vs a 2nd studio. I apologize for not being more clear in my original post!

03-14-15, 07:57 PM
I guess it is up to you and how you're playing then. Do you run out of bait more often then you run out of items in the studio? When you take into consideration how long things take to make compared to how often you're using/selling them, which do you run out of faster and which do you think you need more often? Once you have the answer to that you can decide which you want to purchase a second one of. :)

03-14-15, 08:41 PM
Good point. Thank you for your help

03-15-15, 03:51 AM
The 2nd bait shop is more profitible and more likely to be more useful particularly if you need to do train orders - there is more opportunity to find the fish you need.

Studio scarf
2 wool costs 77, sells at 94. Profit of 17 per hour

Studio flowers
1 wool, 2 flax costs 80, sells at 101. Profit of 21 per 2 hours

2 wheat,2 corn costs 21. Anchovy sells at 56. Profit of 33 per 1.5 hour

So even if you catch anchovies you make more profit than scarfs/flowers but there is also a chance you could catch catfish, bass and even parts in the pond.

Second bait shop is a good investment.

03-15-15, 08:11 AM
Thank you for the profit breakdown. I think the 2nd bait shop is definitely the better deal when I look at it like that. ��

03-15-15, 10:08 AM
Not only that but selling bait probably brings you in more as well, especially during events that you may not want to partake in but others do, and the bait is necessary for the event. :)

03-15-15, 04:30 PM
Another good point! Thank you all for your input on this.....it's nice to have a place to go to get answers from people who are at higher levels & have more experience playing the game. ����

01-01-16, 12:14 PM
Sorry still don't understand. How to get the 2nd bait?

01-01-16, 06:32 PM
You can buy the 2nd bait shop from your Market under buildings tab. If that option is unavailable to you, you can buy it at later level. Thanks.