View Full Version : Full-Screen Kingdom View

12-25-14, 02:21 AM
I have 2 Castle Story kingdoms, but I also play Farm Story 2--having 2 farms.

There is an ability for the player to pinch the screen (making the view wider) or zoom the screen (making the view close-up) in Farm Story 2, which is not available in Castle Story; and the player is also able to slightly tilt the screen, for a different view, in FS2. When the view is wider, the player is able to see the complete farm AND surrounding areas! I LOVE IT!

I would LOVE for Castle Story to have this programmed into the game, just like FS2! I have NEVER been able to see my full kingdom since I first began playing, when Old Thomas was a goat man! PLEASE see what you can do to have this ability for players applied to CS.

If possible, please make this a "Sticky Post" (at least for about a month), so we can more easily get the views of other players on this subject. And THANK YOU, CS forum coordinators/moderators, for helping us as much as you do! ;)

12-25-14, 02:26 AM
The graphical engine of the CS is not the same as the newer TL games, like FS2. So this feature does not come in the same way. I do agree it would be nice to make a full glimmer forest screen shot at once.

I do not believe this post has content to make it sticky. There is another board (http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?241-Castle-Story-Suggestions-amp-Feedback)to post suggestions.

12-25-14, 02:39 AM
The graphical engine of the CS is not the same as the newer TL games, like FS2. So this feature does not come in the same way. I do agree it would be nice to make a full glimmer forest screen shot at once.

I do not believe this post has content to make it sticky. There is another board (http://forums.storm8.com/forumdisplay.php?241-Castle-Story-Suggestions-amp-Feedback)to post suggestions. I am very disappointed, but I appreciate your quick reply. Thank you. -Pam

12-25-14, 02:52 AM
Holding your device in portrait rather than landscape will show slightly more of your kingdom on screen at once.
Still not all of it, but a little more

12-25-14, 04:03 AM
Merry Christmas!

I'll pass on this to the team for consideration.... :)

12-25-14, 04:48 AM
Merry Christmas!

I'll pass on this to the team for consideration.... :)
THANK YOU SO MUCH, SpiritWind! That makes my day. I know it can can be done, it just takes time and hard work. But I love CS so much, and I want to see it progress technologically as well as in-game goals.

By the way, I'm the player who posted the original request. As I stated, I have 2 kingdoms. This is the other one! :o
Colley Court
Coal Country

12-25-14, 05:18 AM
You're very welcome! I've send that through for you now. I would like to see this too, it would be good to see everything zoomed out more.

Well, big day.. I'm worn out with cooking, eating and playing! Merry Christmas friends!