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View Full Version : Is It True that We Don't Need Nbrs?

12-27-14, 07:47 PM
I was just reading a post in the Suggestions Forum and someone commented that it was great that we don't need nbrs in RS 2. Did I read that correctly? If so then y bother having a Star Rating? Or does TL plan, in the future, making nbrs a needed part of the game?

12-29-14, 02:41 PM
You can tip your neighbors and they can tip you back. You can also get a new item called "Quick Serves" from your neighbors that allows you to instantly complete dishes. I also find neighbors can provide some incredible inspiration when re-decorating my restaurant. :)

12-29-14, 05:46 PM
I guess if you're not doing the goals it wouldn't matter to you but, if you are, do you plan to buy all the parts you'll need?
I was just reading a post in the Suggestions Forum and someone commented that it was great that we don't need nbrs in RS 2. Did I read that correctly? If so then y bother having a Star Rating? Or does TL plan, in the future, making nbrs a needed part of the game?

12-29-14, 05:46 PM
What's "quick serves"...i haven't seen that.
You can tip your neighbors and they can tip you back. You can also get a new item called "Quick Serves" from your neighbors that allows you to instantly complete dishes. I also find neighbors can provide some incredible inspiration when re-decorating my restaurant. :)

12-29-14, 09:12 PM
I guess if you're not doing the goals it wouldn't matter to you but, if you are, do you plan to buy all the parts you'll need?
I plan on doing challenges but if we're only able 2 gift mystery boxes how r u able 2 gift parts?

12-30-14, 08:25 AM
You can tip your neighbors and they can tip you back. You can also get a new item called "Quick Serves" from your neighbors that allows you to instantly complete dishes. I also find neighbors can provide some incredible inspiration when re-decorating my restaurant. :)

How are we supposed to redecorate our restaurants when we have no space to decorate and not enough parts for expansions?

I am level 15 and the most I have room for is 1 little plant and 1 lamp - both of which will be stored soon when I level up and need to place more tables. My poor chef's area is so crammed she cannot even reach all the shelves on her pantry and she cannot reach all of her ovens. Why do we have to be so cramped? Did the devs ever stop and think that maybe people would play/redecorate more and buy more decorations if we only had the room?

12-31-14, 01:38 AM
We don't need neighbours yet, but i guess when we hit higher levels we do. There is the street market and later on a boat has to be repaired. I guess we can buy stuff from our neighbours in the future and who knows.. Helping each other out with filling our boats later on.

On lower levels it's not so incommen that you can't decorate that much yet in TL games. So being patient is the answer. You also need your money for learning food, buying expansions,... Yesterday i had the opportunity with 3 expansions of my resto to decorate it a bit. I like how it looks now. I also saw nice resto's from levels 22 and above... So.. Patience :o

12-31-14, 06:29 AM
You can tip your neighbors and they can tip you back. You can also get a new item called "Quick Serves" from your neighbors that allows you to instantly complete dishes. I also find neighbors can provide some incredible inspiration when re-decorating my restaurant. :)

How do I give 'Quick Serves' to my neighbours please.

12-31-14, 10:21 AM
How do I give 'Quick Serves' to my neighbours please.

It seems you can only gift 'mystery boxes' which show up to neighbors as either quick serves or coins.

I'm wondering.. every time I go to gift my neighbors, even immediately after reset, it will tell me that I have already gifted or they have all received the maximum number of gifts - for every single one of my neighbors, and after that the 'gift' option is greyed out for the day. Is anyone else experiencing this?

01-02-15, 09:37 AM
thanks for letting me know about the 'quick serves' gift, I believe the total nbrs we could give per day is only three. Hope some players can confirm

01-02-15, 01:52 PM
Yep I think we can only gift 3 mystery boxes per day, which initially seems a bit mean, but actually in Bakery Story I find gifting all my neighbours tedious when they all have different preferences, so I like it.

I find that people aren't as chatty in RS2 though, the wall is a bit hidden away.