View Full Version : Profitable foods

11-04-14, 12:55 PM
Is there a link that shows what the profitable foods for RS is ? i feel like i'm not earning coins as quickly as i do on BS. Maybe it's the layout too from what i read.... I would hope i can make it over 100,000 before the new goals comes out so i can do some :p

11-04-14, 01:44 PM
In the restaurant story game guide sticky, there is a recipe chart that should let you sort them by profit. Not sure what you have access to, but the higher ones are typically things like the 2-day Peking Duck & Roast Chicken or 22-hour Stuffed Mushrooms & Glazed Ham.

But without the chart, you can just look at the total coin gain - buy cost to get a good idea. Usually I would look at # of servings to see how fast it would sell in BS, but food is harder to keep stocked in RS sometimes that I usually don't bother.

And layout does help, there is an efficiency post somewhere on the forums that gives you an idea. Main gist is to put tables close to door(s) & podium to cut down walking and exiting times, for quicker sales.

*edit* Found the link to the post: http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?23320-most-Efficient-RS-design-(without-maths)&highlight=Efficient+restaurant


^So something like this could help you earn some coins quicker. It doesn't have to look EXACTLY like that, if you prefer a different look, but that's the general idea to where they are eating and leaving quicker.

11-04-14, 08:59 PM
i feel like i'm not earning coins as quickly as i do on BS. I would hope i can make it over 100,000 before the new goals comes out so i can do some :p

Ull find that everything's cheaper here in RS. I doubt that there's a recipe over 2,700 per oven where in BS I know there's quite a few that will cost u well over 5,000 per appliance to cook.