View Full Version : water missing

02-02-11, 06:50 AM
for the last tree days all my plants that are watered are showing no water after a while

02-02-11, 07:46 AM
Me too did anyone help you? Apes123

02-02-11, 09:04 AM
The water on my farm is having issues. The previous days water seems to have vanished into thin air.

02-02-11, 09:11 AM
yes! i lost all my water drops!!!
I'm so sad! my whole field was full und now.... frustrating!!! (tears)

clem farm
02-02-11, 09:58 AM
depuis 2 jours, l'eau de mon potager dispara?t, ce qui est tr?s ?nervant...

02-02-11, 10:11 AM
?ltimamente estoy teniendo problemas con el riego. Despu?s de unas horas desaparecen las gotitas de agua. Alguien sabe a que se debe????

Mrs Wilhelm
02-02-11, 10:54 PM
I have harvested my crops three times in the past 2 days. All were watered until ready for harvest, then all disappeared. Also, I have been able to gift my friends and unlimited amount of times.

02-03-11, 01:47 AM
WTF is going on?!?? My farm was completely watered and now every single drop is gone!! So now, I'm going to have to work my a$$ off for the next 2 hours to make sure it's watered before everything matures!! I'm PISSED!! FIX THIS!!!

ID: DoubleZ

02-03-11, 01:54 AM
I'm finding a more frequent occurrence of people being able to water the same exact crops at the same time, so it takes 3 neighbors to water 10 spots. I've also seen where people swear to me they've watered, but they never show up on my news feed and my farm is full! I'd say this was a freak thing, but it's happening daily now which makes it a glitch in the game.

Rather than coming out with new FS versions (Valentine, which sucks, btw...waaaay too slow), why not improve and fix the version that's already out there?!?

02-03-11, 03:17 AM
I have the same problem with missing water, since i loaded Farm Story Valentine. I removed the app but the water is still disappearing, and with my neighbors happens the same.

Please TeamLava fix this bug as soon as possible.

02-03-11, 06:33 AM
Im having water issues also. Id: lunaminky

02-03-11, 07:07 AM
Since I loaded Farm Story Valentine, my water drops disappear. The past 3 days my rice field has been watered numerous times and they vanish. I have over 700 neighbors and they are very good at keeping my farm full. I just made it to level 75 and I love your game, but could you please look into this problem. thank you mirandag

02-03-11, 08:17 AM
Every time i get water i think ok its fixed then when i go out to water and come back it is all missing...ugh!....this is becoming very frustrating to lose all the water from my farm...and all of the extra money that goes with it when i harvest....more and more people are having problems with this water bug....maybe if we keep e-mailing they will get sick of us and find the problem....the problem is i love this game and want it back the way it was....we need to stick together and not let us slip through the cracks so they forget about us

02-19-11, 02:21 PM
I just joined and never had the Valentine version. The first few times people watered my farm I saw the water drops. But now my news feed says several more people have watered my farm, but I don't see any new water drops at all. Ugh.

03-02-11, 01:10 AM
Knew something bad was going to happen because the platform was shakey and not stable for several hours yesterday. Kept experiencing unwatered crops and had to repeat watering my neighbors over and over again as th water drops disappeared right in front of my eyes. Then today, my entire farm which was fully watered since the night before became 100% unwatered and I'm at level 53. So sad and frustrated but can't do anything!

03-02-11, 01:46 AM
Knew something bad was going to happen because the platform was shakey and not stable for several hours yesterday. Kept experiencing unwatered crops and had to repeat watering my neighbors over and over again as th water drops disappeared right in front of my eyes. Then today, my entire farm which was fully watered since the night before became 100% unwatered and I'm at level 53. So sad and frustrated but can't do anything!

This isn't just happening on FS but on all their other games as well. I watered/tipped/cleaned/tended/etc (WTCTE). all my neighbors and a couple of hours later found that everything was reset. Repeated the WTCTE and experienced the same thing again an hour later. Being the stubborn fool that I am, I did the WTCTE yet again and got hit by another reset again.

I am going to stop all WTCTE activities until I am sure the servers and backend applications have stablized. :-((

03-02-11, 02:26 AM
This isn't just happening on FS but on all their other games as well. I watered/tipped/cleaned/tended/etc (WTCTE). all my neighbors and a couple of hours later found that everything was reset. Repeated the WTCTE and experienced the same thing again an hour later. Being the stubborn fool that I am, I did the WTCTE yet again and got hit by another reset again.

I am going to stop all WTCTE activities until I am sure the servers and backend applications have stablized. :-((

I water/clean/tip loads of people, and they do the same to me. One of the points of so called social games. What for? Nothing it seems... Sooo frustrating... Any hope for someone from Teamlava to come up with an explanation?

Id farmerzoe

03-02-11, 02:37 AM
Today the game was out of the server and indeed: al my water has disappeared. Team Lava: how are you going to solve this?

03-02-11, 06:52 AM
Hello "teamlava", any reaction from your side or are you lost??

03-02-11, 07:04 AM
allright...so I just posted here a question to teamlava to pls react on this wateringbug and now I see they took of my question...well, nice to meet you teamlava and thanks for your amazing help!! djeee, so THAT's teamlava...an amazing example of costumer support! curious how long this post will remain here :))))

03-03-11, 05:04 AM
Lost my fully watered farm an hour before harvest yesterday (2/2/11) - could see it was full an hour before harvest but every single drop disappeared at harvest!!!. Today (3/2/11), many people have visited my farm to water when they left notes on my wall; but I don't see a single drop of water. Cannot be so many neigbours are lying to me. Concurrently checked into my farm from a neighbour's farm (on iphone) and saw my farm's quite full with water but not a drip on on it from my own farm (in iPad). What kind of new bug is this???? Please, please, fix it quickly....makes me wonder whether all my hard work watering my neighbours' farms for over 2 hours in the last two days since this watering bug appears has gone down the drain too.... + lost coins + lost xp...sigh....

03-03-11, 08:36 PM
Hi All, I too have been having problems this week, as follows:
1. Dispite my news feed telling me that neighbors have watered, the water is not there when I go to harvest.
2. The game repeatedly drops out giving the error msg - 'This is an online game...'. I have checked my connection and I have full phone and wifi connections.
3. Opening of Profile, Inventory and Social folders is VERY slow, I get the 'Processing' message. Sometimes this is when the connection will drop out.
4. Posting to someones wall doesn't always show on their wall.
5. While harveting, replanting or moving items on my farm, connection is lost, then when the game reopens (which can take 10-15mins) my work for the past session (30-60 mins of work on the farm) has been lost and I have to redo the harvest or planting etc.
6. I have been able to water the same neighbors farm more than once in a 24hr period.
7. I have received more and 20 gifts in a 24hr period and have been able to gift neighbors more than once in a 24 hr period (I like this fault! Can you keep this one going please?)

I've only been playing a couple of months and love the game! I'm on it EVERYDAY! I love that it's so easy to use and so logical. Could you please allow us to gift other things to our neighbors e.g. items in our inventory.

Thanks TeamLava! Keep up the great work! I just know you're going to fix these wee glitches so we can carry on farming and chatting to people around the world!

ID: OnlyPauline