View Full Version : Mythic Essence not show up

12-15-14, 09:05 AM
I'm on Graseldas Beautiful Dark Garden quests. Almost end on 'Coping Mechanishm' that I must upgrade my maze to level 2.
For upgrade it needed 5 Mythic Essence that craft on posion shop, but until now the facility for crafting in not available. No 'Mythic Essence' on the choice.
What can I do to craft the Mythic Essence?

Thanks for helping.

12-15-14, 09:18 AM
You need to do the quest line to discover Adamant. On the path you will discover Mythic Essence

12-15-14, 09:23 AM
You true, still hanging on the nuggets to finished that quest.
Thank you very much for it.

12-17-14, 07:43 AM
Thanks I needed that also

12-18-14, 02:51 AM
If in doubt, head to THE HUB! I'm glad you found your answer. closing thread as it's a duplicate. Here are the links that are current. :)

Castle Story: 02/13/2014 Update Greselda's Beautiful Dark Garden (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?65360)

Post Castle Story: 01/09/2014 Update Adamant Alchemy Quest Line (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?63978)