View Full Version : Please..please new houses!!!

02-05-11, 11:51 AM
Love your games. Play them all. Have purchased gems. But I am so disappointed with city story's lack of houses! I do not really want New York, just a quaint town. Please add new houses....please!

02-06-11, 10:32 AM
I see Lava adds new Buildings all the time......for city cash ONLY!! Lol. So City Story updates but there is nothing for the coins. Gettin tired og this game and i see that with my nbrs aswell - less & less online in here

02-09-11, 09:30 AM
the higher the level the less there is to do. can not expand. no new houses or business are available.
game producers need to have new things un lock for higher levels. will probably quit playing soon unless something new appears (not requiring city cash)

02-09-11, 10:35 AM
Yep, they get players by lies that there wll be FREE weekly updates.
Then nothing happen for a few months.
Once awhile, a random box is there for $5 a shot to an unknown item.
TL is betting player will bite and pay them.
They don't really care for the players, they just release different versions to a bigger crowd; hoping that with more players meant more money for them.
Even a few percent might be good for their business.

Level 96 player
03-12-11, 12:39 AM
We are playing for months, and reached higher levels. What could we do now? my neighbours are giving up, and i' m wondering about it, but I really like this game. Please just give us new buildings, houses or features ce can "buy" with COINS.

03-13-11, 03:14 PM
The fact that they added 'levels' past 75 is a. Joke because you don't even get one city cah per level anymore. No new content to unlock, no extra space to build in.

The We farm, We rule, We city, etc.. Is such a better game company. Actual new content weekly, and not just stuff that costs real cash to purchase.

This close to deleteing all the 'story' games.

03-20-11, 07:11 AM
I agree with all those high level players who are getting bored with this game. I've already deleted Bakery and Farm story, and will do same with Citynif nothing changes. We need more space, more buildings, more houses, that can be bought with playing money (not city cash). Suggestion: why not have large and mega factories, that will do mega contracts and will take less space that the present ugly factories ? Hope tonsee some changes SOON or bye bye ...