View Full Version : Black Friday Items changed in duration and price... ALSO HAVE HALLOWEEN LTOS MISSING!

11-28-14, 09:26 PM
Ok so I was in the middle of purchasing my Black Friday Items.

It said there was 4 HOURS LEFT!!

All of the sudden my game closed. When I opened it back up... some of the items are gone, and the rest of them have INCREASED PRICES!! It said there was 4 hours left so what happened!!!??? Bring them back and at the right prices!!. The sale ended early!!!! How is that even fair!!??

I purchased the BIGGEST gem package and now I got screwed over because I can't buy any of the items I was going to buy!!!!!

ALSO even worse is that some of my items I already had are missing.

I purchased gems THREE TIMES during Halloween in order to be able to get everything.

My Frankenstein Table and 2 of my Pumpkin Counters are missing!!!!!!! I can't get them anymore!!! Thank god my Haunted House, Vampire Baker, Mummy Baker, Twisted Cupcake Trees, and JackoLantern Counters are still there.

I am a daily player and a continuous gem purchaser. These better be given back to me!!

I have posted on the forums before about my game being weird.. coins going down as if they were spent all the time out of no where and other things. But this is the first time that items have gone missing!!! I know its not my device because I play on 3 different devices and the coin disappearance thing has happened on all of them. I have also re-installed before too. The coin disappearance hasn't happened lately but those items are gone now!!


11-28-14, 09:33 PM
I noticed the prices were raised & the original timer wasn't even done yet.
That is so wrong. Same thing happened in RS.
I am so glad I didn't buy any gems.

Some items are even gone.
That's just bad business!

11-28-14, 09:36 PM
Ok so I was in the middle of purchasing my Black Friday Items.

It said there was 4 HOURS LEFT!!

All of the sudden my game closed. When I opened it back up... some of the items are gone, and the rest of them have INCREASED PRICES!! It said there was 4 hours left so what happened!!!???

I purchased the BIGGEST gem package and now I got screwed over because I can't buy any of the items I was going to buy!!!!! Bring them back and at the right prices!!. The sale ended early how is that even fair!!?

ALSO even worse is that some of my items I already had are missing.

I purchased gems THREE TIMES during Halloween in order to be able to get everything.

My Frankenstein Table and 2 of my Pumpkin Counters are missing!!!!!!! I can't get them anymore!!! Thank god my Haunted House, Vampire Baker, Mummy Baker, and JackoLantern Counters are still there.

I am a daily player and a continuous gem purchaser. These better be given back to me!!

I have posted on the forums before about my game being weird.. coins going down as if they were spent all the time out of no where and other things. But this is the first time that items have gone missing!!! I know its not my device because I play on 3 different devices and the coin disappearance thing has happened on all of them. I have also re-installed before too. The coin disappearance hasn't happened lately but those items are gone now!!


I second this wholeheartedly. I recently installed Bakery: Thanksgiving, which gave me a nice 6-gem boost that I was going to use to use to buy the decoration of the kids with the rings (I forget exactly what it was called, but it cost 16 gems). Some of us have to work today and were relying on an accurate timer so we could buy things later in the day. I'm very frustrated with the situation right now. :mad:

I was planning on buying gems as well, but I guess I may not be now. What a pity.

11-28-14, 09:54 PM
But OF COURSE the gem sale is still there... with the accurate timer! "Buy gems with nothing to spend them all because we took them away early! Yay!"

I've never complained before on here but sorry I am just so mad right now!

I had already bought the Gelato Stand, Winter Display, Brick Case Display, Snowball Fight, Farmer's Bread Stand, and Ice Cream Parlor.

I was GOING TO BUY the Holiday Tree, Rose Cake, Mothers Day Dinner, Snowman Baker, Book Store, and all of the tables.

NOW I CAN'T!! Please take the gems from my account or something but please give me the items at least!! Honestly bring them back for everyone actually.. I'm sure other people weren't done buying their items too and now we can't because IT ENDED EARLY!!!

I also feel so bad for the people that didn't even have anything to buy because they didn't want any of the items or they already had them. (especially since some of them were already available)

11-28-14, 10:06 PM
I'm very upset about this. The items should be available for three more hours!!! This happen on RS and FS as well.

11-28-14, 10:12 PM
I had already bought the Gelato Stand, Winter Display,
I also feel so bad for the people that didn't even have anything to buy because they didn't want any of the items or they already had them. (especially since some of them were already available)

I was just about to buy the Black Friday items I wanted since I worked all day today. I just noticed they were gone.... Please fix this!

11-28-14, 10:22 PM
Same thing happened last year. I purchased the Pastry Hub and Beach Hut and my gems were returned and the items taken away. There were 2 hours left. I tried to warn people about this days ago... purchase early if you really want something. TL has a history of doing things like this.. no surprise from me. I'm just pissed that these were all the black friday LTOs. It's a freaking joke. Half the stuff was already in the design tab, able to be purchased for months. I find it funny that they kept the candy cane table, increased the price AND STILL haven't given us the chairs to go with it. SO STUPID TL.

11-28-14, 10:29 PM
Same thing happened last year. I purchased the Pastry Hub and Beach Hut and my gems were returned and the items taken away. There were 2 hours left. I tried to warn people about this days ago... purchase early if you really want something. TL has a history of doing things like this.. no surprise from me. I'm just pissed that these were all the black friday LTOs. It's a freaking joke. Half the stuff was already in the design tab, able to be purchased for months. I find it funny that they kept the candy cane table, increased the price AND STILL haven't given us the chairs to go with it. SO STUPID TL.

The items with a '2 days left' tag are priced at their original price -- so I reckon TL may expire them after 2 days.

11-28-14, 10:31 PM
*Puts hand up as another POed BS & RS player*

I was still deciding on some items, and boom, gone...GRRRRRR.

My first BF TL sale and might be my last with the way this has been done and also the actual lack of items available...some 'sale'!

11-28-14, 10:41 PM
This is just ridiculous am soooo mad no new items or older items coming back items we already have at a cheaper price than 24 hours half of the items at higher price.why did team lava even ask us what we want if they were just going to do what they want anyways.

11-28-14, 10:45 PM
This is just ridiculous am soooo mad no new items or older items coming back items we already have at a cheaper price than 24 hours half of the items at higher price.why did team lava even ask us what we want if they were just going to do what they want anyways.

They can give us what we requested for at ridiculous prices after the Black Friday -- so why bother now?

11-28-14, 11:21 PM
I've never complained about what they do with the game but ending a sale early with no notification is ridiculous. You guys are based in California, why did you end the sale at 8pm when it's still Black Friday here? What are we supposed to do with the gem sale when there's nothing for us to buy? O_o

11-28-14, 11:52 PM
First, there wasn't any chair/stool to go with the table. And now, sale ended early. What is happening to your co/team, TL!!!!

11-29-14, 12:00 AM
They can give us what we requested for at ridiculous prices after the Black Friday -- so why bother now?

Yeah your right

11-29-14, 12:09 AM
Okay so I'm not crazy! I wanted to wait and deliberate on what I would buy, so I set a timer to go off HOURS before the 20 that was left would be over. So I came back after my alarm and bam it's all gone. It's wrong to tell us we have a certain amount of time then yank half of it away. Sigh.

11-29-14, 12:18 AM
I was trying to master a couple of dishes to get a few more gems when the sale went POOF!! I was also debating on whether I could buy some gems. (I'm on a fixed income) I guess I won't bother if I can't get what I wanted now. Thanks a lot!

11-29-14, 07:04 PM
Some items were clearly mared as being 1 day items on Friday the items leaving today were only for 2 days. The moderators never said everything would b sold for the whole time.

11-30-14, 02:06 PM
The moderators will probably be back on Tuesday. TL maybe are on TG or black weekend holiday so support there closed.

11-30-14, 07:03 PM
And now, the Holiday Carolers I bought is missing from my inventory.

11-30-14, 07:30 PM
The moderators will probably be back on Tuesday. TL maybe are on TG or black weekend holiday so support there closed.

It's just sort of weird that someone is doing the sales and LTOs but no one is around for support. Doesn't really seem logical. That's like having a waitress in your restaurant but no cook!