View Full Version : Need advice, please

12-27-14, 06:15 PM
Hi, everyone.
I've recently started Bakery story and I need some advice: Are the easy and sonic appliances worth buying?
I would also like some ideas for matching wallpaper and tiles. (and furniture. :o)
If anyone can help me and give me some ideas that would be very helpful.

Thank you. :D

12-27-14, 06:29 PM
For me, sonic oven and sonic mixer are not worth it. They only decrease the cooking time by 20% and frankly that's not too life-changing. You'd be better off using the gems to buy another oven slot instead of the sonic appliances in my opinion. Easy ovens however, definitely yes. I have 18 easy ovens and I find them really helpful not only because there's no need to click the appliance twice but it actually lessens the possibility of a gem trap (at least for me), you know the 'cook these recipes instantly' thing that could easily wipe all your gems.

12-27-14, 07:03 PM
save your gems for purty things you like :)