View Full Version : Bakery Update 11/12/2014

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11-13-14, 09:26 AM
Bah...to wait or not to wait?

11-13-14, 09:33 AM
Before I even downloaded the new Thanksgiving edition my gifts were full of the turkey part. A lot of folks are freaking out about nothing. just saying. I was able to gift the turkey in return even before I got the new edition as well. Maybe have another look? Get off of here and go check it out? I was able to build three right away and my fourth should not take long and my gifts are not even maxed out yet, deep breath folks, its gonna be alright. :)

Fyi, the ability to gift pilgrim turkeys/turkey decor wasn't available until about 1.5 hours after the goal appeared. In that time period all we can do is request for the parts (if we don't have any in storage) and hope that the neighbors will respond fast. If you were here on the dot yesterday when the goal was just released you'd probably feel the frustration too.

11-13-14, 09:34 AM
@LadyZhenJi, i'll wait, i guess. 1st is to get gems since there's still such a possibility...
2nd, to get everything stable. people r loosing appliances, parts, decor, etc... it's obvious that smth is really wrong with the game. don't see a reason to risk for nothing. will wait till it got fixed.

11-13-14, 09:37 AM
This goal thread has been hijacked by Android users wondering where their goals are. While I completely understand the frustration, it would be great for this topic to get back on track to the details of the goal challenges.

TL...please add an in-game pop-up notifying players of the Thanksgiving version in order to get the goals. The players can then decide whether to install now or wait for the gem goal, but it would hopefully minimize the constant posts asking where the goal is!

11-13-14, 09:39 AM
?? I would like to know if the new Thanksgiving version is as cute as the 2012. ??

I love how the streets, buildings ..... are designed in the 2012 Thanksgiving & Halloween versions.

Wish I could get ahold of the X-Mas version like that.

Android-Tab3 user using 2012 Thanksgiving & I got the goal right away (with updated versions I usually have to wait a bit.)

kooky panda
11-13-14, 11:21 AM
Goal Thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?75127-Bakery-Story-Thanksgiving-Goals-Nov-12-2014&p=1001438&viewfull=1#post1001438)

11-13-14, 12:10 PM
how come I haven't gotten the update yet? everyone is sending me the turkey and asking for me to send them turkey, but I don't have the option to do the goals. :(

kooky panda
11-13-14, 12:22 PM
how come I haven't gotten the update yet? everyone is sending me the turkey and asking for me to send them turkey, but I don't have the option to do the goals. :(

Have you downloaded the new Bakery Thanksgiving version in the google play ?

11-13-14, 12:53 PM
Yes I know that. But when the update comes through the game we get free gems. That's why I don't want to download it from Play Store.

New Bakery Thanksgiving version is now available to download from google play!


11-13-14, 01:41 PM
Fyi, the ability to gift pilgrim turkeys/turkey decor wasn't available until about 1.5 hours after the goal appeared. In that time period all we can do is request for the parts (if we don't have any in storage) and hope that the neighbors will respond fast. If you were here on the dot yesterday when the goal was just released you'd probably feel the frustration too.

Yes, PepperWoo, there were no Pilgrim Turkeys when I got the first goals. I was able to request them (had 9 in inventory already) and mass gifted red leaf gears. Then the Pilgrim Turkeys were added to gifts and those who started goals late flooded me with turkeys. I had to wait to request more. I had declined all gifts from those who gifted prior to goal release. I did message good neighbours and request red leaf gears.

11-13-14, 02:21 PM
I don't have Thanksgiving goals... I don't know what's going on.... Please, Can someone help me?

Thank you !!!!

11-13-14, 02:31 PM
Could we possibly get the OP edited so that the new Android version link is there, along with a message that it's needed for the goals to show up? I think that would help prevent a lot of confusion and lower the potential upcoming page count some. :D

11-13-14, 02:44 PM
Could we possibly get the OP edited so that the new Android version link is there, along with a message that it's needed for the goals to show up? I think that would help prevent a lot of confusion and lower the potential upcoming page count some. :D

Done, thanks for the suggestion!

11-13-14, 04:30 PM
New Bakery Thanksgiving version is now available to download from google play!

I am on android and there is NOT a bakery story thanksgiving. Nothing since honey. How could some see it in Google and some not? Is anyone else not seeing it

11-13-14, 04:47 PM
I am on android and there is NOT a bakery story thanksgiving. Nothing since honey. How could some see it in Google and some not? Is anyone else not seeing it

One thing I noticed, is if you type "Bakery Story Thanksgiving" it shows up down the list a bit, like the 3rd row down (14th on list). But if you type "Thanksgiving Bakery Story" (where Thanksgiving is first word in search, then appears #1 on the list. But heres a direct link too: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory40

11-13-14, 07:28 PM
Are the counters for gems!?

11-13-14, 07:38 PM
Now that everyone has access to the challenge may we move along and discuss the challenge. I love the decor. The only thing I don't like R the floor tiles. Bright green for the fall seems to b a bit too much. I'm happy that we're finally using the turkey parts I've had in stock for awhile.
Thanks TL.

11-13-14, 10:30 PM
I don't think I've said it yet, but I LOVE the leaf flooring in this update!!!! It fits perfectly with my bakery and the themes that I have, plus it looks so nice in a big area (some of the flooring in the game looks back in a big area, like it doesn't fit well together). This update has been amazing, and the windows, so beautiful as well!

11-14-14, 03:10 AM
Still have not received new goals or call ovens. What's wrong

11-14-14, 03:12 AM
Not everyone has access to new goals. I don't have them and several of my neighbors don't have them.

11-14-14, 03:13 AM
I don't see it.

11-14-14, 03:37 AM
Splash some fall colors onto your Walls and Floors for autumn! Bring nature indoors to set a warm atmosphere. Decorate your Shop with the Fall Trees wallpaper for the ultimate harvest utopia in Bakery Story (https://www.facebook.com/bakerystory)!
Cook up some of these scrumptious items to serve any hungry pilgrims who may visit:

Turkey Cupcake
Pumpkin Spice Fizz
Pilgrim Pop

Goal Thread

Android Players: To access the new content, you must download Baker Story Thanksgiving (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory40) from Google Play.

It not valid in my country..how is that happen..?? Lol

11-14-14, 06:42 AM
Team Lava - PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE try to avoid aligning a goal release with the release of a new version in the future without proper notification up front. For those of us who come to the forums to READ about goals and the details of the various challenges, the constant questions in relation to "missing goals" is very frustrating! It kind of defeats the purpose of trying to gain information from a forum!

For those of you who do not yet have the goals, please go to the Google play store and download the new THANKSGIVING BAKERY STORY!! You'll have access to the goals once you do.

11-14-14, 06:55 AM
I sincerely hope they don't continue associating the monthly goals to a new Android version in the future. Let this confusion be the first and the last please.

11-14-14, 08:52 AM
Agreed. And I thought the lack of Halloween stuff caused a firestorm on the update threads, that was just a small spark compared to this. If it's being planned ahead of time, then they can probably just make a note of it in the teasers that a new version will be required and when it will be available. That way, it will always be seen beforehand and in the first post.

11-14-14, 09:18 AM
Agreed. And I thought the lack of Halloween stuff caused a firestorm on the update threads, that was just a small spark compared to this. If it's being planned ahead of time, then they can probably just make a note of it in the teasers that a new version will be required and when it will be available. That way, it will always be seen beforehand and in the first post.

I'm not so sure making mention of it in the teaser is enough to avoid all of this confusion. A lot of people coming to the forum have never been here before, and probably don't follow the blog or check out the teasers. I think it's bad practice to associate a set of goals with a new version, plain and simple!

If for some reason a new version is required to support a set of goals, then Team Lava needs to include an in-game pop-up for Android players at the time of the release!!

11-14-14, 10:33 AM
I think this was a one time thing because of the new part requirements they added in that maybe the only way to do this was with a new version for android users. I hope that it's a one time thing but maybe not the new parts are a nice change though

11-14-14, 12:25 PM
I'm not so sure making mention of it in the teaser is enough to avoid all of this confusion. A lot of people coming to the forum have never been here before, and probably don't follow the blog or check out the teasers. I think it's bad practice to associate a set of goals with a new version, plain and simple!

If for some reason a new version is required to support a set of goals, then Team Lava needs to include an in-game pop-up for Android players at the time of the release!!

Yeah, it wouldn't avoid ALL of the confusion, but at least with the regulars it would. I don't think there is a way to help with the newbies in this situation since it all boils down to not reading to see if their question was already answered before posting. So just as that was overlooked, the pop up could too. It would help some, but I'm fully confident there would still be extra posts asking what to do even with that present.

I want to say that there have been new versions around goals, only downloading them wasn't required like this one. I remember waiting quite a while for a gem goal pop up can never had update issues. So that definitely was the main avoidable issue, having a mandatory download rather than it being optional, no question.

But the damage is done, so hopefully lesson learned and we can move on from yet another forum apocalypse and get back to business as usual. ;)

11-14-14, 12:33 PM
I sincerely hope they don't continue associating the monthly goals to a new Android version in the future. Let this confusion be the first and the last please.

Well said, they ask to keep the thread on topic, but what they expected launching a new version (and late) on goals day.

11-14-14, 01:02 PM
These are Thanksgiving goals, some of the recipes are Turkey cupcake and Pilgram pop... Also there is a turkey on the new oven if you look closely. So these are combination Autumn/Thanksgiving goals.

Hi. I think I checked out all the ovens/stoves (the old ones, not the new ones)....and I don't see the Turkey Cupcake and Pilgrim Pop. Can you please tell me which appliance makes those recipes? And where exactly is the turkey on the new oven? (I have both of the new ovens, but I don't see turkey) Thanks very much.

11-14-14, 01:38 PM
Hi. I think I checked out all the ovens/stoves (the old ones, not the new ones)....and I don't see the Turkey Cupcake and Pilgrim Pop. Can you please tell me which appliance makes those recipes? And where exactly is the turkey on the new oven? (I have both of the new ovens, but I don't see turkey) Thanks very much.

Turkey cupcake and pilgrim pops are on the FALL OVEN.

You need to complete the goals to unlock them, check this sticky for more info.


11-14-14, 04:43 PM
Is this going to be combined with the original bakery story. My nbr told me about this as we were seeing other nbrs requesting stuff we aren't using, just downloaded separate app. What do I do w/ old app?

11-14-14, 05:02 PM
Is this going to be combined with the original bakery story. My nbr told me about this as we were seeing other nbrs requesting stuff we aren't using, just downloaded separate app. What do I do w/ old app?

You can delete or keep the old app, up to you. If you are OK with it taking up space, you can hold on to it in case you want access to some older items on it if it's removed at a later time from the "main" game. But if you don't need that and just care to keep what you need to play the game, then you can delete the old and just continue using the new one, and everything should work just fine. :)

11-14-14, 10:53 PM
When we het updaten for Android?

11-14-14, 11:32 PM
I never got an update, I bought the wallpaper. Now the goal showed up and it won't register that I've already bought the wallpaper. Any way to sell wallpaper or advice. I don't want to use 20 gems to bypass the wallpaper.

11-15-14, 12:19 AM
Buy another wallpaper. It will count towards the goal.

Regina;1001894']You should now be able to buy any wallpapers and floor tiles to complete the tasks and move on to the quest!

11-15-14, 01:55 AM
I see some of my neighbours have these ovens etc already. But I dont. Howdo I get them please

11-15-14, 02:02 AM
I have nbrs requesting parts for goal. Will android users get goals for new appliances?

11-15-14, 02:31 AM
I see some of my neighbours have these ovens etc already. But I dont. Howdo I get them please

I have nbrs requesting parts for goal. Will android users get goals for new appliances?

-> Download Bakery Story: Thanksgiving (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.teamlava.bakerystory40) from Google Play. :)

***Dear android players, please download the latest version link provided above to get your goals update. Download download download...!

11-17-14, 12:22 PM
Has anyone received the gem prompt to download on Android? I waited all weekend, hope it wasn't for nothing!!!!

11-17-14, 12:59 PM
Has anyone received the gem prompt to download on Android? I waited all weekend, hope it wasn't for nothing!!!!

I'm waiting on it too. Still didn't get it, but I'll wait untill wednesday because they sometimes release it on tuesday.

11-17-14, 01:42 PM
I'm waiting too. Still nothing.

11-17-14, 02:25 PM
I really like the recipes on the oven this time, very cute! Also, it's great when the hours on the recipes match on both appliances. This time was great! You could cook one recipe from each type of appliance at 2 hours, 4 hours, and 6 hours. This really helps, since I'm not able to check in every hour. Thanks for a fun, low stress event! :)

11-17-14, 03:24 PM
Do Android users Have to wait for a gem offer today to download new version?

11-17-14, 03:34 PM
Yay! I'm done with the goals! Now I could go back to my normal routine. Thank you TL for not making the ovens to be long long hours and shortening them to 2, 4, 6 certainly helps!!! :)

11-17-14, 04:40 PM
Gem offers seem to come on Tuesdays from what I can recall, but I definitely don't remember them being on Mondays at the very least, so it still could happen in the next couple of days. Hopefully. :eek:

11-17-14, 04:50 PM
Thanks for a fun, low stress event! :)

This honestly made me laugh, after 30 pages of questioning/complaining/yelling by android users (including me).

Do Android users Have to wait for a gem offer today to download new version?

no, you can download the thanksgiving version now if you don't want to wait for the gem offer and get started on the goals.

my download offers always used to come on mondays, but just the past couple of weeks have been a lot more random. but they've also been coming later and later in games when i know the actual version was released over a week before (basically RS & BS, as those are the ones i keep track of). so i wouldn't be surprised to not see the bakery:thanksgiving goal until next week. still doable if you wait to start goals until then, if you've been collecting parts in the meantime for a bunch of ovens (well, depending on individual schedules, of course).

11-17-14, 05:00 PM
Gem offers seem to come on Tuesdays from what I can recall, but I definitely don't remember them being on Mondays at the very least, so it still could happen in the next couple of days. Hopefully. :eek:
Thanks hun. I didn't pay attention in that. But I'll be waiting for it.

11-18-14, 09:29 AM
I went ahead and downloaded the Thanksgiving version, waited until 10:00 pm eastern time with no prompt, my Bakery ones always came Monday, so it seems this version didn't get the gem prompt..... oh well....

11-18-14, 11:36 AM
Is anyone as obsessed with this game as i am???

11-18-14, 11:50 AM
Can someone post the final prize in their bakery?

11-18-14, 06:37 PM
Can someone post the final prize in their bakery?

This isn't how I have it set up, but this looked like a better place for a picture :)


11-18-14, 07:31 PM
This isn't how I have it set up, but this looked like a better place for a picture :)


Thank you!!! =) cant wait the last 3 hours left to get it!

11-18-14, 09:19 PM
Just got my final prize. Gorgeous. This is probably the best goal prize TL has ever released in this game. For one thing, it actually belongs in a bakery, and the details on all the desserts are great. Hopefully more decor like this in the future. Would love some new oven recipes that match the cakes in the fall baker display, and baking displays for the other seasons would be great too.

11-19-14, 05:06 AM
I agree it's probably one of the best goal prizes ever! It goes so well with the Autumn Feast, and also the Breakfast Buffet. Still no regrets dropping 70gems for that bad boy when I see it displayed like this.


11-19-14, 06:57 AM
I agree it's probably one of the best goal prizes ever! It goes so well with the Autumn Feast, and also the Breakfast Buffet. Still no regrets dropping 70gems for that bad boy when I see it displayed like this.


Awesome looking bakery! I can't wait to get my final goal :)

11-19-14, 10:26 AM
Agreed! It's one of the most well-designed final goal prize ever! But I've to admit that I feel so silly when I first though the display looks large and so weird. Though it was a separated deco. Till I saw the actual updates. Lol =x

11-19-14, 10:15 PM
This isn't how I have it set up, but this looked like a better place for a picture :)


Is this your bakery? Wow!! It looks gorgeous!!! :)

11-20-14, 08:35 AM
Is this your bakery? Wow!! It looks gorgeous!!! :)

Thanks! However, I do have that display somewhere else, not enough room for that and my registers with my setup. I need to redo it somehow, but can't think of a good solution just yet. :(