View Full Version : Which to do first - trade with Belladonna or get hot sauce

12-06-14, 10:06 AM
Both require rat tails. I have enough for a trade. What should I do first - trade with Belladonna or wait and finish collecting 30, and give for Ivy for hot sauce, then collect some more for the trade?

12-06-14, 10:12 AM
Depends what quest you want to pursue first. Having 30 tails isn't hard, just harvest corn and slain all the skunkpines that pops-up.

12-06-14, 10:40 AM
I think I went with hot sauce that way I only needed 15 for the next one. Like most other hard to come by times, you find another quest or two suddenly requiring lots of rats tails then no quests and you'll build your stocks.