View Full Version : how do i earn gems?

11-18-14, 07:04 AM
New to game and wondering how to earn them. I play bs and rs

11-18-14, 07:22 AM
To earn gems do:

+ Adventures
+ Purple Cow
+ Sir Pig
+ Trades
+ Quests

11-18-14, 10:56 AM
go on adventures is easiest.

purple cow and sir pigglesworth give them on occasion.

Trades. specifically golden trade (5 gems) and then the dessert trade, i forgot its name, (1 gem).

some quests give gems. the marketplace quests give gems as rewards i think, but they are timed so you might want to look them up before collecting from the marketplace building.

11-18-14, 11:32 AM
To earn gems do:

+ Adventures
+ Purple Cow
+ Sir Pig
+ Trades
+ Quests

Dragons drop every once in awhile too

11-18-14, 05:04 PM

11-18-14, 07:12 PM
New to game and wondering how to earn them. I play bs and rs


Hi justmine2, I'm going to assume you've none on these things if you've just started playing... At the beginning of the game it is about balancing your energy levels and goals. This is quite a challenge as the number of goals increases and your energy stays the same. There are often times when you'll spend heaps of energy just cutting down trees and bashing rocks just to make beams and blocks to finish a goal. This is normal.

Until you get the castle and the other things mentioned above there is no way to earn gems in the game unless the reward for completing a goal is gems (and there are some). Don't worry, they will soon start coming and add up. Just be careful when clicking/collecting so you don't accidentally lose any gems you start to acquire. Alternatively, you can buy gems of course. Hope that helps! :)

11-22-14, 12:27 AM
Read in older posts that you can earn a few gems for installing other games they suggest to install.
Not sure if this was removed, at least it's not working for me. (android)

Can somebody confirm if you still earn games for installing suggested games?

11-22-14, 03:17 AM
Read in older posts that you can earn a few gems for installing other games they suggest to install.
Not sure if this was removed, at least it's not working for me. (android)

Can somebody confirm if you still earn games for installing suggested games?

Installing games on Android isn't giving me gems either. The game appears at the bottom left of the screen but not in the goal book. I was disappointed when I tried and no gem goal appeared!

11-22-14, 02:05 PM
Just be careful when clicking/collecting so you don't accidentally lose any gems you start to acquire.
We won't NEED to be careful if a confirmation button gets added! Please ask the developers to consider it! People have been begging for one since 2012.