View Full Version : Who's an inactive player?

12-05-14, 01:08 PM
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where to put it!

I am trying to complete the thanksgiving goals so I added a ton of new neighbors to help with part requests.

But even with 60 neighbors, I've barely gotten three ovens put together. I don't think all my neighbors are sending me materials I request.

I know there is a way to see who responded to your request in the "News" section, but is that really accurate? I mean according to that thing only about 10 friends have actually responded to my requests in the past two days. I want to start deleting people!

12-05-14, 01:16 PM
Is there any other way to find out who is inactive.. or rather, who isn't being a good neighbor and sending you requested items??

12-05-14, 01:25 PM
I find it hard to determinate who's playing and who's not. But remember that there's a limit to how many gifts you can receive and it also delays requests. I have a bakery with a name starting with a letter far out in the alphabet. Sometimes requests show up in my news 2-3 days after my neighbour sent it to me...So if you've sent out 60 requests at once, maybe some of your neighbours haven't received it yet?

12-05-14, 01:29 PM
I didn't know about that. What is the limit? I thought you could ask for requested items once a day from each neighbor. Or rather.. I thought you could receive as much as you asked for.

12-05-14, 03:14 PM
Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I wasn't sure where to put it!

I am trying to complete the thanksgiving goals so I added a ton of new neighbors to help with part requests.

But even with 60 neighbors, I've barely gotten three ovens put together. I don't think all my neighbors are sending me materials I request.

I know there is a way to see who responded to your request in the "News" section, but is that really accurate? I mean according to that thing only about 10 friends have actually responded to my requests in the past two days. I want to start deleting people!

your news thread only holds 10 responses (and 10 people who've tipped you) at a time, by the way. so those are just the 10 who have most recently responded to you. some of your other neighbors may have responded and just aren't getting credit for it!

and yes, you can say "send requests" as much as you want, but only the first 20 will go. if you ask 60 neighbors for things, 20 will go today, 20 tomorrow, and 20 the third day. and if you request a part from 60 neighbors today, and then ask your 60 neighbors again tomorrow because you're still low on parts, you've probably broken bakery story's brain.

but yeah, it would be nice if there were a "most recently logged in date" indication or something.

12-05-14, 06:38 PM
Thank you for letting me know! It makes sense now. And now I know to be more careful with requests. That's likely what my issue has been, sending out too many and expecting something back for all of them on the same day. Oopsie! So would it be best to not even try sending out requests anymore for a few days?

12-05-14, 07:11 PM
if you've been requesting a lot recently, yeah, you might want to let it clear out the backlog. hope you finish/have finished the goals anyway!

12-05-14, 07:57 PM
I will try to do that then. I haven't finished the Thanksgiving goal, and might not, but meh, what can ya do? I'll at least be more prepared for other goals to come.

Thanks again :)

12-06-14, 01:53 PM
You could also try posting on people's walls if you haven't already, and tell them what parts you need. They'll still be able to gift them if they don't get your requests.

12-06-14, 02:46 PM
Also you could have some neighbors that gift back what they get.

Gifting the parts you want to your nieghbors could net you some of the parts you're needing.

Just be aware that there are many players that are very particular about the gifts they get.

In your position ( needing parts for appliances & backed up from sending so many requests in one day)
We only get 20 gifts per day - as you get gifts from your neighbors - send them back whatever they sent/want
but decline any gifts that aren't the parts you need.

You can always post on their walls a thank you for the gift, that you sent them that item but that you really need xyz.

Post on your own wall the parts that you need. Some of your neighbors might catch that & get you those parts you need.

12-06-14, 08:31 PM
I know there is a way to see who responded to your request in the "News" section, but is that really accurate? I mean according to that thing only about 10 friends have actually responded to my requests in the past two days. I want to start deleting people!

I think I remember reading a while back that if you're on iOS you don't see when android players respond to your part requests in your news feed. Not sure if that's correct, or if it works the other way around too, but that could be why you don't see some of the responses in your news feed. I hope it's true because I have a few really good long term neighbors that I've never seen respond to my request for parts, and would like to think it's just because they're on an android device and not because they're ignoring my requests. :)

12-06-14, 09:35 PM
Also you could have some neighbors that gift back what they get.

Gifting the parts you want to your nieghbors could net you some of the parts you're needing.

Just be aware that there are many players that are very particular about the gifts they get.

In your position ( needing parts for appliances & backed up from sending so many requests in one day)
We only get 20 gifts per day - as you get gifts from your neighbors - send them back whatever they sent/want
but decline any gifts that aren't the parts you need.

You can always post on their walls a thank you for the gift, that you sent them that item but that you really need xyz.

Post on your own wall the parts that you need. Some of your neighbors might catch that & get you those parts you need.

This. :) I am one of those people who would rather receive materials than food. I decline all food gifts, but do make note of who sends it. I even have a small list of friends who prefer food, but have basically memorized it. I send food to them first, and then return whatever parts I received. However, every few days I will send what I prefer. I also post to my wall on occasion which materials I need for x oven. Many of my friends are goal builders, so the vast majority need the same as me.

It took months to build a good "neighborhood." I deleted players that always had spoiled food, never cleared tables, or those that constantly sent food even when I posted requests to their wall. I added people who posted "they prefer parts" and made sure to send them items they need as well.

One tip I can give to help you build faster is to request every material needed each day. If you need two types of parts, say fuses and gears, send 30 neighbors a request for fuses, and 30 one for gears. Make sure to GIFT 30 fuses to the same people, and 30 gears to the others on any given day. Then, DECLINE any gift that is NOT a fuse or gear. If you check your bakery often when doing this, it will help you see who is resending what you need and will open up the door for more people to send you a gift that day.

Like I mentioned, it took months for me to find active, compatible neighbors. Once you have a good neighborhood, you will not have to worry about receiving parts to build your ovens. :)

Oh, and one more thing I do is collect certain gifts the month before a goal starts. For Fall, I collected red leaf gears with the intention of building autumn ovens. Turned out, we needed those for the goals, which came in handy since I had a whole surplus of them. This month and last, I collected all Christmas and winter materials - even cooling coils just in case. I have so many of them that I can just buy and complete the ovens if that is what they need. It really helps to be prepared ahead of time, if possible. :)

12-07-14, 12:27 AM
About 50% of my neighbors will gift me back what I gift them for the day (and that is a really good neighbor, because I don't even do that. I just mass give a relevant/current part because it's easier and clears out the "send a gift" so I can see who needs requests sent, etc instead of having to scroll scroll scroll for it. So that is a good way to go if you want a certain part.

The other 40% will send me relevant or current parts or goal parts when there is a need for them, but it's random really but also much appreciated. And then I have the small percent who gift me friggin nonsense like brownies.. I mean come on people it's 2014, this game has been around for a long time now and it's pretty obvious that food is the most useless gift, ESPECIALLY brownies. Those that send me cappuccino kind of annoy me too, because I have hundreds of thousands of plates of food that I can't sell and so many counters I don't know what to do with. So why the heck do I need cappuccino? People that want that as a gift too, I don't understand you at all. But to each their own and I just delete people that constantly send gifts that are useless to me. I sent a neighbor brownies once who continually gifted me brownies and then left me a nasty message saying why I keep sending brownies.... the brains of some people I tell ya.