View Full Version : Idea for a self-done goal, and request for help with mine!

02-27-15, 12:20 PM
SO I've set myself a new goal of finishing off the quest buildings I didnt manage to finish when the quests were up for them. I'm doing it by earning the gems to finish them (I figure it wouldnt be much of a goal if I bought them...) I only have 2; the kingdom inn and the reindeer stable. I have two questions...

How much is the reindeer gems-wise?? When I next level up my reindeer stable that's all I'll need ( I think)

Does the kingdom inn drop any xmas goal items from Polaris? The current description for it in the market suggests it does, but maybe thats just what it did originally??

02-27-15, 01:26 PM
The inn drops wisps and the stable drops sugar & ice cream. No quest items anymore. So gems is the only option. As for the cost of upgrading I don't know. Maybe in the quest thread you can find information (see the HUB).

02-27-15, 03:04 PM
Kingdom Inn (Lv.10) Optional Wisp Resource Bldg.(3x3)
available at Market 200 gems (already built)

Reindeer Stables (Lv.22+) Optional Ice Cream (and sugar drops) Resource Bldg. (3x3)
available at Market 200 gems (already built)

02-27-15, 03:06 PM
Rain deer stable drops furs too

02-28-15, 08:08 AM
reindeer iss 150 gems i think.dont quote me on that im not entirely sure. I remember having to finish my stable with gems, and honestly ive never once regretted it. totally worth it. tons of sugar, ice cream, and fur. really helped when i was crafting sweet feasts like crazy looking for burning ember.