View Full Version : Selling old appliances... thoughts?

12-09-14, 08:38 PM
Should I sell my old appliances? Will TL ever add recopies to old appliances?

12-09-14, 09:36 PM
I always keep 4 on hand just in case, and some of them I don't think you can get again. But I doubt they'll be adding anything to them, though it'd be nice.

12-09-14, 11:24 PM
Unless you're desperate for coins, don't sell anything. You don't get much back (I think it's 10% of the original purchase price?). Always keep at least 1 or two of that appliance as you may not be able to buy it back. Personally I'd never sell any of mine even though I have about 5 of each, others I have about 10 of.

Should I sell my old appliances? Will TL ever add recopies to old appliances?

12-10-14, 12:45 AM
I don't see any reason for selling.
1. You don't earn back much
2. There's no storage limit

So far TL has only added recipes to basic oven and basic drink.

12-10-14, 05:40 AM
It is totally up to you whether or not you want to sell them. Personally, once I complete the recipes, I sell a few and keep 3 just in case I want to make some recipes from that particular oven, or complement my color scheme for the month. I would think that if there were any recipes ever added to one, that everyone would be given the option to buy that oven once again. Perhaps as an LTO like they did with a few recent ovens, although I do not know if there were new recipes that came with it - though one or two were finally unlocked for those who weren't able to make them before.

12-10-14, 07:31 PM
I keep all of mine. Storage space is pretty much unlimited and it's nice to b able to pull them out and cook seasonal items. I pulled out Halloween ovens and cooked some cupcakes from last yr. after we finish this challenge I'll pull out some of my Xmas ovens and cook those specialty recipes. So heck, keep them.