View Full Version : Sooooo confused on old goals....

12-14-14, 11:05 AM

So I haven't played in a year. I finally have a tablet that can handle the games & downloaded them all - restaurant, bakery, fashion. About once a week screens popup & go through goals I've completed...in all the games. About 25 popups. It is so annoying. One screen will show the goal and the checkmarks that I did them but then when you get to the end screen it says you missed the goal because you didn't make it on time. Well like in Bakery Story, one of the goals is where you get that fall oven. I already have 4 fall ovens & it is saying I missed the goal & do I want to pay for it with gems. No I don't because I already have them.

But what goals I don't ever see is all the ones I missed all year of not playing...like beach ones for summer and stuff. So did I entirely miss getting to try to work on those goals because I installed my same game instead of starting over? And are there really deadlines to complete goals? :confused:And where do you find that out, so you can make sure you stay on track? I don't see any deadlines listed on the Christmas goals on here. And how do I get the games to stop re-running through old goals I've already done & telling me I didn't make it on time?


kooky panda
12-14-14, 11:24 AM
Please send an email to support@teamlava.com along with a list of names of the goals that keep popping up.

You will not be able to unlock goals prizes for expired goals.