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View Full Version : Food Mastery Indicator, Please!

11-04-14, 04:31 PM
It's hard to tell if the meter is almost full or if it's been completed so if you can't remember whether you've received the pop up, there's no way to tell you've mastered a recipe. It'd be great if we could get some kind of indicator like a crown, chef hat, or check mark to let us know it's been mastered.

11-04-14, 08:32 PM
It's hard to tell if the meter is almost full or if it's been completed. It'd be great if we could get some kind of indicator like a crown, chef hat, or check mark to let us know it's been mastered.
U get a popup at the mastery of lvl 4 and it tells u that uve received a gem. I can't remember if u receive coins or not. Remember to master 1 item uve got to cook it 83 times.
I'm not sure if uve just started or not since ur join date indicates u joined the forum October 2014. If uve just started then u might not of mastered any 1 item yet.

11-06-14, 09:11 AM
I agree babyblueblaze. Sometimes I don't get the pop up at all and didn't check my gem count prior to serving my food so am not sure whether it went up by one or not. Having a little sign, as you suggest, would help.

It's easier in rs than in bs to know though. In rs you can master food by only the act of preparing it, so if you're not sure it has been mastered then prepare a few of the recipe and if the pop up doesn't appear then you know it has been mastered. In bs, though, you only master after the food is served so it is a little more difficult to know.