View Full Version : Alicorns Are Being STOLEN!

02-09-15, 04:47 PM
Just because YOU, TL, made a game programming error, does NOT give you the right to TAKE AWAY items that are already in our (the game-players--your paycheck providers') possession! :mad: That is called STEALING! :mad: You people could JUST AS EASILY HAVE GIVEN EVERYONE A 2nd ALICORN, rather than take away the Alicorns that were already in players' kingdoms! :mad: :mad: :mad:


02-09-15, 05:09 PM
Oh yes, they will.

02-09-15, 05:11 PM
amen, it's so wrong. so wrong.

02-09-15, 05:24 PM
Yes I'm REALLY FREAKING mad and upset I want it back asap, I spend tons of money on this game and have 150 neighbors and I will ask them to ******* this game with me. Return them

02-09-15, 05:24 PM
Adding my voice to the protest!!!!

02-09-15, 05:30 PM
lousy customer service, again... Short sighted, penny wise and dollar foolish. This is the last straw for me, will not buy any more gems. The lack of grace is unbelievable... And downright rude to remove something without notification, especially something due to their own error. TeamLava needs to take a crash course in courtesy. Missed opportunity for some good will, very very short sighted... They obviously have a corporate policy that never gives any quarter any players. Bah humbug TeamLava... You are now official Scrooge's Valentine's Day!

02-09-15, 05:34 PM
I just checked and saw mines is gone too. This is horrible! I don't usually throw fits but Im saying it now...I will never buy gems from this game again. It's low to take what became ours due to your engineers flubbing and making the alicorn free.

02-09-15, 05:43 PM
Yep mines also gone. So unfair, not our fault that TL made the mistake. I will never put another penny into this game or any of TL's other games. SUCK IT UP TL, do the RIGHT thing & return ALL the ones you took away.

02-09-15, 05:55 PM
Yo TL...

"The wedding is off!"
And Sabrina is P I S S E D!

02-09-15, 06:07 PM
think it is going to take more than returning the stolen wedding alicorns for teamlava to recoup on this one! The lack of grace, and missed opportunity for goodwill... Wonder how much in gem sales that translates to.

PS the moderators and dabag rock! Love and appreciate you guys! Anything negative is not directed to you, and i thank you for all your work & help.

02-09-15, 06:09 PM
Alicorns once were an Earned Asset, from a 2-year-old limited-time Kingdom Goal.
Now Gem-only, they have found a special place in the hearts of all who see them.
They were made too endearing, becoming a badge of both money spent and CS love.
With a sigh, any other asset could be rudely taken. But an Alicorn... that's gonna hurt.

They didn't pull duplicate Sabina Houses, Goddess Trees, or Matrix/Bijou Dragons.
Good thing, too. Cause we took advantage of some loopholes and earned those puppies.
This horse just fell out of the sky. A gift, a promise that we'd find the other one someday.
Call her "Hope". She hints at our glorious future. No, wait... Never mind. No Hope Left.

They didn't have to do this. It was a CMA moment, demonstrating simple disrespect.
We can thunder away in protest, or stick around and forget over time, like before.
We can bite the hand that feeds, but it happens to be the same hand that spanks.
We have never seen TL do this. An asset just... vanished... everywhere! Rapture!

So, we have no leverage. Inside the CS app on OUR OWN iOS device, TL is God.
They could be nice. They could be mean. We are ants playing on their freeway.
At any point, TL can type in some code and our 1000's of hours of tapping - gone.
We invest our time in their benevolence, in denial that our kingdoms are OURS.

There will come a day when CS is no more, when this forum is a ghost town.
Though we can keep playing discontinued iOS games, the CS app will be a shell.
Our game, our love, our obsession, will someday be a rotting husk of a memory.
Nay, perish the thought, and may TL reign forever! But come on. Its a business.

If we are not careful, this thread could easily be re-titled "list of banned players".
But then again, that's how revolutionaries have always operated: Liberty or death.

02-09-15, 06:15 PM
Makes me shed a tear!

02-09-15, 06:24 PM
U have leverage. It's called credit card.

02-09-15, 06:26 PM
I thought I was losing my mind for a second until I realized what actually happened. This really is crossing a line, TL. I've had errors in other games and TL didn't take back those items so why start now? Not cool at all and it makes me want to throw in the towel on this game!

02-09-15, 06:26 PM
Why did you do it, TL? You took away Ally, my beloved friend and companion. I don't even know where she is now! Is she in alicorn heaven or lost to oblivion? Perhaps I shall never know, but I will mourn my friend who was with me for 4 short and sweet days, before you cruelly took her away without a warning or even a chance of saying goodbye!

Please tell me You didn't do this only to try to sell me a copy of my friend Ally in a few days from now!

02-09-15, 06:29 PM
That really stinks TL, If you're going to take the Alicorn back because of an error, how about giving all the players back their gems we lose from this game? One thing I can say is, you don't give a **** about your players, if it wasn't for us players who spend real money to help you out, your games would die..... I stopped playing Dragon Story because that is nothing but a HUGE Money pit, I can easily stop playing this one as well.....it's more money in MY pocket!!! ....perhaps it's time to listen to us players before you have none left !

02-09-15, 06:30 PM
I want my wedding alicorn back!

02-09-15, 06:36 PM
There is now a blank space where my Alicorn use to be! This is completely devistating! My kingdoms means so much to me, and they have stolen one of my beautiful animals! It's Team Lava's fault, not ours, so why are we being punished!!

02-09-15, 06:37 PM
Hey everyone,

We sincerely apologize for the confusion this has caused. The Wedding Alicorn was only intended to be a Goal reward. There was a brief period in which players may have been able to acquire one through the Market. This has been resolved and the item has been removed.

You can complete the Goal "Horsin' Around" in order to get your Wedding Alicorn as a Goal reward.
This is from min other thread for those who missed it

02-09-15, 06:54 PM
think it is going to take more than returning the stolen wedding alicorns for teamlava to recoup on this one! The lack of grace, and missed opportunity for goodwill... Wonder how much in gem sales that translates to.

PS the moderators and dabag rock! Love and appreciate you guys! Anything negative is not directed to you, and i thank you for all your work & help.
YES! To be perfectly clear: All moderators of the Storm8 forum are very helpful. The anger is directed at the company, and those who make ignorant decisions.

02-09-15, 07:00 PM
We apologize for the confusion. Please see this post in this thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?78196-Castle-Story-2-5-15-The-Big-News&p=1051597&viewfull=1#post1051597) for more information. Thank you!