View Full Version : Prices on new sauce items - wrong?

02-15-15, 06:17 AM
I am still waiting on my sauce maker to be built but I have a couple of neighbours already selling batches of 10s :p of one of the new items for over 26,000 coins.

It's the one made in the fryer with bananas and sauce. One item selling for 2600 seems a lot to me.

I've bought some chocolate sauce in the market. Lowest price is 494 but max price is 1183. Such a large variation in price is not normal but would explain why the finished item with 2 sauces sells for 2600.

02-15-15, 01:11 PM
Caramel sauce cost to make 700 coins (I don't know what it sells at yet as do not have one to check)
3 brown sugar = 231
2 butter = 168
2 sugar = 112
3 cream = 189

Chocolate sauce costs to make 1134 and sells at 1183
2 brown sugar = 154
2 butter = 168
2 sugar = 112
1 sauce = 700

The banana recipe in the fryer needs 2 chocolate sauces, so that's why it is selling at 2600.

02-15-15, 02:34 PM
I just bought 10 chocolate sundaes for 41,790 coins :eek:

02-19-15, 02:21 AM
I'll post it here aswell. I should sell 4 brownies for 4788 but I cant even raise it with 1 coin??
It' s stuck on 3752 now which is 1000 coins less then expected. Please fix?


02-19-15, 03:36 AM
I think the cost of the chocolate sauce has gone down noe it doesn't need the caramel sauce. So all the recipes which use the chocolate sauce will be cheaper as a result.

02-19-15, 04:49 AM
Some response on this from TL would have been helpful. There are some people posting about this, confused, in other threads.

I know TL has read this because they have changed the price on the Chocolate sauce by removing caramel sauce from it, replacing it with chocolate and adjusting the price accordingly. Some people have lost money and the market price looks odd because it has not caught up with the new prices.

But TL have you changed all the prices of the items which use chocolate sauce ??

Chocolate brownie costs 859 to make and sells for 938
Chocolate sundae costs 3055 to make and sells for 3087
Ice cream sundae costs 2179 to make and sells for 2758
Fried banana costs 1534 to make and sells for 2649

02-19-15, 04:54 AM
And just a note for anyone tempted on the high prices on these items thinking they can make lots of profit for their farms.....this is not how the game works.

The more complicated recipe, the higher the price, the more money you lose on your farm in your resource buildings/plots as you make it.

And the higher the price of an item the more money you lose in plane/train deliveries as you usually only get about half the price back.

Whilst some players who may just like the variety of making different things would welcome this others who need to make coins to get on and participate in events should really avoid making these new items, in my opinion.

02-19-15, 11:00 AM
Actually this is quite easy money as it doesn't take long and it requires simple items. Sugar / brown sugar / chocolate and butter are not that diffiult.
I'm on a full-time job, not much time to play FS2 and Ive made 5 chocolate brownies in 1,5 day. But it doesn't sell very good if we keep recuding the prices TL ;-)