View Full Version : Team Lava Walk Your Talk

02-10-15, 02:49 PM
One question...when I accidentally spent a zillion gems speeding up my knights on adventure and contacted tl, their response was "all of your actions are final " . Okay so why aren't theirs? WALK YOUR TALK!!!!

02-10-15, 03:21 PM
true that!
I have an on topic suggestion......stop making the awesome forum mods your henchmen.

Watch how fast they close this thread!

02-13-15, 11:07 AM
Mary--that's never going to happen! At the beginning, you could email the developers and get an answer back in a few hours or a day. The answer would be the same--"sorry, but tough luck"-- or, some technical thing that basically meant the same thing. Now the moderators handle the lifting, and they are great, by the way, but they shouldn't have to take the brunt of the problems.

i know several long-time players who would've abandoned the game completely if they hadn't invested so much time and money into it, myself included, and there have been some who did abandon it, regardless of investments. My husband and I both play, so we've invested twice the amount of money, time and energy, but it's an activity that we can enjoy together. We'd hate to let the ridiculous stuff take away our fun, but it's getting close to that. It wouldn't help, in the first place--TL doesn't care if they lose a handful of players--they have so many other games and enough people to play them, what's a band of critics who have their noses out of joint?

kooky panda
02-13-15, 11:20 AM
Please continue your discussions on the Wedding Alicorn on the current thread here. (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78196-Castle-Story-2-5-15-The-Big-News)