View Full Version : Farm Story - Valentine - Quests

02-02-11, 11:51 AM
While the inclusion of quests makes the game more interesting, some of the requirements are ridiculous. For example, why does one have to plow new ground in order for it to count as being plowed. Fallow ground (ground that has been harvested) still has to be plowed before anything can be planted so why doesn't that count as plowed ground?

Second, why does skipping a step cost gems? These gems are already overpriced as it is, you cannot earn them in the game (not like you can in Bakery or Restaurant Story) so it is ridiculous to require a payment of 5 gems to skip a step. Especially in the Corn-a-copia quest where you need to fertilize corn five times and fertilizer costs gems (another stupid idea, IMO).

So far, those are issues but, like I said, the addition of the quests makes the game more interesting, giving it a sense of purpose.

02-02-11, 04:13 PM
which quests are these, i can't see any. is it on all platforms, i use an ipad.

02-03-11, 11:52 AM
I'm on iPad too, and they did show up after a couple of days - the icon under your coins, top left corner.

I have completed them all it seems, very dissappointed thought there might be some reward at the end, just stopped after the outhouse. Will there be more?

02-03-11, 02:52 PM
I like the inclusion of the quests too, although the game is new to me overall so I actually just thought it was something that's been there. However I also agree it's ridiculous to expect us to pay for the fertiliser with gems for the corn when it's so hard to earn gems, that's not going to make me spend my money, just tick me off when I was trying to save gems for a flag. The rewards are rather lame too comparatively speaking to the cost of following through with the quest, perhaps a coin or item reward equal or greater than the cost of the quest and a gem per quest reward as well and something awesome once all quests are completed.

02-05-11, 12:54 PM
Here's a few more problems with the game:

1) Great that there are more roses ... BUT ... why do they have to cost gems? I balk at the idea of purchasing the red roses with gems, although the first time I purchased them, I didn't pay attention to that fact. I surely won't get these roses either, as much as I want them.

2) What is with the lag? You'll be playing the game, selecting things then suddenly, the game just freezes. You wait a minute and it moves again. I only noticed this in the Valentine versions of Farm, City and Restaurant Story.

3) As I said in the first post, the inclusion of the quests is great. However, you'd think that the developers would have taken into consideration that higher-level players may obtain the game as well and work something into the quests to account for that.

For example, in City Story, one of the quests requires the purchase of a third factory. But when you've reached the point where you can no longer purchase factories because you have the maximum number of them (as I have), why can't the quest check that first then allow you to bypass that and give you the reward for it (or not)?

4) Why can't things in your inventory count as things purchased for these quests because you did purchase them? Case in point, in Restaurant Story Valentine, there are at least two quests that do this. One asks you to purchase two brown tables and two brown chairs (the basic ones at the very beginning in the store) and another asks you to purchase two white counters. I had these in my inventory (over 10 each!) but I had to sell all of them, just to purchase some to count towards the quest. Some would say, "Skip it". With overpriced Gems? Yeah, right! If the stuff is already in your inventory, it should count towards the quest.

02-05-11, 01:22 PM
I'm on Android and I dont see any quests either....so no rose planting for me I suppose. I was glad to see the love sheep (or whatever it's actual name is), and I was happy to see that it cost coins and not gems. And cheap coins to boot! Kudos on that :)

However, I was upset to see that all the new vday stuff in BS and RS cost coins. Not one vday item is for coins?? Booooo! Not only that, but each game has the same decor. I like the new recipes...but they take too long to make, imo. Actually...anything that takes 2 days to make is too long!

02-05-11, 01:53 PM
Still no quests on my iPad. I deleted and reinstalled, and still no quests. Guess it's not working for everyone yet 

02-05-11, 02:21 PM
I'm on Android and I dont see any quests either....so no rose planting for me I suppose. I was glad to see the love sheep (or whatever it's actual name is), and I was happy to see that it cost coins and not gems. And cheap coins to boot! Kudos on that :)

However, I was upset to see that all the new vday stuff in BS and RS cost coins. Not one vday item is for coins?? Booooo! Not only that, but each game has the same decor. I like the new recipes...but they take too long to make, imo. Actually...anything that takes 2 days to make is too long!

Oops, I meant to say...everything costs gems