View Full Version : Why keep repeat Dragons?

02-24-15, 09:46 PM
I often wonder why anyone keeps more then one Dragon of the same. I don't have every Dragon yet but I am working on it. Everytime I get a repeat I either trade or sell the older one. With the limited amount of space we have more the one is a waste. I have plenty of room for new ones and I don't have any hibernating in storage. I have 185 Dragons not counting my Arctic Isle ones and only 80 Habitats All The Islands are filled with more decorations then Habitats and I am now working on getting more Islands thru mining. So my advice to anyone who needs more space start getting rid of your doubles, you don't need them.

02-25-15, 01:31 AM
Some doubles are awesome, some bring in a lot of cash. Everyone has their own reasons to keep them. Or throw them into the deep pits of destruction

02-25-15, 01:45 AM
No no no, the dragons are never destroyed! The horror of it! We either send them to that dragon loving place where they are worth costly gems, or sell them very cheaply ( presumably to poor little orphans who can't afford much but love dragons )
I keep a few ultra rare doubles, plus a lv 4 Dawntree who is awesome in the arena. Won many tourneys, love him to bits.

02-25-15, 06:10 AM
I keep repeats so they can produce gold for me until I need the space for newer dragons.
If I get a duplicate I evolve it once and name it 'TRADE' so I know not to waste any more apples on leveling it up further.
Once I have a dragon ready to place in a habitat but have no space I then send a TRADE dragon to the trading post to make room for the new one. I try to make sure I trade a dragon with the lowest hourly income first; the higher-earning dragons are worth keeping longer for obvious reasons. :)

Maybe later I'll start keeping extras of the dragons I really like, but for now I'm enjoying the challenge of filling the album with as many dragons as I can.

02-25-15, 09:33 AM
When I started out, I kept as many as I could, to make money faster. Expansions, clearing obstacles, and special habitats are expensive when you are beginning! Keep the duplicates that make the most money for you. If you get lucky enough to get a diamond, spend a little time breeding for Crusader, Quetzal, and Infinity. They are the easiest to breed, with short fail times. Then level them up, and get separate habitats for them. They are great money makers! Now I only keep doubles if I have a space in a special habitat, like an extra Rainbow type. I have 435 of 438 dragons available to me, not including the 3 new Craftables(arena, mine and quest). I just don't have any room for duplicates most of the time. Most of my Diamond hybrids are in regular habitats, because I don't have enough habitats or room to keep them all separate.
Good Luck!

02-25-15, 01:15 PM
I keep repeats to either trade for gems/crafting supplies or - when I started out - to get all the coins I could to play. It helped a lot. Now I can afford to not keep them for the coins, but for crafting happens quite a lot. OH. I also always keep a duplicate fire because then if a breeding comes up that needs a fire dragon so I can narrow the odds, I don't have to worry about mine being out questing for gold.

02-25-15, 03:14 PM
I keep repeats to either trade for gems/crafting supplies or - when I started out - to get all the coins I could to play. It helped a lot. Now I can afford to not keep them for the coins, but for crafting happens quite a lot. OH. I also always keep a duplicate fire because then if a breeding comes up that needs a fire dragon so I can narrow the odds, I don't have to worry about mine being out questing for gold.

i do same as well or for the battle arena also :)

02-25-15, 03:17 PM
I will also keep dupes if they are good in the arena besides all the other good ideas mentioned above.

02-25-15, 03:21 PM
On THIS account (my old account that I abandoned a week ago), I kept repeat dragons for pretty much the same reason the others are saying - cash production. Level it up as easy as I can while still attempting for those tons of dragons I hadn't gotten to breed yet. I would even build a new habitat for a multiple (for that, I'm talking about a multiple of a hybrid), and then if I ran out of room, I would sell one of the hybrid taking up space in a habitat I needed. I don't know how many multiples of the Olympus themed dragons I had since I was still trying for some, but they were all over my islands. Three Olympus habitats, plus others in color appropriate habitats. Same with even the earliest and simplest of hybrids. If you want cash to keep planting, especially Diamontes, and to keep expanding, you need the multiples.