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View Full Version : Warning: Do not unlock cucumbers/mayo

01-23-15, 12:06 PM
Of course, you may choose to if you'd like, but doing so will ruin your street market.

For whatever reason, cucumbers and mayo appear to completely take over the street market after they are unlocked. Since they are used in a relatively small number of recipes, it's not currently worth it to unlock them if you are using the market as a source for longer term items such as onions and potatoes.

Just trying to save newer players from my mistake. For more on this (or just to see lots of sad cucumber-filled pictures), check the later pages of this thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76857-Street-market).

In short, it's a trap!!

01-23-15, 12:11 PM
Thanks. I've been following the other thread, so I haven't unlocked them yet.

01-23-15, 12:27 PM
Unlock cucumbers at 29. Unlock mayo right away, tuna sandwiches are amazing.

Edit: do not unlock peas until 31, meatloaf is a terrible recipe and I get a lot of peas in my street market.

01-23-15, 12:46 PM
Unlock mayo right away, tuna sandwiches are amazing.

Are they? I've been avoiding them because of how much cucumbers have ruined my life. :P

But no matter how good mayo is, don't unlock it until you have the fish market unlocked. There's no reason to have it before then and I'm pretty sure mayo unlocks at 24 even though you can't get fish until 25.

01-23-15, 12:52 PM
Thanks. I've been following the other thread, so I haven't unlocked them yet.

Yeah, I wanted to make this out of the other thread b/c it's kind of buried towards the end, so if folks don't read all 6 pages, they might not know. Or do what I did, and only show up to the forums after going "hey, I sure do get a lot of cucumbers, I wonder if this is a bug or something!" ...doh!

01-23-15, 03:15 PM
Are they? I've been avoiding them because of how much cucumbers have ruined my life. :P

But no matter how good mayo is, don't unlock it until you have the fish market unlocked. There's no reason to have it before then and I'm pretty sure mayo unlocks at 24 even though you can't get fish until 25.

Tuna is on a short timer, if your street market has mayo unlocked, you can make tuna sandwiches with no downtime. 5 coins per serving, good experience, it's amazing. You aren't using tuna for other recipes for a few levels.

02-12-15, 03:06 AM
Marketplace used to be one of my favourite things in this game, like ingredients lottery. Ever since I unlocked cucumber they have taken over, sometimes even 3 out of 4 slots being a bloody cucumber. I unlocked mayo, even though I had no recipes at the time using it, and now it too has taken over my marketplace. Can someone please address this bug, its ruining half the fun.

02-12-15, 07:15 AM

That has been discussed many times. See that link and near the end of the discussion for most players having similar issues. Once you level up and more ingredients open up, they tend to not take over the market, but until then, it seems we have to suffer through it.

I keep getting eggs and bread along with cucumbers and mayo, so it's a bit frustrating but I've read it does get better.

02-12-15, 08:26 AM
Just as an example, my street market right now is showing:

Cucumber 38, 31, 43, 43
Egg 2
Flour 20

As you can see, my first 4 slots are nothing but cucumber. *shrugs*

02-12-15, 10:02 PM
Im about to hit level 41 and mine never consists of anything but eggs, bread, cheese, mayo, tomatoes, cucumbers and noodles. Maybe just be my awesome luck (insert sarcasm) but for me the street market isnt at all better. Sucks

02-13-15, 05:53 AM
Since I have unlocked the cucumber there is always at least 1, sometimes 2, in the street market. I have had 1 cucumber at least in the street market for 32 consecutive refreshes. It seems as if it is stuck there and the market isn't random anymore.

02-13-15, 06:38 AM
Im about to hit level 41 and mine never consists of anything but eggs, bread, cheese, mayo, tomatoes, cucumbers and noodles. Maybe just be my awesome luck (insert sarcasm) but for me the street market isnt at all better. Sucks

I know right. If they really wanted us to utilize the Street Market they should think about having it stock the longer timed items as then everyone would upgrade it to the max. As it stands right now, most won't bother going past the 6 slots as it's only giving out things that with a little patience, you can wait out for it to restock in the regular shop. I'm almost giddy if I find a pepper, onion, or potato in my street market, seriously.

02-13-15, 09:00 AM
Cucumbers are still a disaster, mostly because they don't have any good recipes that go with them. At this point, I'd say not even worth unlocking until you decide you want to finish out the recipe mastery.

Once you unlock tuna (lvl 25 plus opened your fish market), then mayo is great, but it's awful beforehand.

02-13-15, 10:18 AM
I'm almost giddy if I find a pepper, onion, or potato in my street market, seriously.

LOL!!! Funny you said that! A neighbor and I were just having a similar convo a couple of days ago. She feels like she hit the jackpot and screams out loud lol and it makes me wanna do cartwheels when those items show up! Of course it's VERY very rare.

My point being is its just sad that when we get an item that actually makes the street market worth while that it makes us feel that way ESPECIALLY considering all the precious tools required to even open it and then even more if you want to add slots. There should be AT LEAST 1 worthwhile item every time instead of flipping eggs and bread:rolleyes:

02-13-15, 10:33 AM
I'm almost giddy if I find a pepper, onion, or potato in my street market, seriously.

I just found one of each!!!! And definitely did not squeak as a result, because I am a mature and responsible adult. You guys believe me, right? ...right?

02-13-15, 10:38 AM
Bwhahaha!!!! Uh huh, sure....sure we do....:p

02-13-15, 10:45 AM
If you browse through the threads RS2, you'll notice your not alone! It's been a problem for nearly everyone. Also the next item that will over take your market is Mayo. With that said, my advice is I wouldn't unlock the Mayo until you have the Seafood Shop up and running cause it can only be used for Tuna Sandwiches. I think it's used in one more recipe but it's a high level recipe, not there yet.

02-15-15, 01:44 AM
If you browse through the threads RS2, you'll notice your not alone! It's been a problem for nearly everyone. Also the next item that will over take your market is Mayo. With that said, my advice is I wouldn't unlock the Mayo until you have the Seafood Shop up and running cause it can only be used for Tuna Sandwiches. I think it's used in one more recipe but it's a high level recipe, not there yet.

Yes, Chicken Salad at level 46 or 47...

02-22-15, 10:25 PM
Is this bug still existing? I'm already about to unlock cucumber for the quest. Will it flood my street market with cucumber? Right now, my street market somehow helps me cook dishes fast. Please advise. thanks!

kooky panda
02-23-15, 01:00 PM
As I have leveled up, I am seeing some cucumbers here and there, but not like it was. Most of my items have been different.

02-23-15, 03:40 PM
Ok, thanks.. I'll probably just unlock it once I get into the fish market.

02-23-15, 07:20 PM
I might've read over it and if I did soporific , but at what LVL do u suggest we unlock the cucumber
. I just achieved lvl 23 and there's the mighty cucumber. Do when do I unlock him do. U suggest?

02-27-15, 04:11 PM
I unlocked cucumber and mayo when I was level 26 with fish store thinking it would save me from the issue but nada, it definitely destroyed my street market... mostly mayo/cucumber takes at least 1 or 2 slots.. Now I got less dishes to cook with them unlocked... plus they are only needed on few recipes.. They need to fix this.. It's either they add more dishes that has cucumber or mayo or must fix them randomly on street market..

now I see the rice being available already but I did not unlock it yet because there is no use for it until I get to the deli station. I don't understand having us to unlock a certain ingredient when there is currently no use for it until higher levels.

I'm really disappointed now.. I get to the point that I rarely want to check my ipad thinking I will be just getting cucumber/mayo on the street market. :( They definitely need to balance or fix this issue.

02-27-15, 04:33 PM
What the heck is up with the bloody cucumbers! Please fix the balance in the street market. Really people, how many cucumbers do you think we need anyway. Throw us a piece of broccoli or a chicken leg once in a while why don't you?

02-27-15, 04:39 PM
Cucumbers and mayo. My kryponite. I use them for the sandwiches because I can't keep myself from ordering them from my shop, my ocd won't let me have them sit there in uneven numbers. But we need more uses for them. A salad or something! And what happened to the old beef stroganoff recipe?

02-27-15, 05:43 PM
Yup, either add more cucumber recipe or just fix the balance on street market.. i think fixing the balance on street market would be better at the moment.

04-03-15, 02:26 PM
Why not? You need cucumbers and mayo for cucumber sandwich