View Full Version : Delete Unaccepted Invitations

02-05-11, 12:17 PM
Please add the option to delete an unaccepted invitation. I had three people ask me to invite them. I invited them and two of them did *NOT* accept for over a month. One has still *NOT ACCEPTED* and I would really like to delete that invitation because they are not on Farm Story anymore. If you can not add an option to delete, could you please make it so after a week, the invitation drops off? Thank you.

02-07-11, 09:15 PM
I completely agree. I have 5 invites pending and several are from end of December-beginning of January. You can tell that a couple of these farmers are no longer farming at least they have withered crops and trees which need collecting. They also have 0 stars for watering status.

02-09-11, 11:39 PM
Have the same problem. I have 4 pending invites since early Dec 2010 who have not accepted or declined my invite. When I visit their farms, they looked exactly the way they were last Dec!!! They must have abandoned the game. Would appreciate built in of feature to auto drop them after say 30 or 45 days.

02-12-11, 05:54 PM
I agree. I'm new to the game and only have 1 neighbor. The other I invited has not responded and therefore I can not add more neighbors. Without a dismiss button of some kind I'll be stuck at 1 neighbor forever. Naturally, I'll quit playing when it becomes too inconvenient work around, but I don't think the game makers intended to lose players that way.

02-13-11, 10:30 PM
Makes perfect sense. I've got five myself. If we can delete our nbrs, why can't we delete invited nbrs, too?

02-15-11, 06:28 PM
PLEASE put a delete button unaccepted invites. I have some that are 6 months old or older. I have tried to send messages to the people but they are playing anymore.

02-21-11, 12:42 AM
Please add the option to delete an unaccepted invitation. I had three people ask me to invite them. I invited them and two of them did *NOT* accept for over a month. One has still *NOT ACCEPTED* and I would really like to delete that invitation because they are not on Farm Story anymore. If you can not add an option to delete, could you please make it so after a week, the invitation drops off? Thank you.

I agree. How can you remove people from your invite wall? I have (10). Does anyone know how to delete them?

02-21-11, 04:08 AM
yes, makes sense that if you candelete neighbors that have no longer kept up with game that you should be able to delete those that were invited and never accepted. my four or five fplks that never accepted are still on my list since Sept/Oct when I first started game. so sometimes I just ask folks to add me instead of other way around...then when i
I am added Ialrad know that it wont clog up my invite list...make sense??

02-22-11, 07:26 AM
Got my VOTE!!!!!!!!

02-22-11, 08:17 PM
Plz let us have a delete invite button I'm new and didn't mean to add someone

02-23-11, 07:53 AM
Please listen to all farmers on this one, I am really annoyed that I can not delete either, especially when they asked me to invite them!!!!! Aaarrggghhhh!!!! How annoying...

02-24-11, 08:05 AM
I agree nothing more annoying than someone asking you to "add" them then they don't accept I would love to delete them as well

02-24-11, 08:44 AM
Same goes for me. I am also stuck when I cannot get rid of them.

03-05-11, 12:09 AM
Also from Italy we need to delete invitation. I have many of them since months.

03-05-11, 02:40 PM
yes we need a delete button! I have. Person that has been pending almost since Oct., plus many nbrs who have quit farming. A delete button is a must. Hope you take this request seriously.

03-08-11, 07:43 PM
I have four pending invites over two months old hanging out in pending. Really annoying.

03-09-11, 07:58 PM
I am stuck with pending invites since last Oct 2010 when I first started the game and innocently went around to invite some irresponsible people who requested me to but fail to response ( i.e. they have since left the game). It's frastrating when I now have a handful of genuine community neighbours who sincerely want to invite me or vice versa but both parties are stuck with the full pending invites list which cannot be gotten rid off. It's really stupid to water each others' farms (ony 5x instead of 10x) from our respective walls on a daily basis by scrolling up and down to look at the wall!!!! LavaTeam, please listen to the farmers and add an Edit Button to delete these pending invites (like when you delete unwanted existing neighbours who never come to water your farm) or auto-delete them after say 14 days or at worse after 30 days. Lucky for me so far, I since have neighbours who have added me along the way, otherwise I would have quit the farm out of frastration months ago because this full pending invite list who has goten me so stuck and stressed...agrrr....

03-11-11, 04:28 PM
Please make an uninvite button

Regards: Bentsen

03-11-11, 05:41 PM
I was invited by a friend and accepted his invitation. However his name is still on my invites asking if i want to accept him or not and he is also listed as a friend. So this is also a problem.

03-12-11, 01:32 PM
Please add the option to delete an unaccepted invitation. I had three people ask me to invite them. I invited them and two of them did *NOT* accept for over a month. One has still *NOT ACCEPTED* and I would really like to delete that invitation because they are not on Farm Story anymore. If you can not add an option to delete, could you please make it so after a week, the invitation drops off? Thank you.

Yes please yes please I say it again yes please. For all the games really. It doesn't make sense. it's pretty irritating actually.

03-13-11, 01:22 AM
yesssss please create a button delete because i have soo much people can t accept or decline invit!! i m bloqued now... it s really necessary to have this button ty

03-13-11, 07:05 AM
I totally agree with all of you. I myself have 7 pending neighbors on my list and none of them are playing. I know that a couple of them gave me their ID Storm8 just to get added and never accepted or decline invite. We need an option to remove them from the list the same way we are able to remove unwanted neighbors. It's just common sense.

03-13-11, 06:00 PM
I mean, cmon guys... This thread is over a month long of the same issue. Now today you do an update and something important like that isn't addresses but you added little arrows for expansion? We already know what direction it goes in when you expand. Oh, by the way, they don't show up in the valentines edition - thank goodness!

So back to the delete old invites? Any luck or do you need t hire new programmers! Seems like a pretty simple if/then statement to me.

03-22-11, 05:08 AM
Add a way to delete unaccepted invitations!! Got 10 very old ones

03-30-11, 03:27 AM
It baffles me why Team Lava chose to not address this highly requested issue with the last update. Instead, we got annoying bouncing stars that get in the way, these mission boxes (half of which I'll never complete because you have to use gems or buy things you may not want to complete them) and expansion arrows which clutter up the screen, and rice that's no longer blue when you first plant it. We got a few bugs fixed (eg. ability to water animals riht next to each other), but all in all, few of the improvements the players of this game suggested were implemented. It makes me wonder if they even read these posts.

04-22-11, 04:56 AM
Please add a manage invites button Or let there be an expiry time for each invite

04-22-11, 05:03 PM
yes, makes sense that if you candelete neighbors that have no longer kept up with game that you should be able to delete those that were invited and never accepted. my four or five fplks that never accepted are still on my list since Sept/Oct when I first started game. so sometimes I just ask folks to add me instead of other way around...then when i
I am added Ialrad know that it wont clog up my invite list...make sense??

You can delete current neighbours, just not pending neighbours

04-27-11, 09:19 PM
Yup! Delete would be nice!

04-27-11, 09:23 PM
I mean, cmon guys... This thread is over a month long of the same issue. Now today you do an update and something important like that isn't addresses but you added little arrows for expansion? We already know what direction it goes in when you expand. Oh, by the way, they don't show up in the valentines edition - thank goodness!

So back to the delete old invites? Any luck or do you need t hire new programmers! Seems like a pretty simple if/then statement to me.

And another month passed... and still no response from TL. (No surprise)

05-26-11, 08:07 PM
They can do it but they just don't want to. The fastest update is ask people to spend more money to buy more gems!

07-04-11, 09:40 AM
I agree . . .

07-06-11, 01:41 PM
I am stuck with same issue. I only started playing last month and "went crazy" inviting neighbors without realizing they were not responsible players...so now I have close to 10 unaccepted invites. Frustrating as now I have been a daily player. Please TeamLava...listen to this request.

07-11-11, 09:02 AM
add me in for a please too!!!! I have 5 and am afraid to add anyone who asks me to add them because i don't know the maximum # of pending invites is before no one can invite me. also is there a way to just have the "try our newest game" pop up only at the beginning??? it is very frustrating when visiting a neighbor or the community to have that pop up! otherwise love the game!!

07-11-11, 09:46 AM
People have been begging for this feature since the game started. It's kind of ridiculous to not have it.

07-14-11, 03:09 PM
I agree...please add delete button

07-14-11, 05:10 PM
Thank-you for starting this thread... I agree fully there should a x button somewhere to delete the request pending or programmers please have a 7 days response period. Thank-you.

07-16-11, 08:23 AM
I agree, please add the button.

07-16-11, 09:59 AM
This is another feature asked for over and over but not yet implemented.

I think the delete button may not be implemented so that people don't add others from a forum and immediately delete because of a low level or star rating (I would definitely do that). It should be an easy feature to add. The timeout would also work, and should be easy to implement since they do it for gem promotions.

Either one would work for me. I have a long list of unaccepted invites also.

07-16-11, 11:06 AM
Pinkster is right. Go back to May 2010 - a year prior to when this thread started - it was a common complaint. In fact I would say it was up there with "You blackguards (and variants) stole my gems ! ". Perhaps the same people who were unhappy then are the same people today because just about everyone then went under the name "Unregistered". A few players had registered names but I have to tell you virtually none of those names in the Summer of 2010 are in evidence on the Forum today. Tells you something perhaps.

Anyway, it must be a very complicated technical problem. Folk have indeed been complaining virtually since the game began; it's hardly a trivial complaint; also in extreme cases it positively hampers one of the main aims of the game - Community friendship. I guess the complication must be producing a fix which works on the invite message at both ends. Is there still a limit ? I know some players have been blocked from inviting because they had exceeded the number - was it 10 ? Easy interim fix must be to increase the number. But I agree with everyone - and by everyone I mean every poster since May 2010 - it's high time this was fixed if only for the reason it's making out TL's technical team to be inattentive as well as at a loss as to how to fix it.

07-16-11, 12:36 PM
Pinkster is right. Go back to May 2010 - a year prior to when this thread started - it was a common complaint. In fact I would say it was up there with "You blackguards (and variants) stole my gems ! ". Perhaps the same people who were unhappy then are the same people today because just about everyone then went under the name "Unregistered". A few players had registered names but I have to tell you virtually none of those names in the Summer of 2010 are in evidence on the Forum today. Tells you something perhaps.

Anyway, it must be a very complicated technical problem. Folk have indeed been complaining virtually since the game began; it's hardly a trivial complaint; also in extreme cases it positively hampers one of the main aims of the game - Community friendship. I guess the complication must be producing a fix which works on the invite message at both ends. Is there still a limit ? I know some players have been blocked from inviting because they had exceeded the number - was it 10 ? Easy interim fix must be to increase the number. But I agree with everyone - and by everyone I mean every poster since May 2010 - it's high time this was fixed if only for the reason it's making out TL's technical team to be inattentive as well as at a loss as to how to fix it.

Exactly. Well said.

07-17-11, 07:21 PM
Do TL even read this forum? I just came on here spe UFO ally to ask for this feature and found this long, old thread... Think I'll just stop playing if the support is so ****!

07-18-11, 09:25 AM
Where is the star that indicated watering status? Thanks.

kooky panda
07-18-11, 09:43 AM
Where is the star that indicated watering status? Thanks.

If you mean your watering status , it does not show up on your game, go to a another farm and the star at the bottom of the screen is your status.

You can also see your status level under profile, then profile(where your farmer name is).

07-18-11, 11:01 AM
Someone made a statement about deleting neighbors with withering crops and the neighbors watering status of 0. I thought that the poster was saying this was a way to find out if your neighbor was still playing - ie not taking care of their farm and not helping out neighbors by watering their farm. It is the 2nd post at the beginning of this thread. Sorry I didn't make it clear!

kooky panda
07-18-11, 11:26 AM
Someone made a statement about deleting neighbors with withering crops and the neighbors watering status of 0. I thought that the poster was saying this was a way to find out if your neighbor was still playing - ie not taking care of their farm and not helping out neighbors by watering their farm. It is the 2nd post at the beginning of this thread. Sorry I didn't make it clear!

My bad. When you scroll down your nbr list there is a star in red by their name. If 0 that means they never water anyone back.
Alot of people will delete players with dead crops and a 0 - that usually means they have quit the game.

07-29-11, 07:14 PM
I agree! I have like 3 people in each game who won't accept the invite b/c they're not playing anymore. I would really like this option. Or for it to just automatically delete the invite after a month.

08-01-11, 06:40 AM
I have a free version of farm story by teamlava LLC on my android phone , downloaded on androidmarket. I can't find the way to delete my unwanted neighbors. please help me!

Now if they only had a delete button for unanswered invites.

08-02-11, 02:12 PM
I agree! I have had the same 3 pending for almost a year it would be nice to have a delete option. Hello is any body out there Please answer.

kooky panda
08-02-11, 02:14 PM
Yes here!!! This suggestion has been submitted on numerous threads. Hopefully it will addressed soon.

08-05-11, 11:00 AM
Figure I'll put my two cents in. I would love a delete button for unanswered invites or have them drop off after a short period. Most of my story games I will no longer send invites. They have to invite me if they want to be nbrs. Ive got it posted on my wall to. It's amazing how many people don't read it though and still ask me to invite them. I usually just delete their message or tell them to invite me instead.

08-05-11, 10:35 PM
Like!...oh wait, this is not fb. Also, please add ability to delete neighbors of nuisance. :)

08-14-11, 12:11 PM
Pls make it possible to delete unanswered invites. Game says I have too many pending and now I am unable to invite those asking me to add them.
I have asked those who haven't answered to accept/decline so I can clear pending list, but still they don't reply.
This makes it difficult to grow my farm
At the very least don't limit pending list.

08-14-11, 03:53 PM
Yes please!!! I need a delete button for neighbors and a block button for bullies!

08-20-11, 07:36 AM
Hi Teamlava,

When will u guys add a button to delete un-accepted invites?

I hv a long list and system is not letting me invite more nb.


08-20-11, 08:25 AM
I totally agree! These ones that dont accept
clog up your box this means when you do
want to add someone you can't as it says
You have too many invites pending! Duu
that's because we can't delete them! Tnx
for listening

08-20-11, 08:37 AM
Yes please!!! I need a delete button for neighbors and a block button for bullies!

Now the bully button would be very welcome as there is alo
off that goes on!! Total disgrace ppl can get away with it but
untill YOU contact the support team and they get round to
it i have lost alot off friends because they feel terrorised
by them and leave the game!! I only just stopped my nbr
and i class as a friend leaving oh she is level 94!! I feel there
should be a quicker way to deal with this even consider
having a moderator on the farm with an account that
you can go to as soon as it starts and they can deal
with it before it gets out off hand?? Please think about
this thanks 

08-23-11, 08:16 AM
I agree! I only have a couple but it is because I have them invite me after the two I have wouldn't reply at all.

08-28-11, 11:09 AM
I fully agree!

08-29-11, 03:20 PM
yes please,but what i do now is...if they ask YOU to add their ID, i asked THEM to add your ID. That way YOU have control.. 

08-29-11, 03:24 PM
We need that delete button.But what I do now is this..if THEY ask you to add their ID....I ask them to add YOUR ID first that way YOU have control...try it, because I also got stuck with several unwanted neighbors 

08-29-11, 03:30 PM
@in-game Moderators: there have been discussions about it before. However, TeamLava say that it's not plausible. A group of a few people did actually go and patrol, e-mailing Support if they saw anything inappropriate at one point but I believe that it no longer happens.

10-09-11, 07:30 PM
Has TL ever said that it is or is not plausible to add a delete to invites or an auto-expiration? Lots of requests over and over, but as there ever been a reply with explanation?

10-09-11, 08:23 PM
yees!! wen will TL let us do this?!?

10-10-11, 02:44 AM
There are some ppl on my list never accept the invites... and i am cant invite anyone... it says there are too many pending invites... provide a way to delete the invites...

10-10-11, 07:40 AM
I don't think there is one person who doesn't want the option to delete pending invitations! This is a must TL

02-13-12, 12:01 PM
Here! Here! Here we are in February 2012 and still no answer to this solution. TL how long, and how many times do we need to beg for a solution to this problem? There are many very loyal players who long lists of unanswered neighbor invites. Please help us!!!!!

02-14-12, 07:26 AM
This request has been around for as long as I've in on this game (over a year). It seems to have fallen on deaf ears. LOL.

02-16-12, 06:51 PM
They need to fix this solution for the true players, that way we can weed out the ones who do not play the games

02-20-12, 01:53 PM
I don't think there is one person who doesn't want the option to delete pending invitations! This is a must TL
It's been asked for over a year.

02-20-12, 02:04 PM
@in-game Moderators: there have been discussions about it before. However, TeamLava say that it's not plausible. A group of a few people did actually go and patrol, e-mailing Support if they saw anything inappropriate at one point but I believe that it no longer happens.

I know the post you made is old, however that is very disturbing that there were actual people prowling other user's walls to then go and tattle-tale to TL Support about what they'd seen. If the person whose wall was written on had a problem with what was written, then they should be the ones going to TL Support, not just some random player who went looking for someone to report. There are many walls that I go to that have conversations going on, and normally you only see one half unless you go to the other persons wall. Many times it is just inside jokes, but someone not in the "know" could take what was written the wrong way.

I truly hope this isn't still occuring, or will start up again, as it's not anybody's business but the people's whose wall was written on.

In regards to delete pending invites, that should be allowed and there is no logical reason why we can't have that funtion. We are able to delete neighbors we have now, so why not give us the option to delete the ones pending?

02-20-12, 03:15 PM
I know the post you made is old, however that is very disturbing that there were actual people prowling other user's walls to then go and tattle-tale to TL Support about what they'd seen. If the person whose wall was written on had a problem with what was written, then they should be the ones going to TL Support, not just some random player who went looking for someone to report. There are many walls that I go to that have conversations going on, and normally you only see one half unless you go to the other persons wall. Many times it is just inside jokes, but someone not in the "know" could take what was written the wrong way.

I truly hope this isn't still occuring, or will start up again, as it's not anybody's business but the people's whose wall was written on.

In regards to delete pending invites, that should be allowed and there is no logical reason why we can't have that funtion. We are able to delete neighbors we have now, so why not give us the option to delete the ones pending?

It is occurring. It happened to me personally.

02-20-12, 03:22 PM
It is occurring. It happened to me personally.

People need to mind their own business. What right do they have to monitor somebody's wall! Even the mods here don't have that right, their job is to monitor the forums. People who are out there playing vigilante moderators need to get a life. If it isn't written on their wall, then they should just stay out of it. Let that person deal with the player bothering them, if that is truly the case.

Makes me want to stop writing on walls, in fear that there is a vigilante out there ready to strike.

02-20-12, 04:02 PM
I can't believe people would have the time to go out and randomly monitor people's walls. I barely have time to visit all my neighbors and people who watered/tipped me. Like queentina said, it is the responsiblity of the victims to report inappropriate posts. If vigilantes happen to read the wall of a perpertrator, then they still should leave the reporting to the victim, since they don't know the whole story.

It would be easier to come across inappropriate posts on your neighbor's wall. You can converse with the neighbor about it, but still, it should be left to the neighbor to ultimately report. I think it would be pretty low to report something on your neighbor's wall without getting permission from your neighbor, and I hope that won't happen to me or any of my neighbors.

02-20-12, 06:03 PM
I can't believe people would have the time to go out and randomly monitor people's walls. I barely have time to visit all my neighbors and people who watered/tipped me. Like queentina said, it is the responsiblity of the victims to report inappropriate posts. If vigilantes happen to read the wall of a perpertrator, then they still should leave the reporting to the victim, since they don't know the whole story.

It would be easier to come across inappropriate posts on your neighbor's wall. You can converse with the neighbor about it, but still, it should be left to the neighbor to ultimately report. I think it would be pretty low to report something on your neighbor's wall without getting permission from your neighbor, and I hope that won't happen to me or any of my neighbors.

Yeah, that!

kooky panda
02-20-12, 06:09 PM
I also wanted to clarify that TL has never had any in game moderators or have authorized any players to moderate in the games.

02-20-12, 06:16 PM
I also wanted to clarify that TL has never had any in game moderators or have authorized any players to moderate in the games.

LOL Kooky, TL probably couldn't pay somebody to want to do that job. hahaha

The thousands of gamers on all the games would give anybody an eye sore and just wouldn't be worth it in the long run for TL to want to pursue. I never believed they would ask people to do that, more like people wanting to play Gods making the decision to do that themselves. :p

02-20-12, 06:26 PM
For the few times you'll find inappropriate remarks on people's wall its not worth the effort.

All the wall posts are stored on TL servers in a database. If TL wanted the wall posts monitored, they could write a simple tool to extract the text from people's walls and run them through a filter to pick out certain words/phrases.

02-20-12, 07:18 PM
I also wanted to clarify that TL has never had any in game moderators or have authorized any players to moderate in the games.

I know. But people do it.