View Full Version : Castle Story: 12/4/2014: 12 Days of Christmas Part 1

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12-10-14, 01:02 PM
Really looking forward to part 2. Any idea what time the Thursday updates hit usually?

For me it's 2 pm cst (Tennessee)

12-10-14, 02:21 PM
I don't think that's correct. The event is called the 12 Days of Christmas and lasts 12 days, 12/4-12/16. Each step counts down til 12/16 with part 2 starting on Thursday, the 11th. Yes, that means the second part will only have 5 days to complete and only starts for you once you've finished the last step of part one.

At least that's my understanding of how it is introduced and explained in the first post of this thread.:)

Woooa I stand corrected. I'm so excited we are getting an update tomorrow. Thursdays I visit my parents and get an update on top, it's a truly special day. :o

12-10-14, 02:23 PM
Can I just say I'd like to propose a big vote of thanks to TL for making one of the most enjoyable and achievable quests with only a little pressure. You got the balance just right in my opinion. I know there will be low level players that find this more of a struggle and to them I say I remember the pain of tasks well and wish we higher level guys could help you out (hint hint more gifting options TL) more. But on the whole achievable stuff like this makes me more likely to buy real money gems to support the business rather than just be glad I didn't have to much for this part 1.

12-10-14, 08:10 PM
Really looking forward to part 2. Any idea what time the Thursday updates hit usually?

Usually 12pm PST (which I think is 12:30am in India - assuming that's where you are, according to your profile :) )

12-10-14, 11:16 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but has anyone noticed the Christmas Tree path in the featured section of the market? :)

12-10-14, 11:43 PM
Not sure if this has been mentioned yet, but has anyone noticed the Christmas Tree path in the featured section of the market? :)

Dont think its been mentioned yet either! So TY!! ::: DASHES off to see what i cant believe i overlooked. ::: LOL.
There is also a NEW building for making PLANT/NATURE things!! Woo Hoo

12-11-14, 12:25 AM
Dont think its been mentioned yet either! So TY!! ::: DASHES off to see what i cant believe i overlooked. ::: LOL.
There is also a NEW building for making PLANT/NATURE things!! Woo Hoo

I'm not showing a new building. Can you post a picture?

12-11-14, 01:08 AM
No new building has been released, so maybe it's the Greenhouse.

In relation to the white Christmas tiles, they are under Market/Featured for coins. The tiles do not rotate. This is not a glitch.

Bring on part 2 of the Christmas event - I wonder what the reward will be! Looking forward to finding out - no spoilers please (well, not in the first 5 minutes anyway!!) lol

12-11-14, 01:52 AM
Been waiting too long for this, the first part was so easy to complete, hopefully the second part will be the same.

Would think that with less items to make / find then it should be ie 5,4,3,2 and then 1, but no doubt they will all take a huge length of time and many resources.

Would appreciate a heads up as soon as people know so I can collect / build accordingly.

12-11-14, 02:05 AM
I'm not showing a new building. Can you post a picture?

I certainly can dear one! ♥ its the GREENHOUSE (not sure if it is part of the 2nd part of holiday goals or not though!! Its been in there since Monday (i think)...1716617167

12-11-14, 02:19 AM
No new building has been released, so maybe it's the Greenhouse.

Yeppers i was meaning greenhouse. It had new "purple label flag on it". ;-) Can ya PLEASE tell me the difference in a NEW " flagged" item in the menu & something thats NEW & "has been released"? tY SpiritWind :-)

SpiritWind,?? JUST HAD A THOUGHT!!! Could it be NEW to me because it 'WAS TRIGGERED OPEN' (thus the new purple label on it,...like in Farm Story2) BY A COMPLETED QUEST or something within the game getting completed?? Is that why ya used the term no new building "released"?? If soo that has taken @2 weeks to " click " to my understanding.

➡➡♥(PLEASE put it " child-like" terms so my brain can understand ur words.)
(Due to PAST repeated brain trauma injuries i have both good & bad days with comprehending written communication (both giving & understanding whats received)!! ;-) SO far todays a good day!! LOL

12-11-14, 02:46 AM
I finished all the tasks and got the 1 gem etc reward, but no new task...

12-11-14, 02:53 AM
The greenhouse is NOT new, had this for months, feel free to look at my kingdom.

It was triggered after doing a goal or level increase?!

12-11-14, 03:06 AM
When can we see part 2 of Christmas goals?

12-11-14, 03:09 AM
When can we see part 2 of Christmas goals?

for me it's about 10 hours from this post...

12-11-14, 03:17 AM
Yeppers i was meaning greenhouse. It had new "purple label flag on it". ;-) Can ya PLEASE tell me the difference in a NEW " flagged" item in the menu & something thats NEW & "has been released"? tY SpiritWind :-)

SpiritWind,?? JUST HAD A THOUGHT!!! Could it be NEW to me because it 'WAS TRIGGERED OPEN' (thus the new purple label on it,...like in Farm Story2) BY A COMPLETED QUEST or something within the game getting completed?? Is that why ya used the term no new building "released"?? If soo that has taken @2 weeks to " click " to my understanding.

➡➡♥(PLEASE put it " child-like" terms so my brain can understand ur words.)
(Due to PAST repeated brain trauma injuries i have both good & bad days with comprehending written communication (both giving & understanding whats received)!! ;-) SO far todays a good day!! LOL

I will certainly try! :) The Greenhouse is new for you because you have just recently got to a new level.

At the moment, some of the goals will be locked until you get further in the main storyline.

You should be able to make your own energy though until the other goals are available to you.

I'm glad today is a good day for you. :)

12-11-14, 05:40 AM
Maybe we'll get a gem confirmation dialog for Christmas... now THAT would be a nice present!

12-11-14, 06:07 AM
I just finished geese a laying and no new goal please help.

12-11-14, 07:12 AM
The geese a laying was the last step of this half. The other half of the quests will come out this afternoon. Five go-ooooollllllld ringssssssssssss ... (Now the song will be stuck in my head again. Dang it.)

12-11-14, 09:42 AM
I have enjoyed everything about this Christmas update!
It has been relaxing for me to play CS in the middle of all the real preparations for the holiday.
Thanks Team Lava!

12-11-14, 09:43 AM
The geese a laying was the last step of this half. The other half of the quests will come out this afternoon. Five go-ooooollllllld ringssssssssssss ... (Now the song will be stuck in my head again. Dang it.)

If you need a nugget to craft one in your magic forge, might be an issue... (on this account). On my main i might give me the opportunity to lower my stack to... 94 :p

12-11-14, 09:54 AM
NOOOOOOOOO! Forgot it was update today and collected from everything.

12-11-14, 10:07 AM
NOOOOOOOOO! Forgot it was update today and collected from everything.

You'll probably be mostly fine. These quests are available starting at Level 15, so only buildings associated with Thomas and Ivy have been used so far. The crafts and other items are also ones just from the early levels. No troll stuff, no faeries, no Thurston, etc.

12-11-14, 11:54 AM
I will certainly try! :) The Greenhouse is new for you because you have just recently got to a new level.
At the moment, some of the goals will be locked until you get further in the main storyline.
You should be able to make your own energy though until the other goals are available to you.
I'm glad today is a good day for you. :)

TY!! ♥ ya cant get much simpler than that wording. ;-) Thanx SpiritWind 4 confirming i FINALLY have understandin of the difference of the 2 now. I shouldnt make that Boo Boo again. (Fingers & eyes crossed!! ;-)

12-11-14, 12:03 PM
The geese a laying was the last step of this half. The other half of the quests will come out this afternoon. Five go-ooooollllllld ringssssssssssss ... (Now the song will be stuck in my head again. Dang it.)

I've had the song stuck in my head since someone posted it way back on day one. And I don't even celebrate christmas. What the heck does this song mean anyway?
Oh well.... Three lalala two lala and a..... Arghghgh get it out, get it out!

12-11-14, 12:13 PM
1 True Love refers to God
2 Turtle Doves refers to the Old and New Testaments
3 French Hens refers to Faith, Hope and Charity, the Theological Virtues
4 Calling Birds refers to the Four Gospels and/or the Four Evangelists
5 Golden Rings refers to the first Five Books of the Old Testament, the "Pentateuch", which gives the history of man's fall from grace.
6 Geese A-laying refers to the six days of creation
7 Swans A-swimming refers to the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit, the seven sacraments
8 Maids A-milking refers to the eight beatitudes
9 Ladies Dancing refers to the nine Fruits of the Holy Spirit
10 Lords A-leaping refers to the ten commandments
11 Pipers Piping refers to the eleven faithful apostles
12 Drummers Drumming refers to the twelve points of doctrine in the Apostle's Creed

12-11-14, 01:21 PM
Thanks KolaKid! That's neat! Hooray for part 2! I have really been enjoying this quest line. A bit worried on the need for gold nuggets though. I was stuck for weeks recently when trying to discover adamant at the forge due to scarcity of nuggets - and I only needed one at that time. Just wondering if anyone has had luck finding nuggets on adventures? Otherwise it's back to frequent mining and rock buying. Happy questing!

12-11-14, 01:22 PM
NOOOOOOOOO! Forgot it was update today and collected from everything.

No need to worry about collecting since the rings will take 15 hours using 2 forges.

Another note on the 12 days of Christmas some may or may not know:

Contrary to popular belief, they are not the twelve days before Christmas, but the twelve days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany (January 6th; the 12 days count from December 25th until January 5th).

12-11-14, 01:23 PM
I'm level 20 and I have only 3 gold nuggets--no way to make 5 golden rings. Is it worth even trying to complete the quest line at this point before I waste my gold nuggets? How many gems would it take to purchase the last 2?

12-11-14, 01:30 PM
I'm level 20 and I have only 3 gold nuggets--no way to make 5 golden rings. Is it worth even trying to complete the quest line at this point before I waste my gold nuggets? How many gems would it take to purchase the last 2?

Unfortunately, it's 80 gems per nugget. I may have 2 forges, but only one lonely nugget ��

12-11-14, 01:33 PM
Unfortunately, it's 80 gems per nugget. I may have 2 forges, but only one lonely nugget ��

What's the best way to find them? I have two sparkling mines -- Lvl 1 + Lvl 3. Are there particular rock formations I can buy that are more likely to yield those last two nuggets?

12-11-14, 01:36 PM
No need to worry about collecting since the rings will take 15 hours using 2 forges.

Another note on the 12 days of Christmas some may or may not know:

Contrary to popular belief, they are not the twelve days before Christmas, but the twelve days from Christmas until the beginning of Epiphany (January 6th; the 12 days count from December 25th until January 5th).
Yes! also, they are not a secret code. That's an urban myth started in the 1990's. It was a sort of drinking song about the merriment of the holidays. There were at least three different versions that became popular during the 1770.

12-11-14, 01:37 PM
❗️❗️❗️ players, can we keep discussions about part 1 in this thread and anything from 5 gold rings in part 2 so we can all help each other in the right places.

All ring discussions..... Post in Part 2 please!

12-11-14, 07:11 PM
Thought about that, but I have no surplus of building materials and the time to make them was more than making the buckets. Plus I needed the royal beams for the swans. Not sure if Lipand5kids is in the same boat or not. (Or even if you were addressing me for that matter :p)

I was but so glad I had royal beams just needed royal blocks. I got the second one built to be able to make the last 4. Now onto collecting and harvesting.

12-14-14, 05:50 AM
I just finished the quest and then... Nothing? No gems or gift or anything. I know with RS & BS there's a goal prize. Should there have been a prize?

Hi everyone!

Today's update is the first half of the 12 Days of Christmas Goals! They will start 12/4, 12 PM PST and will end 12/16, 11:30 AM PST. You must be level 15+ in order to access today's update! The second half will start next week. At the end of the whole thing, there is a special Christmas surprise! :)

Have fun!

12-14-14, 08:10 AM
I am still getting loads of requests for lords and ladies. Just shows how long they stay in the system.

12-14-14, 01:45 PM
I just finished the quest and then... Nothing? No gems or gift or anything. I know with RS & BS there's a goal prize. Should there have been a prize?

If you mean you finished this part, then part 2 will auto start and the first thing is to craft Gold Rings. If you mean you finished part 2, the Pile of Gifts is in your inventory.

12-14-14, 02:06 PM
I delivered the partridge. Nothing happened after that. No part two. I didn't even realize there were two parts until my original post. Should I be concerned that there isn't a part two showing up, especially since there is a deadline?

If you mean you finished this part, then part 2 will auto start and the first thing is to craft Gold Rings. If you mean you finished part 2, the Pile of Gifts is in your inventory.

12-14-14, 02:52 PM
I FOUND THE PILE OF GIFTS! I didn't think to look under buildings.

I delivered the partridge. Nothing happened after that. No part two. I didn't even realize there were two parts until my original post. Should I be concerned that there isn't a part two showing up, especially since there is a deadline?

12-14-14, 06:23 PM
I FOUND THE PILE OF GIFTS! I didn't think to look under buildings.

Good news! Always the last place you look right! I'm so glad you finished. You must have just had a seamless transition from parts 1 to part 2. I'm very happy for you :)

12-15-14, 10:47 PM
I'm running out of time ! I keep collecting flowers and nothing has popped up yet for the geese..? Yeah I think it's the geese. I'm sooo close to the end!! Help please!!!

12-16-14, 06:00 PM
I delivered the partridge. Nothing happened after that. No part two. I didn't even realize there were two parts until my original post. Should I be concerned that there isn't a part two showing up, especially since there is a deadline?

I finished gold rings awhile ago, I am very confused and have no prize?...

12-16-14, 07:27 PM
I finished gold rings awhile ago, I am very confused and have no prize?...

If you finished all of part 2, then the Pile of Gifts will be in your inventory.

Remember, there are more Christmas updates. I'm wishing for some Christmas trees to brighten up the land, or how good would it be to craft faerie lights!

12-16-14, 09:16 PM
If you finished all of part 2, then the Pile of Gifts will be in your inventory.

Remember, there are more Christmas updates. I'm wishing for some Christmas trees to brighten up the land, or how good would it be to craft faerie lights!

Aha! Speculation ? Or Hint?! Or wish?! :D

12-17-14, 06:12 AM
If you finished all of part 2, then the Pile of Gifts will be in your inventory.

Remember, there are more Christmas updates. I'm wishing for some Christmas trees to brighten up the land, or how good would it be to craft faerie lights!

Why else have we been collecting faeries in a jar? I could light up a good portion of my kingdom if we had the option to craft faerie lights from them.

12-18-14, 02:44 AM
As this event is finished, I am closing this thread. All drops from the Pile of Gifts can be made in this thread. (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?76111-Pile-of-gifts)

Just to wrap up.... there are 2 more Christmas events/updates planned, the first being tomorrow (in about 10 hours from now). There has been a hint that it's about trees. so clear some space, we may be redecorating!