View Full Version : Bakery Update 12/10/14

12-09-14, 10:56 AM
Bakery Story - Christmas Goals - Dec 10, 2014 (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76066-Bakery-Story-Christmas-Goals-Dec-10-2014)

I wonder what's tommorrow update is all about. Is there any previews?


Christmas is the most magical time of the year! It is a jolly season to share with your loved ones and beloved customers. Serve delicious, warm meals on your Santa’s Shop Counter in Bakery Story (https://www.facebook.com/bakerystory)!
Set up your Shop with these festive decors:

Santa’s Shop Chair
Santa’s Shop Table
Poinsettia Garland

12-09-14, 11:02 AM
I want a winter wonderland!

12-09-14, 11:18 AM
It will most likely be Christmas goals and we should see a teaser in about 6-7 hours.

12-09-14, 11:29 AM
It will most likely be Christmas goals and we should see a teaser in about 6-7 hours.

Agreed. Can't wait!

12-09-14, 11:38 AM
I can't wait. Hope the goal prize is cute

12-09-14, 11:45 AM
I'm so excited! I can't wait :D

12-09-14, 11:49 AM
im so excited!! i want christmas theme!!!

12-09-14, 01:26 PM
Anyone else seeing a lot of Christmas recipes at the back of the easy oven? I'm on iOS. They all say locked by goal and they weren't there for me before. The last recipe was Watermelon Cake, but now there's Yule Log, Holiday Cupcake, Gingerbread Cake, Love Muffins, Mince Pie and Molten Lava Cake.

12-09-14, 01:40 PM
I also see the Sant's Grotto prize, locked, which I don't remember seeing before.

12-09-14, 01:49 PM
I was wondering, if I just buy the minimum number of appliances and build them fairly quickly, am I likely to complete all the goals before they expire? I'm trying to save up to expand, so don't want to spend too much on completing the goals.

12-09-14, 01:56 PM
I also see the Sant's Grotto prize, locked, which I don't remember seeing before.

i've always been able to see them because i have android but i really hope we get santa's grotto and are able to bake the locked recipes!!!

12-09-14, 01:59 PM
I was wondering, if I just buy the minimum number of appliances and build them fairly quickly, am I likely to complete all the goals before they expire? I'm trying to save up to expand, so don't want to spend too much on completing the goals.

I usually buy a minimum of 5 of each goal appliance and am able to finish the goals weeks before they expire.

12-09-14, 02:09 PM
i've always been able to see them because i have android but i really hope we get santa's grotto and are able to bake the locked recipes!!!

Santas Grotto was an old goal.You can see all old goals.So unfortunately no Santas Grotto as a prize in this challenge.

12-09-14, 02:28 PM
Need fairy lights.... Yeah fairy lights

12-09-14, 02:29 PM
Yeah, I know. It was never visible for me before, like the other recipes I listed, so I'm wondering what's up. It would be nice as an LTO.

12-09-14, 03:26 PM
[QUOTE=jandtandn;1018081]I also see the Sant's Grotto prize, locked, which I don't remember seeing before.[/QUOte

I've been playing for almost 2 ys and it was there all the time. And recipes too

12-09-14, 03:28 PM
Not on my device, is what I'm saying. I'm not on an android device.

12-09-14, 03:40 PM
Doh! I didn't add the quote.

Going back to my earlier question, I'm not interested in finishing the goals early, I'm trying to spend as little as possible. Can anyone tell me is it usually possible to complete the goals before they expire with only 2 of each appliance?

12-09-14, 03:58 PM
Doh! I didn't add the quote.

Going back to my earlier question, I'm not interested in finishing the goals early, I'm trying to spend as little as possible. Can anyone tell me is it usually possible to complete the goals before they expire with only 2 of each appliance?

Yes it most definitely is :) But you need to stay on top of your food and make sure stuff doesn't expire. Three would relieve that a little but two is fine if you are diligent...unless we get a couple 12 hour recipes ....

12-09-14, 04:17 PM
The update is on the blog. I don't see any new appliances like with RS, but maybe they just cropped it out. I see new tables, chairs and counters, but the same decor from last week in the picture.


12-09-14, 04:27 PM
Looks like BS cropped a bunch of stuff out of the pic. RS definitely shows 2 new appliances. It'll b interesting to f what really happens tomorrow.

12-09-14, 04:28 PM
Oh my! I LOVE the tables!! The colors are beautiful! :) Reminds me of lights...

12-09-14, 04:32 PM
Well... This is a confusing teaser. I agree that they probably croped out a part of the picture because we can only see tables & chairs. There is no decoration at all(well there is, but it's all old stuff LOL).

12-09-14, 04:33 PM
Looks like goals in RS but not in BS. I really hope I'm wrong though. I don't want to wait until next week for the goals.

12-09-14, 04:34 PM
Maybe this means our big goal prize will be a Santa or elf workshop. I'm not too impressed with the tables, counters and tiles so hopefully the goal prizes will make up for those lackluster items.

12-09-14, 04:37 PM
I hope the poinsettia garland (not pictured?) is a good size. That bat garland from the Halloween goals was puny. It got lost against the wallpaper.

12-09-14, 04:46 PM
Where do I find out about updates and goals for bakery story? ?

12-09-14, 04:46 PM
Eh.. not too crazy about this one.. Looks like a regular update to me.

12-09-14, 04:46 PM
Where do I find out about updates and goals for bakery story? ?


12-09-14, 04:47 PM
Where can I find out when goals are coming out for andriod?

12-09-14, 04:48 PM
Here or the blog, link posted above.

12-09-14, 04:50 PM
Thanks so much! I can never learn much by the forum and it's the only reference to the game..does anyone know if we will be getting new appliances?

12-09-14, 04:52 PM
I like the tables. There cute. I am a bit confused with this one....:confused: oh well, I'll find out tomorrow!

12-09-14, 04:53 PM
Also please add me kaysdelish I am a 4 star active player and tip/gift daily

12-09-14, 04:53 PM
Thanks so much! I can never learn much by the forum and it's the only reference to the game..does anyone know if we will be getting new appliances?

You're welcome! It looks like two new appliances, so 6 new recipes: one drink machine and one stove.

Goals seem to come out the second Wednesday of each month. There are decor or box updates each Wednesday. I don't know how it works for android players, but you get the same things, just with a download prompt, right?

12-09-14, 04:54 PM
Very strange crop job, indeed. The wallpaper is ok, the flooring is a bit strange to go with it, though. I suppose it doesn't matter since we already have coin snow tiles in BS, so we can just use that. The tables and chairs are decent, but I much prefer the ones in RS. I'm really kind of uninterested in the whole "let's just throw a glass piece over something to make a table" routine, so that could be a part of why it's underwhelming for me. I also hope that the things that we can't see are much better than these, but I already have a lot of things in my Bakery anyways, so I don't need a ton to add to it.

12-09-14, 05:07 PM
add kaysdelish im an active 4star player and i gift and tip daily

12-09-14, 05:08 PM
Very strange crop job, indeed. The wallpaper is ok, the flooring is a bit strange to go with it, though. I suppose it doesn't matter since we already have coin snow tiles in BS, so we can just use that. The tables and chairs are decent, but I much prefer the ones in RS. I'm really kind of uninterested in the whole "let's just throw a glass piece over something to make a table" routine, so that could be a part of why it's underwhelming for me. I also hope that the things that we can't see are much better than these, but I already have a lot of things in my Bakery anyways, so I don't need a ton to add to it.

agreed on the glass-top tables, i'd rather just have an interesting table. my first thought was that the counters were underwhelming, but then i remembered that the tops of them get blocked by food anyway, and the sides are better. wallpaper's good, floor is boring. hope the rest of the decor is good! (and hope that they didn't randomly decide to push goals back a week.)

Thanks so much! I can never learn much by the forum and it's the only reference to the game..does anyone know if we will be getting new appliances?

what, you mean you don't like all of our expert guesses? geez, it's like you want real information or something. :)

Goals seem to come out the second Wednesday of each month. There are decor or box updates each Wednesday. I don't know how it works for android players, but you get the same things, just with a download prompt, right?

android gets the updates automatically most weeks, it's just when there is a new version that we don't see the content until we've downloaded (either on that wednesday, or we wait until there is a download prompt to get the gems). i imagine this week will not have a new version, and i sincerely hope they never issue a new version the same week as goals again after the complete pain-in-the-rear last month.

12-09-14, 05:09 PM
This week is goals that means two new appliances.

12-09-14, 05:13 PM
In the picture there's no appliances. Does that mean no goals for this week? RS goals looks cute Nd pretty

12-09-14, 05:14 PM
I like RS update, it's really so much beautiful...

12-09-14, 05:15 PM
im andriod player and all those recipes are still locked for me?

kooky panda
12-09-14, 05:17 PM

http://media.tumblr.com/872793468e0745acdaaa05a45b9f5b3f/tumblr_inline_ngc6zw4IXj1qm7yoc.pngChristmas is the most magical time of the year! It is a jolly season to share with your loved ones and beloved customers. Serve delicious, warm meals on your Santa?s Shop Counter in Bakery Story (https://www.facebook.com/bakerystory)!
Set up your Shop with these festive decors:

Santa?s Shop Chair
Santa?s Shop Table
Poinsettia Garland

12-09-14, 05:19 PM
I think someone at staff or whoever uploaded the wrong pic with the wrong items.

If I'm wrong, not excited about this update.

12-09-14, 05:21 PM
Santa?s Shop Chair
Santa?s Shop Table
Poinsettia Garland

hmmm judging by this list they dont even know if its even santa at all.. they got question marks by his name

would be nice to see the actual prizes if its even a goal and it should be anyway, tomorrow is the 2nd wednesday of the month!

12-09-14, 05:42 PM
Restaurant story items are soooo cute I wonder if there will be any ltos

12-09-14, 07:15 PM
Not what I was hoping for - looks like goals won't be happening this week.......

12-09-14, 07:20 PM
Not what I was hoping for - looks like goals won't be happening this week.......

They have done this before...just shown part of the picture that didn't show the stoves.... I would be really suprised if it were not goals tomorrow. The tables counters and wallpaper are very pretty! the snowmen are from our last update....

12-09-14, 07:51 PM
Wish I was playing RS because it looks like they got the better update even if it does look like they recycled the 2012 reindeer from BS!

12-09-14, 08:03 PM
Wish I was playing RS because it looks like they got the better update even if it does look like they recycled the 2012 reindeer from BS!

My thoughts exactly! The RS update looks way cuter! :(

They better have cropped some awesome stuff out of the photo! I was really disappointed with last year's "lite brite" Christmas update, and I'm really hoping for something great in this year's Christmas content! What I'm seeing so far isn't too exciting, just kinda blah! I do like the wallpaper though, but it would be nice if it weren't a wintery outdoor scene...again.

12-09-14, 08:10 PM
Oooh not sure about this update - not sure how it can be our beloved goals...no stoves in the picture. I guess we'll see tomorrow. I dont love the tables counters or tiles and the wall paper is a yard sale - ick. But thats just my opinion.

12-09-14, 09:06 PM
I was wondering, if I just buy the minimum number of appliances and build them fairly quickly, am I likely to complete all the goals before they expire? I'm trying to save up to expand, so don't want to spend too much on completing the goals.I've done that in the past and I don't always complete the goals. I think two things prevent me from finishing them: 1. Not being able to build the ovens quickly enough (because of not getting parts quickly enough). This would totally depend on your neighbors. 2. I have had a lot of food go bad because I couldn't play frequently enough. If you're able to stay on top of 2-hour foods, for example, this also wouldn't be a problem. For me anyway, I can't really make a lot of progress on the short recipes because I'm too busy during the day to play.

With the last goals, I bought three of each of the goal ovens and was able to complete the goals a few days early, even after starting about a week late because I was holding out for the gem goal. So I don't think you'd need more than three to finish in time. I do have a couple caveats though: I probably was able to build the ovens a little faster than I normally would have because I had more time to accumulate parts (so I probably didn't finish building the ovens a whole lot later than I normally would have). And secondly, I think the timing this time was such that I didn't have to work on the days that I had to make the short-timed recipes, so I didn't have as much spoiled food as I normally do.

12-09-14, 09:25 PM
Was hoping for a "Winter" theme, like sledding, skiing, hot cocoa shop but I guess those who don't celebrate Xmas are the minority so we lose! A Winter/seasonal theme is better for goals so EVERYONE can do them. Then come out with Xmas decor for a weekly update for those who do buy that stuff.

I will be skipping these goals, and I won't be participating in any way either!

Thanks TL for thinking of everyone.... *Insert sarcasm here*

12-09-14, 10:18 PM
Okay what the heck is this? Please let this be a bad cropped photo... I don't even see the garland and just looks like Santa's sleigh not workshop ? & final the snowman was from last weeks update... Please STOP DISAPPOINTING BS players.. Its like they can't come up with anything and yet don't listen to what we the players want... I'm noticing a bunch of people quitting and I'm fixing to be one of them.

12-09-14, 10:36 PM
Anyone else notice several gifts at the end of the line have been removed e.g., illuminated tubing, piece of glass, icicle?

12-09-14, 10:40 PM
Anyone else notice several gifts at the end of the line have been removed e.g., illuminated tubing, piece of glass, icicle?

Yes I've noticed these items are gone from my gift choices also. Maybe those are the parts we're gonna need to request from our neighbours tomorrow. Glad I have some in stock.

12-09-14, 11:38 PM
It would be weird if we didn't get goals this week. That means people only have one week to decorate their bakeries if we get them next week, assuming people finish the goals within a week! I wonder if this is a deliberate ploy by TL to get players to spend gems to cook faster so they can have the final prizes early? Very glad my bakery is already full of Christmas decor so I'm not desperate for new content.

12-10-14, 12:15 AM
Was hoping for a "Winter" theme, like sledding, skiing, hot cocoa shop but I guess those who don't celebrate Xmas are the minority so we lose! A Winter/seasonal theme is better for goals so EVERYONE can do them. Then come out with Xmas decor for a weekly update for those who do buy that stuff.

I will be skipping these goals, and I won't be participating in any way either!

Thanks TL for thinking of everyone.... *Insert sarcasm here*

These are the goals we have had this year.... halloween and christmas are only 2 out of 12. if anything I would say they are catering to you non-believers a lot more!

Coffee goals
the whole honey theme, not a goal but got new drink machine
Gelato bar/ice cream goals
boardwalk goals
soccer...not goals but new recipes
Arabian goals
Garden glow goals
Lets have a ball goals
St. Patricks goals (although you probably didn't like that one either)
Parisian goals
winter wedding goals

I think your very vehemently negative posts on both here and the RS forum where the case is the same....are really not needed. Can you not please just ignore the 2 months of the year that offend you so? and leave these threads to the people who want to actually discuss them?

12-10-14, 12:45 AM
Anyone else notice several gifts at the end of the line have been removed e.g., illuminated tubing, piece of glass, icicle?

Yes I've noticed these items are gone from my gift choices also. Maybe those are the parts we're gonna need to request from our neighbours tomorrow. Glad I have some in stock.

Weird to me that they'd remove parts, like glass, that could be easily used in future builds, but I still see very specific stuff like the guitar pick. Anyway, I'm guessing it means that ovens using those parts from old goals will no longer be purchaseable soon. I'm buying an extra of a couple different kinds just to get rid of my spare parts, and you can still request them, even if they're not giftable.

12-10-14, 12:56 AM
I have never cared about the existence of goals... If there is, thank you TL; if there isn't, let me save up money for another week.

12-10-14, 12:59 AM
Anyone else notice several gifts at the end of the line have been removed e.g., illuminated tubing, piece of glass, icicle?

I noticed that when I went to send an icicle to someone in return. Tea thing was at the front too. Thought it was just me.

12-10-14, 01:02 AM
umm, when are new item/goals usually released? time wise? Has been answered in RS, thanks to people who replied :)

12-10-14, 01:57 AM
Was hoping for a "Winter" theme, like sledding, skiing, hot cocoa shop but I guess those who don't celebrate Xmas are the minority so we lose! A Winter/seasonal theme is better for goals so EVERYONE can do them. Then come out with Xmas decor for a weekly update for those who do buy that stuff.

I will be skipping these goals, and I won't be participating in any way either!

Thanks TL for thinking of everyone.... *Insert sarcasm here*

I have to wholeheartedly disagree! I only have a few (by few I mean 3) xmas items that were LTO's on black friday because that is all there is! Everything else is all ice and snow...and cold, sterile and boring looking in my opinion!

First off, you have 3 whole snowy/icy winter boxes, the sports one, snow one and winters gift. As far as I can tell they don't have xmas items, or else I would be buying them.
Last weeks new stuff was all snow and ice, nothing xmas at all. But besides that there are a plethora of items available from the past, unfortunately for me, but fortunate for you, they are all snow and ice!!
To name a few...
Tables/Chairs-Winter wedding, snowflake, ice crystal, hockey puck,snowy table,snowball
Counters-snowball, hockey rink, ice crystal
Walls and floors-snowy stone,face off,snowy tile,snowy bricks,snowy scene,snowflake,winter wedding,hockey penguin,winter night
Decor-snowy door snowman wreath, snowman tree, snowy window, snowy fireplace,fun sledding, hockey face off, ice fishing, ice skates, snowboards,sledding penguins, ski slope signs, and I could go on with at least 20 more "winter" items.
I agree a hot cocoa shop might me cute, but heck, just buy a few cocoa makers and set up your own!

My point is, Id be happy with even 1/4 of the number of above mentioned stuff in xmas items!

12-10-14, 02:03 AM
Pretty sure that snowman thing was last weeks update... Rs have 2 new appliances so we should be getting goals!

12-10-14, 02:14 AM
I have to wholeheartedly disagree! I only have a few (by few I mean 3) xmas items that were LTO's on black friday because that is all there is! Everything else is all ice and snow...and cold, sterile and boring looking in my opinion!

First off, you have 3 whole snowy/icy winter boxes, the sports one, snow one and winters gift. As far as I can tell they don't have xmas items, or else I would be buying them.
Last weeks new stuff was all snow and ice, nothing xmas at all. But besides that there are a plethora of items available from the past, unfortunately for me, but fortunate for you, they are all snow and ice!!
To name a few...
Tables/Chairs-Winter wedding, snowflake, ice crystal, hockey puck,snowy table,snowball
Counters-snowball, hockey rink, ice crystal
Walls and floors-snowy stone,face off,snowy tile,snowy bricks,snowy scene,snowflake,winter wedding,hockey penguin,winter night
Decor-snowy door snowman wreath, snowman tree, snowy window, snowy fireplace,fun sledding, hockey face off, ice fishing, ice skates, snowboards,sledding penguins, ski slope signs, and I could go on with at least 20 more "winter" items.
I agree a hot cocoa shop might me cute, but heck, just buy a few cocoa makers and set up your own!

My point is, Id be happy with even 1/4 of the number of above mentioned stuff in xmas items!

Wholeheartedly agree!!

12-10-14, 02:37 AM
I noticed that when I went to send an icicle to someone in return. Tea thing was at the front too. Thought it was just me.
tY 4 ur post i noticed the TEA STRAINER MOVED to front but did NOT know bout the ones TL removed at end of gifting menu til i saw ur post bout it. ♥

12-10-14, 04:07 AM
Weird to me that they'd remove parts, like glass, that could be easily used in future builds, but I still see very specific stuff like the guitar pick. Anyway, I'm guessing it means that ovens using those parts from old goals will no longer be purchaseable soon. I'm buying an extra of a couple different kinds just to get rid of my spare parts, and you can still request them, even if they're not giftable.

Same. They really need to remove those Olympic parts as well. I hate getting starting blocks and relay batons because I can't see having any use for these anytime soon. I actually asked for a lot of icicles for potential appliance parts, so looks like that was a waste if it's discontinued now. :-/

12-10-14, 04:24 AM
I'm thinking that the goals could be delay and postpone to next week. Seeing how there's no new appliances or final goal prizes shown in the teaser. Or maybe they're late/ too busy and couldn't show it to us on the teaser but we're still getting goals update today. Let's see what we get hours later. :D

The snowman cake from last week looks so much bigger in the teaser but so pathetic small in-game. :p

12-10-14, 04:30 AM
I am still hoping for Christmas decorations, and NOT more Winter decorations....there are way too many of those. This time of the year, should look all warm and cozy, with Christmas Cheer, not all cold and frozen thay screams, get out of here. :-)

12-10-14, 04:35 AM
I'm thinking that the goals could be delay and postpone to next week. Seeing how there's no new appliances or final goal prizes shown in the teaser. Or maybe they're late/ too busy and couldn't show it to us on the teaser but we're still getting goals update today. Let's see what we get hours later. :D

The snowman cake from last week looks so much bigger in the teaser but so pathetic small in-game. :p

Yeah I was thinking this. Was thinking it might have been a box as it's odd that there isn't a teaser when there is for RS. Will need to wait and see what happens tonight.

12-10-14, 04:58 AM
Not sure it's a box though, don't think we normally get chairs in boxes. Might just be a normal update which personally would be disappointing as I'm going on holiday on Sunday and won't have wifi for three weeks, was hoping to complete the Christmas goals before I go!

12-10-14, 05:14 AM
The pink paint, iron ingot, blue barrel, banana stand are also missing.

12-10-14, 05:22 AM
Yeah I was thinking this. We usually get a box after the goal week so maybe we will get a box tonight here and goals in RS then vice versa next week.

Nooo, that's completely impossible. We can't get Christmas goals only a week before Christmas. It's impossible to complete goals in seven days withot buying 10-15 of each appliances. All this appliances need a lot of money and parts, and only 99 level players, who have a lot of money and parts in their storage can do this.
I'm sure we'll receive our Christmas goals today. And it's even exciting that we didn't see any appliances or decorations yet

Maybe the goal prize will be something kinda Santa's workshop.

12-10-14, 05:26 AM
Does anyone know what time today the new goals release?

12-10-14, 05:39 AM
Thanks lockichan13

12-10-14, 05:45 AM
Does anyone know what time today the new goals release?

They normally show up on my device approximately 7 hours from the time now. Around 2-3 pm EST/ 11-12 PST.

12-10-14, 05:51 AM
I am waiting for new goal!!!! :D

12-10-14, 07:44 AM
I don't get the update on the gifts section. Why bring tea strainer forward then shamrock last? They removed the icicles and some other things too. So guessing they'll pull another thanksgiving and use the snowflake and iceflake stuff.

12-10-14, 07:54 AM
I have to wholeheartedly disagree! I only have a few (by few I mean 3) xmas items that were LTO's on black friday because that is all there is! Everything else is all ice and snow...and cold, sterile and boring looking in my opinion!

First off, you have 3 whole snowy/icy winter boxes, the sports one, snow one and winters gift. As far as I can tell they don't have xmas items, or else I would be buying them.
Last weeks new stuff was all snow and ice, nothing xmas at all. But besides that there are a plethora of items available from the past, unfortunately for me, but fortunate for you, they are all snow and ice!!
To name a few...
Tables/Chairs-Winter wedding, snowflake, ice crystal, hockey puck,snowy table,snowball
Counters-snowball, hockey rink, ice crystal
Walls and floors-snowy stone,face off,snowy tile,snowy bricks,snowy scene,snowflake,winter wedding,hockey penguin,winter night
Decor-snowy door snowman wreath, snowman tree, snowy window, snowy fireplace,fun sledding, hockey face off, ice fishing, ice skates, snowboards,sledding penguins, ski slope signs, and I could go on with at least 20 more "winter" items.
I agree a hot cocoa shop might me cute, but heck, just buy a few cocoa makers and set up your own!

My point is, Id be happy with even 1/4 of the number of above mentioned stuff in xmas items!

Well, PoisonThorne...You took the list right out of my Notebook! Lol!

12-10-14, 08:50 AM
I really hope goals aren't delayed...especially if the final prize is something Christmas themed. I want to be able to display it before Christmas ends.

12-10-14, 09:05 AM
Christmas STARTS on the 25th.............we have plenty of time to finish a goal!

12-10-14, 09:18 AM
Christmas STARTS on the 25th.............we have plenty of time to finish a goal!

I suppose you're a level 99 bakery, and can finish goals in less than a week.

Goals for lower level bakeries are much harder to complete quickly, especially if only a couple of each appliance is purchased. Team Lava needs to keep all types/levels of players in mind. For this reason, I think that today's update will be goals, so all players who choose to participate can finish in time for the holiday!

12-10-14, 10:43 AM
Christmas ends January 11, 2015 this year. That's 32 days away! Like my first post stated, we have plenty of time to finish a goal.

12-10-14, 11:51 AM
Christmas ends January 11, 2015 this year. That's 32 days away! Like my first post stated, we have plenty of time to finish a goal.

What is the significance of Jan 11th??

12-10-14, 11:59 AM
What is the significance of Jan 11th??

There are Saint feasts from the 25th into Early January. The latest I've heard was the 7th, not the 11th, but it would depend upon which traditions one follows.

12-10-14, 12:03 PM
Goals just popped up! For the Santa's Shop Fountain, we need 5 Workshop wrenches and 5 snowy boards.

12-10-14, 12:09 PM
I Hate requesting two parts to this appliance because not everyone respond . I hope second appliance isn't the same thing. This goal will take longer than most

12-10-14, 12:11 PM
New parts! All the stocking up of old parts are wasted lol XD

12-10-14, 12:20 PM
There are Saint feasts from the 25th into Early January. The latest I've heard was the 7th, not the 11th, but it would depend upon which traditions one follows.

Ortodox christians celebrate christmas on the 7th, but I have no idea whats on the 11th. Perhapes it's related to goals, do they end then?

Wow TL, you got us good with these parts. I have recieved a bunch of snowflakes and what not over the past week, and it was all for nothing. The items look cute, I love the wallpaper.

12-10-14, 12:22 PM
This is going to be fun - won't get bored with this challenge!! Let the games begin. If you need a neighbor add me: wizardwgk. Gift daily and prefer neighbors who do the same. Enjoy the goal everyone!

12-10-14, 12:24 PM
I don't understand. Everything TL does is bad for you people. Remember this is a game. I see this game like a visit to a store; I buy if I like, and If the price is right. Otherwise, "BYE FELICIA". :cool:

12-10-14, 12:25 PM
Agh I stockpiled so many snow flake and ice flake gears. Is anyone dealing with glitches? I bought 3 poinsettia garlands and the Santa's Workshop fountain but it's not showing up as bought in my goal list. I also had to buy two extra wallpapers because it said I bought six not eight. :(

12-10-14, 12:26 PM
What? Not 1 basic part? This is going to take ages! At least is in the gifts section

12-10-14, 12:37 PM
Hm, not sure if this is considered a glitch or just my fault lol. I bought a garland before the goal asked me to buy 3, so in addition to the one I already have, I had to buy three more. Normally I thought the goals would count the one I already bought? Not sure! No biggie I suppose. Bummer that all the parts required are new! I'm looking for some more active neighbors to help with goals! I'll be doing the same for all my neighbors :) ID is nowaycupcake

12-10-14, 12:41 PM
The goal prizes are:

Santa's workshop
Little helper
Christmas treats

12-10-14, 12:42 PM

12-10-14, 12:45 PM
Hm, not sure if this is considered a glitch or just my fault lol. I bought a garland before the goal asked me to buy 3, so in addition to the one I already have, I had to buy three more. Normally I thought the goals would count the one I already bought? Not sure! No biggie I suppose.

It depends on the sentence structure of the goal. If it says BUY this or that and you bought the item before the goal, you have to buy it again. But if it says HAVE this or that, it recognizes the items you already have in storage. :)

The goal prizes are:

Santa's workshop
Little helper
Christmas treats

I love the Santa's Workshop goal prize! Can't wait to finish but this is going to take a while... xD

12-10-14, 12:52 PM
Ohhhhh. That makes sense!! Haha, Thank you PepperWoo!

12-10-14, 12:54 PM
I love the Santa's Workshop goal prize! Can't wait to finish but this is going to take a while... xD

The Santa's Shop Fountain is good looking, nicely designed. Can't wait either.

12-10-14, 12:56 PM
The goal prizes are:

Santa's workshop
Little helper
Christmas treats

Oooohhh intriguing. Are there any pictures available for them? I am curious about how big they are.

12-10-14, 01:14 PM
Eggnogs are yummy
as for the rest..... really i cant understand the infatuation for an old bearded man who doesnt exist and who purely is a commercial creation....
Ill stop the goals after getting the eggnogs but at least ive started - in RS ill keep my coins to complete my final expansion instead of spending them on prizes that mean nothing to me. I just wonder how much it costs to complete a goal but im sure if players added all the coins they spend they wouldnt be so thrilled to get goals. I do have so many neughbors who are level 99 like me but who have to stay stuck on a tiny bakery or restaurant just because, as they sadly admit, they spend too much on goals and cant save to expand. As a result, they are loaded with lots of prizes they even cant display because their place is too small.
Whatever guys enjoy the goals if you really do lol

12-10-14, 01:27 PM
Wow! New parts! Totally did not see that coming. Been almost a year since we last had new parts for goals right?

12-10-14, 01:36 PM
What is the significance of Jan 11th??

Hee Hee THAT's my Birthday!!! LOL. (I couldnt resist posting a comment when i saw the date in the post) ♥
Thats is all folks,...... NOW back to twiddling my fingers till the GIFTS are olaced in the gift menu for goals.... :-D ~Buzzy

12-10-14, 01:39 PM
The Santa's Shop Fountain is so cute. Hooray for new recipes!

12-10-14, 01:52 PM
Is anyone else having a problem with the game? Mine doesn't open, it says that there is no internet conection.

12-10-14, 01:55 PM
I hate goals..... Always last minute... Why cant we just have update with LMT offer..??? There is non profit getting a goal price...

12-10-14, 02:03 PM
What is the significance of Jan 11th??

The Chrismas season ends with the baptism of the lord in the Catholic Faith, here in the US that falls on January 11th this year.

12-10-14, 02:34 PM
Wow building these new appliances is gonna take a while!

12-10-14, 02:45 PM
One of my L99 neighbors sent me chocolate cake today after the goals had started and we need all new parts. Delete.

12-10-14, 03:01 PM
One of my L99 neighbors sent me chocolate cake today after the goals had started and we need all new parts. Delete.

Lol! Thats what I thought, how is it possible lvl 99 nbs send gifts before goals!

12-10-14, 03:03 PM
The Santa's Shop Fountain is so cute. Hooray for new recipes!

Yeah the fountain looks amazing! So impressed.

12-10-14, 03:46 PM
Lol! Thats what I thought, how is it possible lvl 99 nbs send gifts before goals!

This is such a pet peeve of mine! Every goal-update-day I have neighbors who gift before the update comes out :rolleyes: you would think by now most players who are level 99 would know not to gift until after we get goals, but I guess not!

12-10-14, 03:52 PM
One of my L99 neighbors sent me chocolate cake today after the goals had started and we need all new parts. Delete.

Hi dear one,...with no internet connection the game wont load (thats more a 'tiny' device issue than a game issue). Have u tried to go to ur devices settings & RESTART ur wi/fi internet signal. Restarting the internet signal might just be the boost it needs to allow game to load. (Sometimes my cell goes into airplane mode too..to save battery power) blessings & enjoy the goals!! ~Buzzy

12-10-14, 04:11 PM
This is such a pet peeve of mine! Every goal-update-day I have neighbors who gift before the update comes out :rolleyes: you would think by now most players who are level 99 would know not to gift until after we get goals, but I guess not!
I USE to think that alot of my neighbors gifted right after clock reset too (& some do) but AFTER i started my 2nd BS acct i noticed that i could gift my OTHER account at like 9pm (would get pop up saying it was full) BUT after reset the gift that i had originally sent at @9pm went through the gifting process AS IF i had done it right after clock 2AM reset. (At my location it resets 2am) LOL i kinda wondered how my young niece use to gift me at 2:10AM when she should be in bed (not to mention her phone would be confiscated by partents at bedtime). Blessings!! ~Buzzy
✴Alot of players mass gift food or gifts & when that happens what was NOT able to be received as gifts "Sometimes" will be sent in the next batch of 20gifts received aftrr the Next reset. Kinda like when people send MASS box requests (like i do) i can send out 1 set of box requests to all of ur n'brs on Monday & some of my n'brs wont get their request till Weds morn. LOL. I build alot of boxes ♥ hopfuly this little bit of info (i learned over time) will help shed some light on what ACTUALLY might be going on,...

12-10-14, 04:15 PM

12-10-14, 04:49 PM
Quick question guys, I like the new tables and chairs, but last time I bought them before I got the goal, they didn't count. That was the first time it ever happened. Just a fluke or should I wait?
Also, do you guys usually throw away some food at the beginning of goals or clutter up with more counters? Wish there were some way to "donate" it to RS!

12-10-14, 05:28 PM
I USE to think that alot of my neighbors gifted right after clock reset too (& some do) but AFTER i started my 2nd BS acct i noticed that i could gift my OTHER account at like 9pm (would get pop up saying it was full) BUT after reset the gift that i had originally sent at @9pm went through the gifting process AS IF i had done it right after clock 2AM reset. (At my location it resets 2am) LOL i kinda wondered how my young niece use to gift me at 2:10AM when she should be in bed (not to mention her phone would be confiscated by partents at bedtime). Blessings!! ~Buzzy

I just had something like this happen a couple days ago, but I figured it was just a glitch: it was almost reset, and i hadn't gifted anyone yet that day, so i sent out a christmassy gift to everyone. and i got the "13 of your neighbors have already received the max gifts today" message, so i know i was still before the reset. and yet, when i went back after the reset (not right after, i think it was an hour later maybe?), the system was telling me i'd already sent gifts out.

Eggnogs are yummy
as for the rest..... really i cant understand the infatuation for an old bearded man who doesnt exist and who purely is a commercial creation....
Ill stop the goals after getting the eggnogs but at least ive started - in RS ill keep my coins to complete my final expansion instead of spending them on prizes that mean nothing to me. I just wonder how much it costs to complete a goal but im sure if players added all the coins they spend they wouldnt be so thrilled to get goals. I do have so many neughbors who are level 99 like me but who have to stay stuck on a tiny bakery or restaurant just because, as they sadly admit, they spend too much on goals and cant save to expand. As a result, they are loaded with lots of prizes they even cant display because their place is too small.
Whatever guys enjoy the goals if you really do lol

dude, lay off santa. and goals don't have to be that expensive (for higher levels, i mean, when you're new everything seems hugely expensive): buy the minimum number of tiles, you can usually opt for cheaper wallpaper, and don't build 18 ovens. sure, goals will cut into an expansion fund, if that's what you're saving for, but it doesn't have to wipe out millions of coins.

but anyway, i was mostly writing to express my amazement that you, the notorious goal-hater, are doing any of the goals! you'll get sucked in yet!

12-10-14, 06:22 PM
Anyone else seeing a lot of Christmas recipes at the back of the easy oven? I'm on iOS. They all say locked by goal and they weren't there for me before. The last recipe was Watermelon Cake, but now there's Yule Log, Holiday Cupcake, Gingerbread Cake, Love Muffins, Mince Pie and Molten Lava Cake.

I'm not seeing them in mine:-(

12-10-14, 06:22 PM
This is such a pet peeve of mine! Every goal-update-day I have neighbors who gift before the update comes out :rolleyes: you would think by now most players who are level 99 would know not to gift until after we get goals, but I guess not!

different time zone or working?

12-10-14, 06:51 PM
I've had this happened to me also. I have neighbors who gift me 2-3am my time, I suspect it's either late in the day or early night for them.

I gift in the morning only, however on Wednesdays I gift ONLY in the afternoon since I normally get the updates/goals at 1pm (lately it has been between 1.30-2.30pm) that way everyone has the appropriate parts for goals.

I've had these particular neighbors and everyone else gifting goal parts until the following day so I suspect that some get the goals by midnight or early morning and they gift a basic part to count for that day since they're not going to wait until midnight to see what parts they need.

So while I have some neighbors gifting goal parts on the afternoon I get the goals while others gift until next day 2-3am.

12-10-14, 07:11 PM
"Santa" has been the goal prize in December for the last 3 years in a row. It would be nice to get something else for Christmas next year.

Maybe angels, shepards and baby Jesus as the final reward :). .... that would be great:)

12-10-14, 07:20 PM
Fun goal TL!

It took me 7 hours to build just one Santa's Worksop Fountain -- YIKES!!!!
First recipe is 2 hours.

Im never in a rush to finish goals - I like to enjoy the journey - but this one is going to take a while to complete.

kooky panda
12-10-14, 07:54 PM
Bakery Story - Christmas Goals - Dec 10, 2014 (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76066-Bakery-Story-Christmas-Goals-Dec-10-2014)

12-10-14, 07:54 PM
Really beautiful update Team Lava!! Everything looks so good!! I actually like it, that we have to use new parts! it will slow things down for everyone, make the event last a lot longer, thankyou!!

12-10-14, 08:10 PM
This is such a pet peeve of mine! Every goal-update-day I have neighbors who gift before the update comes out :rolleyes: you would think by now most players who are level 99 would know not to gift until after we get goals, but I guess not!

I agree. I just decline the gifts for that day.

12-10-14, 08:12 PM
"Santa" has been the goal prize in December for the last 3 years in a row. It would be nice to get something else for Christmas next year.

Maybe angels, shepards and baby Jesus as the final reward :). .... that would be great:)

i really like this update but I also totally appreciate what ur saying :)

12-10-14, 08:13 PM
Thanks for the new parts, it's more interesting to do goals when you have to ask and wait, apart from the goal prize, the course is also part of the joy and fun.

12-10-14, 09:41 PM
"Santa" has been the goal prize in December for the last 3 years in a row. It would be nice to get something else for Christmas next year.

Maybe angels, shepards and baby Jesus as the final reward :). .... that would be great:)

I highly doubt they'd give religious decoration for a goal. There was a wedding decoration for Valentine's Day with crosses on it and I've rarely seen it in a bakery. While they have holidays that are actually religious like Christmas for goals, they keep it more secular because they'd get a lot of complaints. They keep Christmas Santa Claus based because they don't want to offend people. Baby Jesus as a goal would bother a lot of people and prevent a decent number of people from completing the goal.

12-10-14, 10:24 PM
One of my L99 neighbors sent me chocolate cake today after the goals had started and we need all new parts. Delete.

I have a neighbour who requests goal parts but sends croissants. I passively aggressively send her parts. :D Today she actually sent me a goal part!!

12-10-14, 11:51 PM
I heard the parts needed for the second oven are 5 workshop wrench, 5 snowy board, 5 snowflake gear, and 5 ice flake gear. Oh this is another dilemma ala thanksgiving goal! :eek: I'd love to make more of the first oven but now I must save the parts I'll get for the second one... XD

12-11-14, 03:02 AM
"Santa" has been the goal prize in December for the last 3 years in a row. It would be nice to get something else for Christmas next year.

Maybe angels, shepards and baby Jesus as the final reward :). .... that would be great:)

It really wouldn't bother me if they did, even though I'm not a member of that faith...however that would be showing favoritism over the myriad of other religions that share the month of December as a holiday if they did that as a goal. Now a weekly update with a nativity scene, Chanukah decor, some Kwanza, Hindu and solstice decor would be great :) Then everyone would be covered and no one would have to work for it in a goal :) I honestly don't think anyone would have a right to be offended either since you could choose to buy or not buy :)

12-11-14, 03:20 AM
It really wouldn't bother me if they did, even though I'm not a member of that faith...however that would be showing favoritism over the myriad of other religions that share the month of December as a holiday if they did that as a goal. Now a weekly update with a nativity scene, Chanukah decor, some Kwanza, Hindu and solstice decor would be great :) Then everyone would be covered and no one would have to work for it in a goal :) I honestly don't think anyone would have a right to be offended either since you could choose to buy or not buy :)

Yeah nothing much I have seen even says christmas, just like the RS hanukkah stuff didn't say hanukkah, just holiday and festival this or that. I am fine with anything colorful at this point. My bakery was looking a bit too cold and sterile for my tastes with all the winter/ice stuff, great in moderation, or if you have a huge bakery with an outside area1

12-11-14, 03:52 AM
One of my L99 neighbors sent me chocolate cake today after the goals had started and we need all new parts. Delete.

This would irk the heck out of me, especially with it being chocolate cake. I mean I get annoyed when people send me cappuccino.. but chocolate cake? Come on people... I'd rather have a surplus of parts so building future appliances can be quicker, not a surplus of freaking food that never sells.

But ANYWAY, I can't really tell how great the goal prizes are yet just from them being in the tab, but I am happy that they are christmas/santa related. I'm only doing about half of my bakery with the snowy/winter theme and I have so much room still because there is such a lack of christmas stuff. And I don't really care for the winter stuff there is... I really want lights, presents, trees, and christmas tables.. WHERE ARE THEY?!

12-11-14, 07:13 AM
I heard the parts needed for the second oven are 5 workshop wrench, 5 snowy board, 5 snowflake gear, and 5 ice flake gear. Oh this is another dilemma ala thanksgiving goal! :eek: I'd love to make more of the first oven but now I must save the parts I'll get for the second one... XD

Snowflake gear? Was it added back? Can't tell since I already see it in mine since I have the old Christmas version installed.

12-11-14, 07:43 AM
Snowflake gear? Was it added back? Can't tell since I already see it in mine since I have the old Christmas version installed.

Yeah snowflake gear. I'm not sure but I know new accounts didn't have access to snowflake gear/knob unless they have opened their game in the old Christmas version. It has always been in my gifts list too so I have no way to check. xD Maybe they brought it back in the list like Pilgrim Turkey and Turkey Decor.

kooky panda
12-11-14, 08:44 AM
Snowflake gear? Was it added back? Can't tell since I already see it in mine since I have the old Christmas version installed.
I have the snowflake gear as a gift . IOS- version 1.7.3. Christmas version.

12-11-14, 10:41 AM
I have the snowflake gear as a gift . IOS- version 1.7.3. Christmas version.

That's good to know, hopefully the Android users that don't have the old version will see it also. But I think most of my neighbors have the old Christmas one anyways or are iOS, so should be OK either way. Thanks guys. ;)

12-11-14, 10:47 AM
And I don't really care for the winter stuff there is... I really want lights, presents, trees, and christmas tables.. WHERE ARE THEY?!

Restaurant Story has the cutest tables and chairs! I wish they were available in Bakery Story, too.

My biggest disappointment so far is the wallpaper. I wish they at least had a simple red wallpaper so I could make like a candy cane effect, but they don't even have that :( My bakery looks so ugly and uneven.

Still on level 23, so this is really hard. I was saving up for an expansion but all that money is gone now :(. The good news, I was making a bunch of brownies and got a chef coat!! So that's 30k coming my way. Been checking my messages all day to see if anyone needs parts.

12-11-14, 11:20 AM
So the parts list has been rearranged.

I'm getting tea strainers & tea kettles from some of my newer/lower level neighbors since those parts were moved
to the front of the list - understandably they think these parts are going to be needed for current goal.


12-11-14, 12:17 PM
Does anyone know the parts to the second appliance?

12-11-14, 12:20 PM
I believe someone mentioned here or other update thread that it's 5@
Wrench, snowy board, snowflake gear and icicle gear

12-11-14, 01:54 PM
I believe someone mentioned here or other update thread that it's 5@
Wrench, snowy board, snowflake gear and icicle gear
Ooh good, sent quite a few of those out right after Thanksgiving goals trying to anticipate what was next!
Thanks ojapple and PepperWoo!

12-11-14, 02:44 PM

Just received another tea kettle from a neighbor that doesn't participate in the goals. ��

Bummer. :-(

It will be interesting to see what you're doing with the parts TL but putting the parts from the end of the
list into the front is turning out to be unpleasant for game play.

12-11-14, 03:05 PM
I'm so grateful for my wonderful neighbours - thank you if you're reading this! :) I was able to build 5 of the Santa's Workshop Fountain very quickly. What I did was gift every single neighbour the goal parts, then continued to request the goal parts when I click on the appliance box to build it. Then I also put a note on my wall asking neighbours for the goal parts I want. I think doing all these 3 things helped, instead of just requesting the goal parts alone.

12-11-14, 06:24 PM
I play this game since April this year and have no x-mas stuff at all, except the snowman stuff which is available now.
Does anybody know if TL will release some stuff from last year, as on Black Friday? I'd love to have the light-up tree, or the cute holiday fireplace, or some of the colorful wall papers. There is even no x-mas box. :(
Many thanks in advance for letting me know!
Totally forgot about the adorable reindeers :o

12-11-14, 07:15 PM
I play this game since April this year and have no x-mas stuff at all, except the snowman stuff which is available now.
Does anybody know if TL will release some stuff from last year, as on Black Friday? I'd love to have the light-up tree, or the cute holiday fireplace, or some of the colorful wall papers. There is even no x-mas box. :(
Many thanks in advance for letting me know!
Totally forgot about the adorable reindeers :o

Awww :( I didn't know they didn't carry over the stuff from last year...I just assumed anything that was in my design tab (other than goals) was available to anyone :( I don't know if they will bring stuff back, I would love to see some other decor from previous versions, however if you have an android or have someone you know who would loan you an android for a few minutes, you can DL 2012 Christmas version on Amzon apps :)
It has some cute decor...some way to expensive gem stuff too but still some good decor, a few ovens and a couple christmas boxes :)

12-11-14, 08:09 PM
Thx Lokichan 13 for your answer;-)
Unfortunately I don't have an Android device, anyhow I find it strange that TL makes a difference between IOS and Android in availability stuff!
So let's hope for more cute x-mas stuff and maybe some old version items which are timeless like Mrs Santa or the reindeers. And maybe they release some old ovens as recently for example the rose oven, or the fruit chocolate dip.
Hope also for more indoor decorations, since in my opinion a bakery should look like a bakery, without trees or other outdoor items.
Enjoy playing the new goal!

12-11-14, 08:46 PM
I highly doubt they'd give religious decoration for a goal. There was a wedding decoration for Valentine's Day with crosses on it and I've rarely seen it in a bakery. While they have holidays that are actually religious like Christmas for goals, they keep it more secular because they'd get a lot of complaints. They keep Christmas Santa Claus based because they don't want to offend people. Baby Jesus as a goal would bother a lot of people and prevent a decent number of people from completing the goal.

Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ. However, I agree w what ur saying. Non-Christians will not want to complete the goal. A nativity scene would be really nice to buy if offered. I think RS has a dreidel if I remember correctly and a menorah which I think is cool.

12-11-14, 10:24 PM
Good thing i only made 6 of the first. Gonna save the rest for the 2nd oven.

Today AND yesterday a neighbour gifted tea stuff. Ugh.

12-12-14, 08:24 AM

Just received another tea kettle from a neighbor that doesn't participate in the goals. ��

Bummer. :-(

It will be interesting to see what you're doing with the parts TL but putting the parts from the end of the
list into the front is turning out to be unpleasant for game play.

Sounds like we have the same neighbor.

12-12-14, 08:32 AM
Christmas is about celebrating the birth of Christ.

actually not at all..... XD
like most festivals we have today as "westerners" ....they originally were pagan ones which were re-interpreted to make Christianity more attractive and more easily accepted.
But i don't mind if they also offer religious items ^.^.

12-12-14, 08:48 AM
Does anyone know when the tables and chairs come into play? If I purchase a few now, will they count towards the goal?? I'm working on my last batch of hazelnut eggnog on the fountain.

From the goal thread, it looks like the tables and chairs won't come into the challenge until the 2nd or 3rd recipe on the oven...seems like a long time to wait for something like tables and chairs!

12-12-14, 09:09 AM
It really wouldn't bother me if they did, even though I'm not a member of that faith...however that would be showing favoritism over the myriad of other religions that share the month of December as a holiday if they did that as a goal. Now a weekly update with a nativity scene, Chanukah decor, some Kwanza, Hindu and solstice decor would be great :) Then everyone would be covered and no one would have to work for it in a goal :) I honestly don't think anyone would have a right to be offended either since you could choose to buy or not buy :)

An update like that sounds nice:).

Team Lava has several religious items in their games.

Dreidel and menorah (floor decoration) in RS

Crescent moon and star ,symbol of Islam, (wallpaper) in BS. (This wallpaper was part of a set of goals).

Budah statues (counter) in RS

Cross, symbol of Christianity, this item is very rare...It's on top of a Valentine wedding ceremony from 2010 or 2011. It was the 1st place prize in a box that was discontinued years ago. So, it's not available:(

I agree that everyone should be represented. Christmas is a religious holiday for Christains. It would be nice to have a Christian symbol, like the other religious symbols that Team Lava has offered in the games.

12-12-14, 12:34 PM
actually not at all..... XD
like most festivals we have today as "westerners" ....they originally were pagan ones which were re-interpreted to make Christianity more attractive and more easily accepted.
But i don't mind if they also offer religious items ^.^.

Well as a Christian, we celebrate CHRISTmas as it marks the sacred and holy birth of Christ (not a festival), which coincides with biblical recordings that are historically accurate ;) but this is now off topic. If you'd like to discuss it further, please feel free to PM me.

12-12-14, 01:23 PM
Does anyone know when the tables and chairs come into play? If I purchase a few now, will they count towards the goal?? I'm working on my last batch of hazelnut eggnog on the fountain.

From the goal thread, it looks like the tables and chairs won't come into the challenge until the 2nd or 3rd recipe on the oven...seems like a long time to wait for something like tables and chairs!

The Santa's Shop Tables and Santa's Shop Chairs are required for the 7th goal, A Holly Jolly Seating. They will count towards the goal if you buy them before the goal appears. Happy baking! :)

12-12-14, 03:45 PM
I like all, good update!! :) Thanks TL.

12-12-14, 03:46 PM
Awww :( I didn't know they didn't carry over the stuff from last year...I just assumed anything that was in my design tab (other than goals) was available to anyone :(

There's practically nothing Christmas available for new users. Only the items they've released for the goals. Otherwise, no trees, no ornaments, no tables and chairs. I'm using white and blue wallpaper because those are at least Christmas colors, and I got the Winter Fireplace and Ice Fishing, but that's about it. It really sucks :( I have enough gems and money, but there's nothing to buy.

On the other hand, Restaurant Story has done an amazing job making Christmas items available for new users. I already have my Christmas tree up, garlands, and ovens. And they've released the CUTEST tables and chairs. I wish Baking Story would do the same.

12-12-14, 03:46 PM
Happy baking and holidays to all ^^

12-12-14, 05:14 PM
Are you on Android? There's stuff to buy in the Christmas version for Android users plus two Christmas boxes. Enjoy!

There's practically nothing Christmas available for new users. Only the items they've released for the goals. Otherwise, no trees, no ornaments, no tables and chairs. I'm using white and blue wallpaper because those are at least Christmas colors, and I got the Winter Fireplace and Ice Fishing, but that's about it. It really sucks :( I have enough gems and money, but there's nothing to buy.

On the other hand, Restaurant Story has done an amazing job making Christmas items available for new users. I already have my Christmas tree up, garlands, and ovens. And they've released the CUTEST tables and chairs. I wish Baking Story would do the same.

12-12-14, 05:19 PM
Another tea kettle!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did you rearrange the list??????

Plus a cappuccino from a 1 1/2 long, level 99 neighbor thats been playing for years who also sent a request for a snowy board at the
same time. What the h is that about? That just confuses me completely.

So much for busting my butt, tipping every neighbor, everyday & gifting every neighbor, everyday & gifting back what I get.

AND coming here to look up parts lists when I'm making tipping rounds and see an appliance box in a neighbors store so
I gift them something they need.

12-12-14, 06:49 PM
Another tea kettle!!!!!!!!!!!

Why did you rearrange the list??????

Plus a cappuccino from a 1 1/2 long, level 99 neighbor thats been playing for years who also sent a request for a snowy board at the
same time. What the h is that about? That just confuses me completely.

So much for busting my butt, tipping every neighbor, everyday & gifting every neighbor, everyday & gifting back what I get.

AND coming here to look up parts lists when I'm making tipping rounds and see an appliance box in a neighbors store so
I gift them something they need.

The rearranging would certainly throw off the more "casual part neighbors" who just send any random thing they want at you, including useless things like the starting block and relay batons. It's more of a neighbor issue, since they either clearly don't realize that this is not a new part needed for the current goal items and has been there for quite some time already and/or they just don't understand that not all parts are created equal, and will just gift anything up to and including dragon scales. :mad:

Only choice is to ask the neighbor to please only gift said goal parts/basic parts or just remove them. The one gifting cappuccino can't really be blamed on the rearranging either, they were probably just itching to gift food for whatever reason. If you're no longer "compatible" with them, then best thing to do is to just remove and carry on, hopefully finding other like minded neighbors who will gift the way that you would prefer. There's way too many "fish" in the sea to let it get you down....and TL probably won't change the order since dragon scale has been in the front FOREVER for no good reason, so no other choices really. :(

12-14-14, 11:43 PM
All is good. The lower level neighbors that did it I understand. The ones I've had for a couple yrs that did it, have never done
this kind of gift giving before ( those guys have always been great & usually gift goal parts for a week to 2 weeks.)

The kettles were coming before those neighbors were building the 2nd oven. It was just weird getting those in the first
couple days of a new goal.

I accept any gifts from my neighbors ( they all get used eventually) & almost always gift back what I get.
I have a ton of everything so I dont see any point in being picky about what I receive.

Never would have happened & confussed players if TL hadn't put them in the front of the list with the new parts.

12-16-14, 07:33 AM
All is good. The lower level neighbors that did it I understand. The ones I've had for a couple yrs that did it, have never done
this kind of gift giving before ( those guys have always been great & usually gift goal parts for a week to 2 weeks.)

The kettles were coming before those neighbors were building the 2nd oven. It was just weird getting those in the first
couple days of a new goal.

I accept any gifts from my neighbors ( they all get used eventually) & almost always gift back what I get.
I have a ton of everything so I dont see any point in being picky about what I receive.

Never would have happened & confussed players if TL hadn't put them in the front of the list with the new parts.

LOL we might have the same nbr. I have been getting tea kettle for 4 days in a row.

12-16-14, 09:46 PM
Well as a Christian, we celebrate CHRISTmas as it marks the sacred and holy birth of Christ (not a festival), which coincides with biblical recordings that are historically accurate ;) but this is now off topic. If you'd like to discuss it further, please feel free to PM me.

A decent part of Christmas traditions were originally Pagan like: holly, mistle toe, christmas tree, yule log (hence why it's called yule), giving gifts, Santa Claus, etc.

12-19-14, 07:36 AM
Why is there no HANUKKAH theme decorations? Not cool