View Full Version : Sir pigglesworth 99 red apples not 1 gold

11-24-14, 10:31 PM
I've read the threads. I have the magic garden, collected 99 apples from an apple tree (now I'm making apple pie) I've cut tree after tree and been on several adventures. WHY haven't I received the golden apple yet?

11-24-14, 11:07 PM
I feel your pain! The golden apple is just a super rare drop. Keep collecting from your apple trees. I got my golden apple from the magic garden (lots of other players have too).

You won't get an apple from cutting trees, even the one called the crab apple, and I don't think I've ever heard of one dropping from an adventure.

Magic garden is your best chance and apple tree. It will happen, might take a while still, but it will come. :)

11-25-14, 12:26 AM
I've gotten a few from adventures. I think that's how I got my first one, from one of the more basic adventures. I've also gotten them from the magic garden. Sir Piggles took me months to get, so don't be discouraged.

11-25-14, 01:37 AM
I've gotten a few from adventures. I think that's how I got my first one, from one of the more basic adventures. I've also gotten them from the magic garden. Sir Piggles took me months to get, so don't be discouraged.

Oh that's awesome it can drop from adventures! That will be helpful to get the first golden apple. Has anyone else had an adventure drop?

The information in the goal guide thread says it drop from Desert Sands...

11-25-14, 09:22 AM
The only other way I know you can get a golden apple (very rare drop of course) is to Trade the Fruit Farmers in the Royal Exchange.

11-25-14, 01:13 PM
Never got a golden apple from adventures or the Magic Garden!
I got only one from Sir piggy, ( ages ago lol ) and the rest from my 7 apple trees.
I have been playing for almost 17 months now, I have 4 all in all !
One of the 4 dropped with a goal from the last Fortune Teller update :)
I think this sums up how rare this Golden apple drop is :D

11-26-14, 12:55 AM
Had to shake my apple tree about 120 times or so before I got my first golden apple :p

11-26-14, 10:53 AM
the most common way ive gotten golden apples has been through either desert sands adventure or feral lands. feral lands i did 5 or six adventures and got a golden apple 4 times. might be understating the # of adventures by a couple or so.

other than that all i can suggest is patience. it'll most likely drop from piggy or the garden when you aren't paying attention to those drops anymore.

11-26-14, 02:14 PM
I've received golden apples from apple trees, magic garden and adventures pretty sure my adventure apple came before I visited the desert sands or feral lands but don't quote me on that.

11-26-14, 03:44 PM
Interestingly enough I received my golden Apple now. From the apple tree the next day after my post.

11-26-14, 05:55 PM
Golden apples can also drop from the royal exchange trade the fruit farmers. It requires 50 mushrooms, 25 truffles and 6 magic fruit.

11-26-14, 06:14 PM
I have the same problem, i also didnt get any golden fruits yet, or maybe just 1.

02-15-15, 11:42 PM
I've read the threads. I have the magic garden, collected 99 apples from an apple tree...

Wow, that is crazy. I've heard it's rare but when I finally got my apple tree, I counted and on the 17th collection, I got my first one. Shortly after that, maybe a week or so, Sir Piggies dropped the second one.

It seems that it's not so rare for some people and super rare for others. Doesn't seem fair at all.

02-16-15, 02:20 AM
From programmers point of view, the easiest way to implement rare drops is to generate a random number during collection and if the number is lower than rate percentage then drop the item. Random numbers are global per server so it is normal that some have more luck than others.

02-16-15, 07:19 AM
From programmers point of view, the easiest way to implement rare drops is to generate a random number during collection and if the number is lower than rate percentage then drop the item. Random numbers are global per server so it is normal that some have more luck than others.

I doubt that the random generator is managed centrally on the server. The game is not permanently on line, so the generator must be local. It could be that during game map synch, the server adds a new seed to the stream to ensure a minimum coherence. That way, the sever can ensure that the game data is not tampered.

02-16-15, 11:04 PM

FINALLY! Golden apple dropped at the 137th collection from the apple tree!

02-18-15, 01:42 AM
I spent a lot of time hoping I get the apple tree or the golden apple from the magic garden or the adventures...finally cracked and bought the apple tree after I got the lemon tree from the adventure (I think to the dark caves)..and voila, I got the golden apple after a mere 5 tries....one of the lucky ones. I guess..now sir pig is happy in my tiny little kingdom...
I use the id anu1985 for CS if anyone is interested...