View Full Version : Charmed Coin

12-17-14, 11:51 AM
I bought this in Stormie's side shop last night for 133 coins. It says it's made in the Jewelsmith but I can't make it. I can't find a reference to it in any threads.

Is it made with just silver? If so, it's a good use of extra silver. What level do I need to be on to make this?


kooky panda
12-17-14, 12:03 PM
It goes with the wishing well.

There are pictures on the above thread.
Can you let me know if androids also received this?

12-17-14, 12:53 PM
The Wishing Well and Charming Coin are iOS only, unfortunately. You should not be seeing the Charming Coin on Android in any Shops. Sorry for the confusion!

12-17-14, 01:14 PM
Thank you for the information. It will be a very long time before I can use the coin.

i can see the wishing well on iOS. I cannot see the well or coin in the barn on android.

I wish I can use the coin to wish for android parity in this game because there's so much I can do on iOS that I can't on android. At a minimum to show the same barn and silo totals so I don't lose stuff on android.