View Full Version : Gifts Disappearing

02-01-15, 04:12 AM
Have just noticed this over the past two days. When I log in after reset, my gifts slots are usually full. First thing I do is hit up neighbours that gifted food...tip them and gift them that same item back, then decline the item. I do this to free up slots to accept partsvas they come in so the slots are clear. Over the past two days I noticed that at some point when I go back into my gifts list in newsfeed, a good number of gifts I had not yet sccepted or declined are just gone. This is highly annoying since some neighbours send parts I specifically requested and was waiting on. Not sure either if these disappearing items countbtowards my twenty. Has anyone else had this happen?

02-01-15, 07:20 AM
First off, I think they do count towards your 20.
I actually came here to make this exact post. I go through a similar process when going through the gift list (gosh I feel you on the food...), since your declined gift is more likely to eat up a slot without being replaced if you don't 'refresh' your bakery by visiting others or opening a message board - a bug teamlava knows about but hasn't shown the initiative to fix (and thus must be dealt with on our own terms by using methods like the above).

For a few days, I have not been accepting gifts before I have finished declining some so I can keep better track of them, but first few gifts received on the bottom have disappeared several times, including today. I do not believe they have been replaced - understandably so as they were never declined - based on my counts the last few days and the fact that I had less than 17 gifts sitting in my box (I'd usually be maxed) with the first few neighbor's gifts that I saw hours ago now gone.
However, this may not be a gift declining issue but a time issue (how long they've been sitting in the box), at least based on my experience, in that the gifts that later disappear seem to stick around during the first few instances I access the game not long after the 'new day refresh' and/or the time since those gifts were sent hasn't been long. But if OP sees them disappearing during/after the first round of sorting through his or her inbox then I'm more inclined to believe the act of declining gifts is at least part of the issue.

The many gifting issues in this game are what frustrate me the most as I prefer to build appliances as quickly as possible. I have some otherwise good neighbors who like to gift low-cost food early on in the new day, which leads to filling up my inbox as well as triggering bugs when declined. I understand that not everyone plays the same or is as interested in playing the game optimally in the way I like to do, but a some changes in the neighborhood may be in order. :( I mention this because the only way to prevent the gift issues might be just having compatible neighbors - based on history, bugs related to gifts are difficult to fix or aren't on the developers' priority list.

But I feel you, I really do!

02-01-15, 07:54 AM
Let me re-share what I posted in another thread a few weeks ago. Maybe it will help you guys. :)

I really need to remember to test it out again, but it seems like the game will eventually not give you the full 20 gifts for the day if you decline too many items. If that were corrected, then I wouldn't mind the layout of useless parts being first.

I've tested this a while back, and it seems like the key is to not accept/decline gifts too fast. I would always count 5-10 seconds in between accepting/declining parts, that way it feels like my action was registered in the server. Many times that I didn't accept any gift until about 4 hours before the next reset and I'd still receive the full 20 parts so I think it doesn't matter how many gifts you declined, but the intervals of your accept/decline action. Of course, all of that is just my theory but it has worked for me ever since.

Also, don't wait too long to accept/decline parts. I think that if your pending gifts list is too long, the system goes kaput and the older gifts (the ones sent right after reset) just magically disappear, taking one slot off of your 20-gift-limit without giving you the part. So whenever it's goal day Wednesday, I try to log-in at least every 4 hours to decline gifts until the goals are up and I know exactly what I want.

I have to add, I think it helps that when you open your game, don't leave a gift unattended - either accept or decline it before exiting because somehow if you keep them on queue, they get lost that way too and it would still cost you slot(s).

02-01-15, 10:26 AM
Thanks PepperWoo, that's helpful! I sometimes leave gifts either to count or see what I get first and decline low-priority items later if I don't have enough of the immediately needed parts (I'm always building appliances :P), but it's clear that it's bad strategy.

02-01-15, 10:54 AM
Thank you for the responses. I recall reading about not accepting/declining to quickly...but since I visited each neighbour as I was going down the list, figured that wasn't the issue. Also was up 90 mins after reset, so to have them go stale, per se, shouldn't have been either. However, after the declining routine I DID exit the game to clear tables and return tips in RS...so that could be it as I did the same yesterday. I would really hate to remove otherwise awesome neighbours over the gifting thing, so for now at least, will wade through the food gift muck and just be sure I address all gifts before exiting.
Again, seems since gifting is an integral part of the game that TL would want to address it...at least let players know why it has not been...just my opinion. And yes, seems those disappearing gifts do count towards your twenty....after starting this thread and going back to the game, have only been able to accept two more.

02-06-15, 07:23 AM
As i had 63 gems i earned a badge and 1 gem with it... every time i earn a gem from now and on i get the gem for like 30secs-1mjn and then it totally disappears... help please..!