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View Full Version : Tasks not on Level?

01-25-15, 05:37 PM
I just made Level 22.

I finished my last task to accept some kind of award.

Now I have a new task that requires salmon and items that require opening the Seafood Market which apparently can't be opened until Level 25.

I haven't received the task to open the Seafood Market. Does it take long to open the Market?

So is this it? Do I have no achievable tasks coming on line for several more Levels? This seems to put me in a place where this game seems to be getting a bit boring. How do others handle the prospect of spending three levels with nothing new to work on? I notice that most of my neighbors have given up before reaching Level 20. I stayed as long as I had achievable tasks, but my current task asking for salmon won't be achievable for at least three more levels, if then because I will need to build the Market then learn to make the dishes. How did others get past this apparent doldrum in the restaurant business at Level 22? Should I slog through making the same old dishes for the next 3-4 levels? Is it worth staying? I don't want to invest gems in decorating and I was wondering how everyone else made it through this sudden lack of achievable tasks? Am I maybe not cut out to run a business?

Thanks folks!

kooky panda
01-25-15, 07:24 PM
I just completed that task. Once I opened the market and got the recipes unlocked, the task completed pretty quick.
I have run across this a few times where a received a task before I had the items to complete it.

When I have no current tasks, I focus on making as much money as I can to save up for expansions and unlocking new food.

I have not gotten bored yet! I am looking forward to opening more things as I level up!

01-26-15, 12:48 PM
I too have run across a task that I could not complete, but never one I couldn' start.

Now my food is disappearing as soon as I collect it and I have no customers. This game is becoming too difficult to figure out what to do to make it work and it is becoming boring. Think I will close for repairs for now and look to reopen in a few months when possibly things become more exciting. Only two friends are still gifting so I think my location must be in the wrong neighborhood. Maybe a vacation from this for a while is in order.

Thanks for answering kooky panda :)