View Full Version : Answered Accidentally spent gem!

12-18-14, 05:08 PM
I was going to tab 'Ask' button to get help from neighbours to send me trade officials to unlock golden trade route, but i accidentally tabbed the skip button and my gems are gone like that!!

I have had this kind of 'accident' many times already, but those are smaller amount of gems so i just scolded myself for not being careful or tabbing too fast.

But this time it is big amount! I should have around 256 gems which I bought using real money and now I am left with 100 only!

Shouldn't playing games be enjoyable instead of stressful like this? ='( ='( ='(

I have sent an e-mail to support team, wondering whether they will return my gems or not?

12-18-14, 05:55 PM
Sorry to hear about this! Thanks for writing to support, a support agent will get to your ticket shortly.

12-18-14, 06:00 PM
Sorry to hear about this! Thanks for writing to support, a support agent will get to your ticket shortly.

Thanks for your reply. Do TL return gems for accident like this?

12-18-14, 06:01 PM
Thanks for your reply. Do TL return gems for accident like this?

It's never happened before. In any of their games. Ever!

12-18-14, 08:50 PM
It's never happened before. In any of their games. Ever!

That's sad to know. But I do hope that they will return my gems cause obviosly that task i 'skipped' could be done by just asking help from neighbours and i have not started using the 'reward' (golden trade).