View Full Version : Fashion Story Update: 2-10-2015

02-10-15, 10:48 AM
Update is here...

Casual Catalog - Cool Mint (1 hour)

Quite a few items on 6 Day Sale.

Thin Rustic Turquoise (6 Day Sale)
Rustic Turquoise (6 Day Sale)
Eclectic (6 Day Sale)

Dressing Room
Electic (6 Day Sale)

Wall Decor
Mint Wallhang

Eclectic Elephant (6 Day Sale)
Cowboy Boot Shelf (6 Day Sale)
Mint Elephant
Runway Mint
Eclectic Mirror (6 Day Sale)
Standing Parasol (6 Day Sale)

Mint Wallpaper


Hello all. I have been waiting for today's update since last week's update. I'm excited to see what's next.

P.S. Sorry I wasn't on that much last week. I have been having back problems. Going to the doctor tomorrow.

02-10-15, 10:50 AM
Hope youre feeling better!! Im also expecting a great valentines day display for today, but if its a new edition we (android users) are screwed lol

02-10-15, 11:19 AM
So anxious to see today's update. They'd better not disappoint us this time! Where is that hot pink dress we've been asking for for so long?

I hope there's new floor decor and some more re-released content and box items unboxed. I tried so many times for Pucker-Up Display and Romantic Diner with no luck. I want to be able to just buy them after a year of failed attempts.

I would love to see the Teddy Bear Display, Afternoon Picnic and Be Mine Catalogue re-released today too. The Red Hot Runway would be so perfect this time of the year. So many items that I would buy gems for if they gave me a reason to.

02-10-15, 12:10 PM
Naturally I get a stupid gems sale today. Only thing that would make me maybe, perhaps, attempt to consider dreaming about potentially getting some would be something fantastic.

Like the stockings display, the large vase flowers from the paris box, something old and unique overall.

Just dont let it be the pucker up display. Im stingy and selfish.

02-10-15, 12:13 PM
Good luck with your doctor's appointment, Isis. I hope you get some relief soon!

As always, I'm hoping for colors, lots of magnificent colors, for coins. :-)

CuteTali, I like your list and would add Mardi Gras colors to it as an alternative to the pink and red we want. The Pucker Up display is great and I would like to have it, too. Sorry, Orleans.

02-10-15, 12:13 PM
Naturally I get a stupid gems sale today. Only thing that would make me maybe, perhaps, attempt to consider dreaming about potentially getting some would be something fantastic.

Like the stockings display, the large vase flowers from the paris box, something old and unique overall.

Just dont let it be the pucker up display. Im stingy and selfish.

lol why? you dont want no one else to experience the happiness from having it lool

02-10-15, 12:46 PM
1hr catalog
http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s75/jmam_7112_album/Fashion%20Story/A5AACFDB-7EA0-43FB-B305-4847FDECB292.png.jpeg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/jmam_7112_album/media/Fashion%20Story/A5AACFDB-7EA0-43FB-B305-4847FDECB292.png.jpeg.html)
http://i149.photobucket.com/albums/s75/jmam_7112_album/Fashion%20Story/3387E0EA-4F01-4CE9-AE13-71444783691A.png.jpeg (http://s149.photobucket.com/user/jmam_7112_album/media/Fashion%20Story/3387E0EA-4F01-4CE9-AE13-71444783691A.png.jpeg.html)

02-10-15, 12:47 PM
mint?! O_O and that belt looks like from last weeks update

well at least the shirt is coins!

02-10-15, 12:51 PM
I bought the mint display, 30gems and fashion related. Not spectaculat but at least not a random theme.

02-10-15, 12:51 PM
So 4 days before Valentine's day we get a MINT theme? Seriously? And the only NEW items we got for Vday was a Cinderela display and another WHITE catalogue last week?
Well I guess I should be thankfull for getting a mint theme and not a white or grey theme.
And they even didn't design a new different belt!
Maybe I sound more harsh because I'm hurting but still,very dissapointed.

02-10-15, 12:52 PM
Ooh, a 1 hour catalogue! And it has color!!! This looks like a suggestion of someone's.....

The shoes are adorable! The belt looks the same as the one we got last week though.

Looks like the model of discounting existing stuff that matches the new catalogue is still holding. Old matching tables, racks and dressing room (all the mint color), are discounted. I see one new wall d?cor for coins. There is also a floor d?cor Pink elephant from the old Vday box? 22 gems. Also the old cowboy booth shelf is discounted.

There is a new Mint colored elephant for 12 gems, and a mint runway for 30 gems I'd love to see a better pic of the runway if anyone can post it, I don't have enough gems to preview it.

02-10-15, 12:52 PM
Really? It's the last update before vday and specifically this week, the theme has to be mint??? Where is all the pink and red we've been asking for.....?

What a disappointment.

If this was any other week though I'd be all happy about this update. The catalogue is nice, we get both the shirt and another lovely bow belt (keep 'em coming in more colors!) for coins and the floor display is everything I'd want for this theme, love the hanging mint wall decor and even the wallpaper is nice. I was just expecting some great big massive LTO/Box items sale just like we got in bakery and restaurant and all te other games that get special vday item sale....

02-10-15, 12:55 PM
I bought the mint display, 30gems and fashion related. Not spectaculat but at least not a random theme.

can u post pic please :D

02-10-15, 12:56 PM
not Valentine's feeling, but the runway is pretty will more than likely get it again no LTO
The catalog is short and I like that
The items on sale aren't all that great but I guess it's a sale hooray? Lol
Atleast they giving us more belts thanks TL :)

02-10-15, 12:58 PM
Look, there is also new mint wallpaper for coins. MINT! :D

02-10-15, 12:59 PM
I believe the "Cool Mint" update is here (at least for Texas). The catalog is an awsome top, skirt, heels and a belt (not valentine colors, but I am feeling these mint colors) 1hr duration . The "Runway Mint" Display is soooo cute. No valentine's stuff ;( But I am very happy with this update!!! Thanks TL

02-10-15, 01:25 PM
Wow. I didn't realize how quickly I could abandon red and pink, until I saw the mint collection. Nice!

I got the mint runway display, the mint elephant, the lovely wallpaper, and wall ornaments. I think they blend well with the Lolita display and make a nice bridge to upcoming holidays.

Haven't checked the closet items but having a short catalog with color! is outstanding! Thanks, TL!

02-10-15, 01:50 PM
can u post pic please :D

I have the Mint Runway Display in my shop if anyone wants to take a look before buying.

02-10-15, 01:58 PM
Here is the new mint runway for those asking to see it, also with the discounted counters, racks and mirror. Can't wait to redecorate for Spring :)


02-10-15, 02:14 PM
That's a nice display! Definitely getting that but no urgency as its not an LTO.

That's really lazy of TL to just include the existing TURQUOISE stuff and pretend it's the same as mint. They are two different colours! And the only true mint colour in that picture isn't even in the runway. It's the pencil skirt on the rack. The dresses on the runway aren't mint at all!

Here is the new mint runway for those asking to see it, also with the discounted counters, racks and mirror. Can't wait to redecorate for Spring :)


02-10-15, 02:17 PM
wow i love the first model so beautiful! thx so much for showing us! ^_^

02-10-15, 03:00 PM
I have the Mint Runway Display in my shop if anyone wants to take a look before buying.

Thanks Tali :)

02-10-15, 03:14 PM
The update on its own is not bad and the catalogueis cute but the timing is so wrong, we'd have a lot of time for updates like these in spring, now we could get a last Valentine update with a pretty pink dress.
At least the catalogue is finally short.

02-10-15, 03:48 PM
The update is nice as for Valentines update I think possibly TL could be holding out and do another sale or something by then. I was hoping for a dark pink catalog myself or red. I guess I'm most surprised they didn't give us more. It seems TL didn't put much into V-day this year far as creating NEW content.

02-10-15, 04:35 PM
Found this on the blog.


02-10-15, 04:49 PM
I'm a little new to FS so I still don't know what's going on about themes and decor. I am just excited that the new catalog is an hour and the top has such nice quantity. I have a lot of racks so I depend a lot on the short catalogues and I know my poor neighbors are tired of tipping pajama tops and red hoodies :)

02-10-15, 04:55 PM
I'm a little new to FS so I still don't know what's going on about themes and decor. I am just excited that the new catalog is an hour and the top has such nice quantity. I have a lot of racks so I depend a lot on the short catalogues and I know my poor neighbors are tired of tipping pajama tops and red hoodies :)

Hey, from New Orleans! If you play RS you will love the update for tomorrow.

I like the display, I'll get it later. Glad I didn't rush to buy gems. Nothing worth going Gaga over. Such a pity. What's up with giving us nothing worthy that's new for valentines? Bakery and RS get all the good stuff. Thankfully I play them religiously. Fashion nets money too. Remember this and do more!

I'm thinking the display can work with the modern display from last month, for a purple, gray and green color scheme.

02-10-15, 04:58 PM
lol why? you dont want no one else to experience the happiness from having it lool

Lol, and I "quote" a very wise person from this forum "don't forget that many of the players in FS are young girls. I'm glad to be past that time in my life". The rest of us are just young at heart >_<

02-10-15, 05:09 PM
Bitter sweet... sort of like some mints. This is a terrible update just before Valentines day, but in a way it proves TL is listening to us. A lot of people complained when the Halloween update happened as one update just before Halloween. They said that there was almost no point redecorating for the few days remaining.... so that would mean this update would be too late to really decorate for valentines day. I think we've been spoiled rotten the previous two weeks so I'm fine with this update not being Vday related.

If you absolutely needed to make the connection, it's always good to carry some mints on a vday date ;)

Btw, is it just me or are the models in the Mint Runway display giants? They look a bit oversized to me next to the other displays. I mean a 6' foot runway model isn't a 5'5" girl blown up by 10%... It's like they took something that could have been a 3x3 display and just resized it bigger to take up 4x4.

02-10-15, 05:13 PM
I really like the update c: I particularly love the wallpaper

02-10-15, 05:16 PM
I like mint. The bow does look like the one from a recent update, though.

02-10-15, 08:49 PM
Nice update this week. I love all the sales on existing items, it really helps me get items I want but don't want to spend to much on. I love the new wallpaper and the runway display, but I'm kinda sad to see only two new items. The catalog is lovely, and I really like the belts in this update and the last one. They're so cute I hope to see more in various colors. Overall great update.

02-10-15, 09:39 PM
Ooh, a 1 hour catalogue! And it has color!!! This looks like a suggestion of someone's.....

The shoes are adorable! The belt looks the same as the one we got last week though.

Looks like the model of discounting existing stuff that matches the new catalogue is still holding. Old matching tables, racks and dressing room (all the mint color), are discounted. I see one new wall d?cor for coins. There is also a floor d?cor Pink elephant from the old Vday box? 22 gems. Also the old cowboy booth shelf is discounted.

There is a new Mint colored elephant for 12 gems, and a mint runway for 30 gems I'd love to see a better pic of the runway if anyone can post it, I don't have enough gems to preview it.

The pink elephant is from the eclectic box.

02-10-15, 11:26 PM
I wonder if this is another cost cutting method, by putting older items on sale. Overall it feels like there are fewer new items actually being released/created. While I like the new discounting or releasing of compatible items, and regularly offering box items directly, I still wish they would release the same amount of new items in each the update.

02-11-15, 12:15 AM
I love this update. The mint runway is the perfect display to compliment the start of spring NY fashion week on Thursday. The wallpaper is also gorgeous.

I'm glad TL has continued to offer sale items and out of the box items this week. I have a lot of these items so there's not as much for me to buy this week. However, there was so much good stuff last week that it's good to have a little break! Thanks TL! Keep up the good work. :)

02-11-15, 12:26 AM
Rapides Parish here, Alexandria :)
Yes I do play RS and BS, I did not think I would enjoy FS but I was so wrong, although I agree and wish the decor and design selection was as abundant on FS as it is on the other 2. FS is my new favorite now because the unlimited earning potential ;)

02-11-15, 01:25 AM
Overall this change kind of worries me a little. We may not have been thrilled about each weeks update, but until recently every week we got a new display (LTO), and at least 2 more floor gem items and a couple of coin items too, as well as 2 to 3 new wall d?cor or some new tables and racks. Now we are getting one display, one wall item, and maybe one other floor item. Everything else is existing from earlier crates, or just discounted regular stuff we can buy every day.

Clearly this game has moved to a far smaller weekly update. I'm fine with this much, but I worry that it means their team shrank after the new year, and that the game really is starting it's decline. :(

02-11-15, 04:18 AM
I like the mint theme and the runaway! Not going to rush getting the display, since it's not a LTO. *phew* Too bad, there's only one pink elephant offered out of the box for sale. I was hoping to get another nice sales like the one we got last week. :(

02-11-15, 03:02 PM
I think you may be over thinking things.

The discounting of box items is to probably boost box item sales that wouldn't otherwise be bought by players due to the terrible odds. Taking items out of the box encourages gem purchases because those particular items may be what players want to obtain but they don't want to waste precious gems gambling on boxes in case they get something they don't want. I'm glad they did away with LTOs, and lowered the price of gem displays. No pressure to buy immediately because it's not an LTO but I think the reason they have continued to do it is because it's obviously working in their favour with that being yes, players don't buy the gem display immediately but MORE players are buying that gem display eventually as opposed to the very few players who can afford to buy a huge amount gems each week to splurge on LTOs. They are foregoing margin in favour of volume and that's standard business practice. If this game was declining, they would resort to a fortnightly update but instead we've continued getting weekly updates, great sales, and radical offers such as box items available in the market.

Overall this change kind of worries me a little. We may not have been thrilled about each weeks update, but until recently every week we got a new display (LTO), and at least 2 more floor gem items and a couple of coin items too, as well as 2 to 3 new wall d?cor or some new tables and racks. Now we are getting one display, one wall item, and maybe one other floor item. Everything else is existing from earlier crates, or just discounted regular stuff we can buy every day.

Clearly this game has moved to a far smaller weekly update. I'm fine with this much, but I worry that it means their team shrank after the new year, and that the game really is starting it's decline. :(

02-13-15, 01:50 PM
The update is nice. I love the wallpapers and outfit, the display is also pretty. Even though I like it, I was disappointed because it should've been Valentine's day update. We got only 1 new V day update this year. Last year we got 3...

02-13-15, 04:21 PM
I love this update. The mint runway is the perfect display to compliment the start of spring NY fashion week on Thursday. The wallpaper is also gorgeous.

I'm glad TL has continued to offer sale items and out of the box items this week. I have a lot of these items so there's not as much for me to buy this week. However, there was so much good stuff last week that it's good to have a little break! Thanks TL! Keep up the good work. :)

Right? We so needed a "Fashion Week" runway display. I was glad we got one (although I was expecting something for Valentine's day). Now all we need is a sign that says "NY Fashion Week."

02-13-15, 04:21 PM
The update is nice. I love the wallpapers and outfit, the display is also pretty. Even though I like it, I was disappointed because it should've been Valentine's day update. We got only 1 new V day update this year. Last year we got 3...

I feel the same way :( We didn't even get a special week or at least weekend long LTO and open box sale...

02-13-15, 04:25 PM
I think you may be over thinking things.

The discounting of box items is to probably boost box item sales that wouldn't otherwise be bought by players due to the terrible odds. Taking items out of the box encourages gem purchases because those particular items may be what players want to obtain but they don't want to waste precious gems gambling on boxes in case they get something they don't want. I'm glad they did away with LTOs, and lowered the price of gem displays. No pressure to buy immediately because it's not an LTO but I think the reason they have continued to do it is because it's obviously working in their favour with that being yes, players don't buy the gem display immediately but MORE players are buying that gem display eventually as opposed to the very few players who can afford to buy a huge amount gems each week to splurge on LTOs. They are foregoing margin in favour of volume and that's standard business practice. If this game was declining, they would resort to a fortnightly update but instead we've continued getting weekly updates, great sales, and radical offers such as box items available in the market.

My point is simply that NEW CONTENT has been vastly reduced. Yes, we still get something new each week, but a lot less new stuff than we used to get. Fancy sales on existing stuff require no design staff to create.

You can try and spin it how you want, but getting one display and one new item a week is a sign that their design team has been reduced. Doesn't mean the game is dying dying dead. But it does signal an obvious decline.

02-13-15, 04:27 PM
lol why? you dont want no one else to experience the happiness from having it lool

I feel the same way about my Romantic Diner and Wilderness Displays. Lol :o

02-13-15, 04:38 PM
My point was that they were offsetting the lack of additional new content with sales/offers that we wouldn't otherwise get. So in terms of quantity, we're still getting the same number of items so to speak as it's unlikely newer players already had any of the V Day items that were previous LTOs or taken out of the box. Don't forget that for all those weeks and months we had more content, we also didn't have ANY sales whatsoever and no stuff was getting taken out of boxes. If I'm counting items correctly, we actually received 5 new items this week, not 1.

My point is simply that NEW CONTENT has been vastly reduced. Yes, we still get something new each week, but a lot less new stuff than we used to get. Fancy sales on existing stuff require no design staff to create.

You can try and spin it how you want, but getting one display and one new item a week is a sign that their design team has been reduced. Doesn't mean the game is dying dying dead. But it does signal an obvious decline.

02-13-15, 05:10 PM
I feel the same way about my Romantic Diner and Wilderness Displays. Lol :o

You have the wilderness display? Respect! I love that one. In my annoyance at no new content i opened the lipstick box and won the red hoy display. I then opened the plaid box and got 3 ugly couches and two lamps. Im going to try again, so i can do my red and grey theme.

02-13-15, 05:17 PM
My point is simply that NEW CONTENT has been vastly reduced. Yes, we still get something new each week, but a lot less new stuff than we used to get. Fancy sales on existing stuff require no design staff to create.

You can try and spin it how you want, but getting one display and one new item a week is a sign that their design team has been reduced. Doesn't mean the game is dying dying dead. But it does signal an obvious decline.

I agrew with Filo,we arent inside of TLs head. We dont know what their sales were with the weekly ltos with the 6 day timer. But i have been around the community and saw the shops, after we got some super sales from them. Ive seen the forums here with all the games they have had mega sales with. They are likely trying a new formula to give us what we want, without pressure to come up with money now, knowing we will buy what we want, without waiting. Just perhaps a few days after the usual 6 day timer went.

People spend more money when they have time to decide on purchases. It means more money for them in the long term. I dont think this game is going to go the way of the original farm. Players are still excited. They lowered the lto prices down. I think it means they are listenting or have someone new in office. Whatever it is, i like it. Minus the shorter timers on sale items, when bs and rs had them up for a couple weeks.

They have no idea how much money they missed out on. I just hope they continue with this practice because again, it helps in the long term and give people a goal to work towards. I want the perfume display with the girls in gold. Im not near that level, but knowing i can get to it, without removal, gived me incentives to keep playing.

I just bought that mint display on two accounts. Because of that i want to get gem walls. Making me contemplate a small gem package. Usually if i didnt have enough gems with the old 6 day timer, id let it go.

02-13-15, 10:10 PM
The discounting of box items is to probably boost box item sales that wouldn't otherwise be bought by players due to the terrible odds. Taking items out of the box encourages gem purchases because those particular items may be what players want to obtain but they don't want to waste precious gems gambling on boxes in case they get something they don't want. I'm glad they did away with LTOs, and lowered the price of gem displays. No pressure to buy immediately because it's not an LTO but I think the reason they have continued to do it is because it's obviously working in their favour with that being yes, players don't buy the gem display immediately but MORE players are buying that gem display eventually as opposed to the very few players who can afford to buy a huge amount gems each week to splurge on LTOs. They are foregoing margin in favour of volume and that's standard business practice. If this game was declining, they would resort to a fortnightly update but instead we've continued getting weekly updates, great sales, and radical offers such as box items available in the market.
My point is simply that NEW CONTENT has been vastly reduced. Yes, we still get something new each week, but a lot less new stuff than we used to get. Fancy sales on existing stuff require no design staff to create.

You can try and spin it how you want, but getting one display and one new item a week is a sign that their design team has been reduced. Doesn't mean the game is dying dying dead. But it does signal an obvious decline. I think it's possible that both of these things are true. Maybe they weren't making enough money with the old system, so they had to reduce the design team. If this is in fact more profitable, then it could lead to an increased design team and more new items.

02-13-15, 10:35 PM
I think it's possible that both of these things are true. Maybe they weren't making enough money with the old system, so they had to reduce the design team. If this is in fact more profitable, then it could lead to an increased design team and more new items.

That's an interesting way to look at it. Business is about efficiency. So if the average FS player will only spend 50 gems every week, then creating and releasing a set of items totaling 100 gems every week is probably not great capital investment. I just wish they would rotate through more older limited items since this doesn't cost them anything (and is lost business).

The elephant in the room could be that the reduced design team is not due to lack of profitibility, but from resources being shifted to work on content for FS2, but that's just me being speculative :)

02-14-15, 04:02 AM
I was really hoping for a surprise Valentine's day sale today, but no.Valentine's in this game was a big dissapointment this year. Well I guess it's their loss, no need for me and other players to buy more gems today.

I hope in the future we'll see more new items, old stuff is good but I prefer to look forward and not behind. Just my opinion.

Happy Valentine's day to all! :o

02-14-15, 04:55 AM
If there will be an FS2, I think I will give it a miss, if it's going to be anything like the rubbish that's Restaurant Story 2. I got a goal to download it and after doing so, I opened the game so it would register that I installed it so I could get the free gems. But I didn't like it at all. The graphics are horrible. I need pretty graphics to enjoy a game. No thanks for me.

02-14-15, 12:17 PM
I think it's possible that both of these things are true. Maybe they weren't making enough money with the old system, so they had to reduce the design team. If this is in fact more profitable, then it could lead to an increased design team and more new items.

Yes, it absolutely possible that both are true! Thanks you. As I said, I do not think the game is dying, so those that argued against that with my statement, I very clearly said I don't think that the game is dying. I personally still love it, and I see it has a very loyal and large following. I was just pointing out that there is evidence of the reduced design team, which makes me a little sad as I enjoyed the larger updates.

And I also agree with JustKay, perhaps this means they are starting FS2. Fashion Story IS a popular game, and now would be good time to launch a 3d version of it. I hope it is awesome like people said farm 2 is, assuming that is what is going on.

02-14-15, 01:43 PM
Yeah, I'm with filochick. I think the graphics on the "2" games are totally unattractive. I played one of them briefly after downloading it for gems, and it seemed like more work.

02-14-15, 02:12 PM
WEll, I guess that is why art is subjective! I think the "2" games so far look fantastic, especially farm 2. I don't play it because my device won't support it, by I have a co-worker who does and I'm envious.

If they ever do come out with Fashion 2, I'll buy a new device JUST to play it! The animations are so great, so much better than the fixes unmoving things we have now. Plus, I notice the original versions are still going strong, so it isn't like a 2 version coming out means the original will die.

02-15-15, 04:04 PM
I'm soooo disappointed that we didn't get anything red/pink/heart-y :p for Valentine's Day. But I do like that the catalogue only takes an hour.

02-15-15, 05:34 PM
WEll, I guess that is why art is subjective! I think the "2" games so far look fantastic, especially farm 2. I don't play it because my device won't support it, by I have a co-worker who does and I'm envious.

If they ever do come out with Fashion 2, I'll buy a new device JUST to play it! The animations are so great, so much better than the fixes unmoving things we have now. Plus, I notice the original versions are still going strong, so it isn't like a 2 version coming out means the original will die.

I wish Yall would stop jinxing the games. Do you have any idea how little money Id have in real life, IF ever a bakery or fashion 2 came out? So stop it! All of you! Because naturally id love it and want to get the largest gem package available.

I don't think they will improve this game. The second floor and upgrade able displays would come from a second game. But nope, not gonna jinx it either.

02-16-15, 12:31 PM
You have the wilderness display? Respect! I love that one. In my annoyance at no new content i opened the lipstick box and won the red hoy display. I then opened the plaid box and got 3 ugly couches and two lamps. Im going to try again, so i can do my red and grey theme.

Thank you! I love that display. Congrats on the red hot display. I didn't get that or the red dress display. Maybe I'll try again. Good luck with the plaid box!