View Full Version : Leve 283

11-30-14, 09:36 AM
Need help- ready to quit! Even purchasing 3 bombs!

11-30-14, 02:42 PM
You can do this level without bombs. Use this rule of thumb: it is OK to pop single toxic bubbles (ones by themselves), but always look for ways to avoid popping any clusters of two or more toxic bubbles. Instead, you want to drop these. Here is one example of how to do that: partway up, where there are lightning bubbles in several consecutive rows, only hit a lightning bubble which has no toxic bubbles in its row. If you hit a lightning bubble which has toxic bubbles in its row, hitting the lightning will have the same effect as popping these toxic bubbles, in that you will lose three bubbles in your queue for every toxic bubble destroyed by the lightning. There are ways to drop, instead of pop, all clusters of two or more toxic bubbles in this level. Sometimes it takes a little effort to figure out how to do this, though. Good luck!