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10-28-14, 11:56 AM
Nope, no expansions with this update either...

10-28-14, 12:07 PM
I know :( I'm pretty sad about that, to be honest. I'm hopeful the next expansion they do uses that meadow shelf directly below the breeding den. I've been eyeing that piece of territory since I first installed the game, wondering when it would be available. I'd much rather the next territory open to us is right below the breeding den site then right across from it. But that's just me...

10-28-14, 01:04 PM
I was just coming to post this very same thing. I don't know why I got my hopes up that this time they'd finally let us expand and allow for the ability to have good income from a lot of animals AND variety & decoration in our parks. But no. It's still one OR the other. I'm feeling SO stifled in this game!

10-28-14, 01:04 PM
YES. I'm with you, ArcadiaTofu! I'm more relaxed about when the next expansion comes, but I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it to be the area underneath the Breeding Den. I've been eyeing that plot of land to place my farms (... and maybe that would prompt me to finally just upgrade them all).

10-28-14, 01:41 PM
I'm selling rares bc no more space. I bet the new expansions with be sometime by thanksgiving

10-31-14, 10:31 AM
please please please please please in the update we should get in an hour or so, PLEASE include new expansions!!!!!

11-02-14, 09:48 PM
Yup this is the shortest petition you'll ever find:

Brooklyn, NY

Re: Much needed expansions.

Dear Team Lava,

Kindly take into consideration our need for new expansions and make it your priority to provide us with such by the end of next week.

Your loyal customers !!!

P.s. Guys, please sign it by providing your Storm ID below !!
Have a great week everyone.

11-03-14, 09:17 AM
Queens, NY

Re: Much needed expansions.

Dear Team Lava,

Kindly take into consideration our need for new expansions and make it your priority to provide us with such by the end of next week.


11-03-14, 09:25 AM
lol Zenobia ... Thanks !!!
Seriously guys, if you want expansions, make your feelings known to TL... We need to attract attention so they might make it a priority...
I wish kooky or Regina will give us some updates on when to expect the new expansions!!

11-03-14, 09:39 AM
Totally agree with this... I have about 2 weeks max before I reach the end of the expansions currently available, and if I can't expand further by then I'm probably done with the game. What's the point of breeding for new creatures if I have nowhere to place them? I'm not selling off my old creatures just to accommodate them when I shouldn't have to. I feel very sorry for anyone who's been stuck without being able to expand for a while. What is TL's problem? Clearly this should be top priority... hopefully they are ready to do it as soon as the tournament is over.

11-03-14, 11:20 AM
MORE EXPANSIONS PLEASE! Why must we be so restricted?

11-03-14, 11:29 AM
Totally agree with this... I have about 2 weeks max before I reach the end of the expansions currently available, and if I can't expand further by then I'm probably done with the game. What's the point of breeding for new creatures if I have nowhere to place them? I'm not selling off my old creatures just to accommodate them when I shouldn't have to. I feel very sorry for anyone who's been stuck without being able to expand for a while. What is TL's problem? Clearly this should be top priority... hopefully they are ready to do it as soon as the tournament is over.

Lucky you !!! I am selling rare duplicates because there's no space. If i was to sell my common critters, that will mean " album reduction" for me.
I hope you don't get to deal with the frustration many of us are going through !!
Thanks for your support though.

11-03-14, 03:45 PM
Agree with this, we definitely need more expansions... We got a lot of new animals and it would be nice to decorate our forests, upgrade our farms and habitats, but we can't do any of that cause we simply don't have enough space. Please give us more expansions soon!

11-03-14, 04:09 PM
I wish for NO MORE EXPANSIONS, but I know my little wish will not be granted.
Still, I beg, no new expansions until 2015, TeamLava. As soon as you open the Darklands, these same people will gripe forever about the expansion costs and waiting times, the cost and time to clear obstacles, their storage limit for explosives, their rune storage limit. Then will come the inevitable demand for more habitats once they've carved out some more space in the land. It will never end.
Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Satyr Sanctuary hasn't built, upgraded or even moved a habitat in ages and I love it! I'm so excited when I get a new animal once in a blue moon because it means I get to give one of my way too many common duplicates the axe.

11-03-14, 04:16 PM
I wish for NO MORE EXPANSIONS, but I know my little wish will not be granted.
Still, I beg, no new expansions until 2015, TeamLava. As soon as you open the Darklands, these same people will gripe forever about the expansion costs and waiting times, the cost and time to clear obstacles, their storage limit for explosives, their rune storage limit. Then will come the inevitable demand for more habitats once they've carved out some more space in the land. It will never end.
Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
I'm so excited when I get a new animal once in a blue moon because it means I get to give one of my way too many common duplicates the axe.

Sand, why the heck are you being so negative... There's a lot of people that do need expansions and yes the cost of expansions is quite high. So our complaining is quite justified. What's not justified is your darn negative comments in this thread !!!

11-03-14, 04:28 PM
I wish for NO MORE EXPANSIONS, but I know my little wish will not be granted.
Still, I beg, no new expansions until 2015, TeamLava. As soon as you open the Darklands, these same people will gripe forever about the expansion costs and waiting times, the cost and time to clear obstacles, their storage limit for explosives, their rune storage limit. Then will come the inevitable demand for more habitats once they've carved out some more space in the land. It will never end.
Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Satyr Sanctuary hasn't built, upgraded or even moved a habitat in ages and I love it! I'm so excited when I get a new animal once in a blue moon because it means I get to give one of my way too many common duplicates the axe.

Um ok... glad your enjoying your game!!

11-03-14, 04:35 PM
Evi, you go girl!

I have 41 habitats in my park. The haunted hollow, 19 big ones, and 21 small ones. I also have 6 grand farms. Because I decided being able to grow enough food to level my critters is preferable to an extra 6 critters. But I shouldn't be forced to make that kind of choice, There really ought to be room for 41 big habitats. I have 101 animals and can fit only *1* more (when I find time to hatch my skeletal dragon, that's the 1). I've sold countless common and rare animals simply because while I should theoretically be allowed 123 of them (41*3), there just isn't anywhere close to enough room.

To me, what is worse than the limit of 102 (or 108 if you choose big farms) is that expansions, when they finally do arrive once in a blue moon, cost SO much that we all feel we abvolutely positively MUST pack every possible square inch with income-generating animals... which results in a distinct lack of decoration and individuality in how our parks look. I never spend any time at all any more checking out other people's parks because they all look the same. That, combined with constantly being forced to sell of what would be perfectly good animals to have if we only had the room, is making this game a total drag. Almost as much of a drag as 17-hour common fails.

Okay, so the purple islands to the northeast are of a different color & wildlife. So I guess they won't open until a new element comes out (any my formerly 8 animals missing from the album now at 11 jumps to 18). But the green island to the southwest is CLEARLY the same kind of island as our first, and I see no reason whatsoever those 14 expansions should not be available NOW.

11-03-14, 04:56 PM
PLEASE, PLEASE, PRETTY PLEASE TL, give us some expansions, having to sell off Super Rare to make room for more!!! Otherwise no point in breeding, please hear our requests! :(

11-03-14, 05:24 PM
Evi, you go girl!

I have 41 habitats in my park. The haunted hollow, 19 big ones, and 21 small ones. I also have 6 grand farms. Because I decided being able to grow enough food to level my critters is preferable to an extra 6 critters. But I shouldn't be forced to make that kind of choice, There really ought to be room for 41 big habitats. I have 101 animals and can fit only *1* more (when I find time to hatch my skeletal dragon, that's the 1). I've sold countless common and rare animals simply because while I should theoretically be allowed 123 of them (41*3), there just isn't anywhere close to enough room.

To me, what is worse than the limit of 102 (or 108 if you choose big farms) is that expansions, when they finally do arrive once in a blue moon, cost SO much that we all feel we abvolutely positively MUST pack every possible square inch with income-generating animals... which results in a distinct lack of decoration and individuality in how our parks look. I never spend any time at all any more checking out other people's parks because they all look the same. That, combined with constantly being forced to sell of what would be perfectly good animals to have if we only had the room, is making this game a total drag. Almost as much of a drag as 17-hour common fails.

Okay, so the purple islands to the northeast are of a different color & wildlife. So I guess they won't open until a new element comes out (any my formerly 8 animals missing from the album now at 11 jumps to 18). But the green island to the southwest is CLEARLY the same kind of island as our first, and I see no reason whatsoever those 14 expansions should not be available NOW.

I totally agree with you. There is no reason why they won't release or let us expand to the green island. This way we can have some room to decorate as well.

11-03-14, 06:03 PM
Sand, why the heck are you being so negative... There's a lot of people that do need expansions and yes the cost of expansions is quite high. So our complaining is quite justified. What's not justified is your darn negative comments in this thread !!!

Wait a minute, now. The complaints are positive but my satisfied attitude is negative?!! LMAO!

Um ok... glad your enjoying your game!!

Oh, yes! Yes! Yes, I am indeed! Thank you.

See, Evi, who says I'm being negative? I POSITIVELY don't need any more expansions for a while. I LOVE the way my forest looks (on Satyr Sanctuary, anyway) and I'm so relieved to be able to relax and enjoy it. The two younger forests are struggling to afford each expansion and its obstacles, and they are still on the Lower Ice Cliff, poor things.

So yeah, sending warm, positive vibes to your massive forest with all your big Dark and Electric habitats and at least one of every existing creature, cuz I'm a cool, laid back kinda Brooklynite.

11-03-14, 06:16 PM
Actually, I'm trying to save up for a Grand Gem Grove (for my Gem-Fire piggies -- heehee!), but on the current land it will mean getting rid of all the decorative trees, hedges and flowerbeds, which I really don't want to disturb. But I ain't got the gems yet anyway so not time to worry about that yet. Send me gems! Heheh. Then when I ready to buy that grand chunk of ice, I can join you in requesting a new plot to put it on.

11-03-14, 06:20 PM
Wait a minute, now. The complaints are positive but my satisfied attitude is negative?!! LMAO!

Oh, yes! Yes! Yes, I am indeed! Thank you.

See, Evi, who says I'm being negative? I POSITIVELY don't need any more expansions for a while. I LOVE the way my forest looks (on Satyr Sanctuary, anyway) and I'm so relieved to be able to relax and enjoy it. The two younger forests are struggling to afford each expansion and its obstacles, and they are still on the Lower Ice Cliff, poor things.

So yeah, sending warm, positive vibes to your massive forest with all your big Dark and Electric habitats and at least one of every existing creature, cuz I'm a cool, laid back kinda Brooklynite.

Did you just admit that the expansions are indeed expensive as your other two forests are struggling to do so ??
If I may remind you, you had trouble expanding under Satyr also, mind you, while you had 8-9 emeralds !!
Aren't you missing a few rares and super rares? Hmm I thought I read you complaint about not being able to fulfill your album !!! Now once you have them all, you might need new expansions just like the rest of us.
Anyway, there's no point to this discussion as complaining in these forums is one of the purposes TL started them in the first place. TL wants and reads every thread just so they can understand better their customer's likes and dislikes !!

11-03-14, 06:36 PM
Actually, I'm trying to save up for a Grand Gem Grove (for my Gem-Fire piggies -- heehee!), but on the current land it will mean getting rid of all the decorative trees, hedges and flowerbeds, which I really don't want to disturb. But I ain't got the gems yet anyway so not time to worry about that yet. Send me gems! Heheh. Then when I ready to buy that grand chunk of ice, I can join you in requesting a new plot to put it on.

Noone asked you to join if you don't feel the need for expansions. But posting in here with " Say NO to expansions ", hmm that's quite a different story.
Good luck collecting those gems to buy the big gem grove. Let us know when you do so we may stop by to look at it !!

11-03-14, 06:49 PM
I don't necessarily want another element but the one area definitely looks dark to me... I really want to put all my dark habitats there. I don't see why having the ability to expand would hurt anyone. You don't HAVE to do it.

I definitely don't have any decorations nor do I ever see having the room for them... Mostly because even if they do make tons of room to expand it still takes so long to do an expansion that I really need another big habitat as soon as the land is cleared. I try to put my habitats so that they make a nice pattern though.

11-03-14, 07:17 PM
Did you just admit that the expansions are indeed expensive as your other two forests are struggling to do so ??
If I may remind you, you had trouble expanding under Satyr also, mind you, while you had 8-9 emeralds !!
Aren't you missing a few rares and super rares? Hmm I thought I read you complaint about not being able to fulfill your album !!! Now once you have them all, you might need new expansions just like the rest of us.
Anyway, there's no point to this discussion as complaining in these forums is one of the purposes TL started them in the first place. TL wants and reads every thread just so they can understand better their customer's likes and dislikes !!

Heheh. With my album at 49/66, I'm missing more than a few rares & supers. I'll never have them all, and don't need to. If I want to see all the critters, I come to your place or A2Tude's. Yes, the ice expansions were a pain for Satyr Sanctuary and even more challenging for our younger forests who aren't nearly as rich. That's why I'm saying no. But nicely.

Come on, you know the expansions will come. You don't even need this petition. And you should also know I'm just yanking your chain.

11-03-14, 07:41 PM
I agree with Sand :) Expansions are kinda iffy... They'll make them like 3mil to unlock with 5-10mil to actually clear... Yeeeaaaah.... That'll be so much fun :/ and then... "Why so expensive?" In joker voice...

11-03-14, 08:10 PM
I don't want to agree or disagree with this petition (or arguments in the thread), so here are just my thoughts:
The petition should be for lower expansion and clearing costs, not for more expansions. This has a very simple reason: most people don't need more expansions. If you visit random, high level community forests (even level 40, and you have played *a lot* at level 40), the great majority of people has not expanded everywhere, many have not even expanded on the upper ice field much or at all. My guess is that less than 1% of the players have fully expanded. As far as I can tell, TL would not consider that number large enough to put work into creating expansions, and possibly even frustrate players who can't expand there yet. Probably it is more profitable to get a large number of people occasionally pay a little money, and they are catering to this large number of players who are distributed around an "average" progress. So the problem in my opinion is the difference in game speed for very advanced players, and those average occasional players.
Reduced expansion/clearing costs would increase the number of people wanting/needing the expansions (by reducing this game speed difference), and have a better effect on getting more expansions.

11-03-14, 09:02 PM
Although I have already expanded as far as possible so far, I heartily support the idea of lower expansion obstacle clearing costs... But I highly doubt it will happen. Since when have they EVER made a change to this game that makes ANYTHING about the game easier to advance in? To me, the idea behind this petition is to request something that some of us believe they actually can do for us without any chance of it hurting their bottom line.

And I fully expanded only recently, recently enough to remember what it is like to see an "available" expansion and not be able to reach it yet, not until I save up more. But to me, that is not even 1000th as frustrating as getting one step closer to a full album, then taking 2, 3, sometimes 6 steps back in one week. And also, while the game refusing to give me a single new super rare animal in 28 days is a hurdle I can do nothing about but wait weeks and weeks and weeks for lightning to finally strike, if there is an expansion, I know I CAN reach it. No hand of luck can reach down and say no, you have to wait another 4 dry weeks.

When I save up the money and bombs, IF there is an expansion available, I can go there. And a few days later (though I too REALLY wish we didn't have to save up even more than it cost to expand and then wait a day and a freaking half for each appropriately titled Fail Shale clears), I can build there. It is the ONE thing in this game that luck can NOT deny me. And opening up more land can NOT lose them money. Those who spend gems will spend MORE if anything, because it means more things to speed up.

And i just honestly don't see how more expansions being available for some now and for some down the road when they get there could POSSIBLY be a bad thing. If nothing else it provides those who haven't expanded to the third island yet a choice of which island they would rather expand to next.

11-04-14, 05:57 AM
I wish for NO MORE EXPANSIONS, but I know my little wish will not be granted.
Still, I beg, no new expansions until 2015, TeamLava. As soon as you open the Darklands, these same people will gripe forever about the expansion costs and waiting times, the cost and time to clear obstacles, their storage limit for explosives, their rune storage limit. Then will come the inevitable demand for more habitats once they've carved out some more space in the land. It will never end.
Don't do it. Don't do it. Don't do it.
Satyr Sanctuary hasn't built, upgraded or even moved a habitat in ages and I love it! I'm so excited when I get a new animal once in a blue moon because it means I get to give one of my way too many common duplicates the axe.

I remember when I posted before about hating tournament and wanting to achive full album
U disagreed and said full album should not be the goal and tournament are fun and to play the game as one desire

So I would say something similer here
U don't need to expand if new expansions are available
U can just ignore expansions and not struggle to remove obstacles
U r not forced to do that

I don't understand
U are struggling there and u want everyone to be in the same boat with u for some reason
People are on different stages in the game
Some chilling and taking slow approch and some faster

Just because u don't need new expansions
Doesn't mean others don't
And funny u should object as I fail to see how does it harm you
It wouldnt change the game for you
Play the same and ignore the expansion tap
When u need it use it simple

I don't necessary need expansions now
Even though iam fully expanded
And would love expansions just for the purpose of decrotions
But I wouldnt come to a topic asking for expansions ( which should not harm you to have )
Cuz u r not obligated to expand and ask for no expansions

And topics asking for new expansions or habitus can be easily ignored as well

11-04-14, 08:04 AM
So, umm... Flowless?... Why can't I ask for NO MORE EXPANSIONS if no more expansions is MY wish? Don't I get a vote? "Ain't I a Woman?" How does it hurt anyone for me to say I don't want or need them any time in the near future?
If I were to start a separate thread on why we don't need more expansions until late December (the last ones unlocked late in September), moderators would more than likely merge it with this one. So I may as well save them the trouble.
Anybody familiar with Satyr Sanctuary must surely know that I can (and probably will) effortlessly move ahead with any expansions when they eventually unlock. (Ahem. Read the expansion thread.)
I'll take them. (What else am I gonna do with my runes maxed out at 50 and enough coins now to pay for the entire expansion and clearance of BOTH the Ice Cliffs all over again?) I'll take them, but I still insist that the game as a whole doesn't need them so soon.
Whoever chooses to be offended by that, tough turds.

11-04-14, 09:01 AM
OMG!! It's simple really, you either need more expansions or you don't!! I do, and I see no harm in them being available even if you don't need them.

11-04-14, 09:13 AM
OMG!! It's simple really, you either need more expansions or you don't!! I do, and I see no harm in them being available even if you don't need them.

Lol cquinn... Let's ingore the ones that are not sure if they do or don't need expansions. This thread was really for the ones that need them. My subject was " sign the petition..." Just so we may attract TL's attention on this issue.
Whomever feels that they should give their two cents on why TL shouldn't let us expand, let them do so... Not worth responding to them :-)

11-04-14, 09:13 AM
OMG!! It's simple really, you either need more expansions or you don't!! I do, and I see no harm in them being available even if you don't need them.

Exactly! That was what I was trying to say. But I have difficulty with being concise and made it a 4-paragraph affair, lol. Perfectly said. :)
Also, Evi, PM.

11-04-14, 09:32 AM
Lol cquinn... Let's ingore the ones that are not sure if they do or don't need expansions. This thread was really for the ones that need them. My subject was " sign the petition..." Just so we may attract TL's attention on this issue.
Whomever feels that they should give their two cents on why TL shouldn't let us expand, let them do so... Not worth responding to them :-)

I wouldn't mind expansions... But you know they'll make them at least 5mil to totally clear right? That's why I said expansions are kinda iffy :/
So... Double edged sword I guess... But what do I know... I'll just be ignored again anyway... :/

11-04-14, 09:38 AM
I wouldn't mind expansions... But you know they'll make them at least 5mil to totally clear right? That's why I said expansions are kinda iffy :/
So... Double edged sword I guess... But what do I know... I'll just be ignored again anyway... :/

If you mean ignored by TL, join the club lol. I very much do agree with you that expansions and more-so the clearing of spaces that have been expanded to is outrageous. But we have been saying so since this thread began on 7/31/14 (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71537-Expansion-Obstacles). And they have never deigned to even acknowledge that that thread exists no less make expansion costs reasonable. ITA with you that it is a HUGE issue. Just one is different from this one, and being discussed in another thread. The OP of that linked thread was originally just me expressing outrage at the cost of clearing expansion obstacles. I soon changed it though to a list of all the costs - for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, you can use it to determine from where you are which is the cheapest square to expand to next. Though "cheapest" is not the best word. Least ludicrously expensive maybe lol.

11-04-14, 09:56 AM
I wouldn't mind expansions... But you know they'll make them at least 5mil to totally clear right? That's why I said expansions are kinda iffy :/
So... Double edged sword I guess... But what do I know... I'll just be ignored again anyway... :/

Blue fox I didn't have you in mind when I said what I said in my previous post. We already established the fact that expansions are very expensive and we asked previously that TL drops the cost a little bit, but I doubt it that will ever happen. With that said, we still need expansions, some of us can chose to expand and some don't have to... But we need the option especially when we got over 10 new critters in the past 2 weeks and not much room left for accommodation

11-04-14, 10:53 AM
Stay where you are. It's NOT SAFE yet!

http://i1281.photobucket.com/albums/a517/SandScapes/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps637afa3d.jpg (http://s1281.photobucket.com/user/SandScapes/media/Mobile%20Uploads/image_zps637afa3d.jpg.html)

Please understand. We can't be held responsible for what might happen to you if you venture out there right now.

11-04-14, 11:17 AM
I don't really have an issue with how expensive the expansions are, at least not currently (I'm 4 away from completing the last area). If there was anything I would change about expansions it would definitely be the time. I hate the fact that every single one is 33 hours to clear!!! Why did that have to be the case? Couldn't some of them have been less just to be a nice surprise? So expansion time (10-12 hours), +33 hours, +24 hours to build another habitat. It's 3 additional days after you finally reach enough realm runes to do one at all. If the new island is much worse than this I won't be happy at all, however I would be grateful at this point just to GET the new island. I do know that complaining to TL will do absolutely nothing. I'm just commiserating with everyone else lol.

kooky panda
11-04-14, 11:26 AM
Please note that the recent off-topic and personal conversation posts have been removed. Please keep your posts to the topic of expansions.

11-04-14, 03:38 PM
I have reached the point where playing is no more fun because I am selling Super Rares to make a spot for lower earning new animals.

During the Community Event I bought lots of gems and sped through, looking for pumpkins, especially when it looked like we really needed help to get the Community Prizes. I got Super Rares as fails when trying for a Super animal that I failed to get yet. No problem with that if I had room to place them, but I am frustrated that I am backed into selling Super Rares that I bred, hatched, evolved several times, and purchased habitats to house them. But now I have no room to place new animals, baring spending five hundred gold to add room for one more animal, and I am not sure but it is likely that there is a long build time as well. In any event that is not an option for me nor I imagine for most players.

Sand, I feel for your issues. You are fortunate to have three devices and three Forests. If one fills up, you can play on a different account on a different device. I understand how listening to people gripe bothers some people. Sometimes it bothers me too. But these forums are here to allow us to let off steam amd state opinions. I respect you always and I respect your opinions Sand, and many times I agree. On this issue I disagree.

I am signing the petition to respectfully request immediate expansions TL. My ID is 55lee55.

In order to avoid the very valid issues issues Sand brought up which is the long wait times even once an expansion is paid for, then additional days when you get to my level, to clear obstructions. I am further requesting that for humanitarian reasons that the wait times only, not the coin expense but the times to wait to open expansions and then wait again to clear obstructions, be forgiven with a new and immediate round of expansions be released so those like me can continue to play what is, except for the blaring shortage of space for power players like myself who spend gems, an awesome game.

But due to space restraints and the continuing lack of expansions with no slowing of the release of new animals (just saw yet another new animal in my shop), I have hit my frustration tolerance limit. I spent hundreds of dollars on the Community Event so others could win the Community Prizes. I have no use for them because I no longer have a spot to place them. I could have and in retrospect should have stopped playing entirely except to play the Battles. But with this extraording piling up of animals I assumed that there would be an Expansion Release and I love the community experience built into the game.

But the hemorrhage of new animals combined with a lack of room to place them has caused the frustration level to outweigh the enjoyment level I received from playing this game. For me seeing the new animal released in the Store today did not cause me to reach for the iTunes card with a rush of excitement as usual. It made me completely disgusted with myself for spending the money I have so far on playing this game. I felt like I had been throwing good money after bad and felt regret that I sped through to get explosives to mine so that my Lower Level neighnors who don't have the room shortage to worry about right now could have the experience and enjoyment of watching us all pull together to win that last prize.

Seeing that new animal released, with no new expansions released for those of us who have been asking repeatedly for more room, sucked away all of the fun I was getting out of playing this game multiple times a day.

I am stepping out I am going to spend down the remaining gems I have then I am going to stop playing for now. I lost interest with the sight of that new animal. Don't bother visiting my Forest folks until there is an expansion release because I have been sucked dry and all that is left is frustration at being completely ignored. For me personally, the fun has left the building. To be fair to my neighbors, I will keep returning gifts to neighbors that are on my list.

If Expansions are ever released and providing I see the possibility of catching up to where I have a chance to get all of the animals, (my personal not one of TL's goals, and at this time I am only missing two, the Bansheep and the new one released this morning.) I might begin playing again. Even then, I am so discouraged with the lack of room that I don't plan to spend one more cent of my money on gems for this game unless and until TL makes it fun for me. For me, fun will include the possibility to easily breed and hatch new animals in new expansions. I will not spend gems for expansions, animals, or habitats at this time. I doubt if I will be interested in coming back should I miss a limited animal. This is as I said a personal goal, so there is no reason for me to expect TL to accommodate me on this, but I'm just saying what is important to me.

I saw somewhere where someone stated that TL is not giving us expansions because they expect us to spend 500 gems to expand existing habitats. I don't see evidence of this, but were it true, I would not be spending those gems now or ever to make more room. To play the game yes. To make room for one more animal per habitat no. I don't get the conspiracy theory to spend gems to upgrade habitats as the reason behind the lack of Expansion releases. Were it true it wouldn't work on me. I doubt it would on many of us. TL is an experienced game producer. They know what works and how to build these games. I am unsure why Expansions have been repeatedly refused, but I don't think there is something nefarious going on. I unfortunately hit my tolerance for game induced stress prior to TL making a decision to release further Expansions. I am sure they have an acceptable player loss built in to their game. I am unhappy of course that I am one of those players.

So yes, although I don't expect anything to come from this that will will return the fun to this game for me, or to return me to playing the game for my real money which I was gladly doing until this morning when the sight of the new animal with no place to put it or the fails if I get good ones ended my enjoyment of playing FFS, possibly for good, I am signing the petition by this post.

It has been a great game TL, and I appreciated the Halloween Event even though I have animals in storage that likely will never be placed in my Forest. It was enjoyable! I am sad that FFS has no room to keep a gem purchasing customer happy with playing the game because there is no more room to play in my Forest.

Please TL, act quickly if you want to spark my interest to keep me playing. Add no wait time Expansions/ no wait time Obstacles now. Please. I was enjoying this game so much and I am really sad to see it go, but the fun has run so to speak.

I doubt my gems will last long, especially since my goal now is to spend them and leave. I was just planning to add more gems even though I had no Quests left and no new ones showing.

I am glad I looked in my Store first. I am sad to be moving on, but everyone has limits. I hit mine this morning. I do have good luck. It is possible, but highly improbable that I wil breed the last two animals I need with the gems I have remaining. Even if that happens, with no Expansions available I don't think I will feel the excitement enough to stick around.

11-04-14, 03:53 PM
Just realized this should go in the current thread not this old thread.

Still none in the 11/4 release.

11-04-14, 04:00 PM
Lee, as usual you address a ton of issues at once. I can't touch most of them because I've already stirred up quite a few hornets here today. But I'd like to suggest a quick TEMPORARY fix to just one of your problems, pending a more permanent fix.

You could make space for new animals if you were willing to TEMPORARILY sell regular old commons. You can easily breed them again when TL eventually opens up more expansions. I know a full album is important to you and it's too painful to sell off supers. But selling commons and even duplicate rares can provide temporary relief. At least think about it before you burn any bridges.

By the way, grand habitats have zero build times so they allow a player to create additional housing instantly. They take up the same space as big habitats, so no need to reposition anything if you're upgrading from big to Grand. Again the upgrade is instant -- no waiting. I'm not telling you to buy Grand habitats, I'm just mentioning the option since you say you regularly spend hundreds of dollars on gems. I definitely can't live in your world.

11-04-14, 04:21 PM
I originally posted this in an older request for expansions thread but since this one has had the nasty thorns removed, and now 55lee55 has added some important thoughts, I'm moving it here:

I really can't decide what to have to sell off now to make room for my new thorilla, skeletal dragon, and zapra. I don't want to go below one of anything and lose even more ground in my album that keeps falling further and further behind due to TL continually releasing multiple new animals every single week, and also not letting me breed a single one of the super rares I don't have for FOUR weeks... so do I sell duplicate electric commons, or my early-game rares that actually earn less than the electric commons? I'm already sold off until I am down to pretty much 2 of each of those types. Or do I sacrifice income entirely and instead sell off the #3 or #4 of a couple super rares? I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of expansions causing me to have to sell off good animals. I'm nowhere near as bad a situation as EviBrooklyn or 55lee55, but I'm really starting to appreciate how bad it must be for you!!!!!

And Lee, like you, I just can't stand the thought of my album count going DOWN. I just can't go backwards by selling off those singleton commons. I wish I had something to say to help, but I don't. Only TL can help now. And in this game, unlike CS, they seem like they'd rather be set on fire than respond to any of our requests.

11-04-14, 05:13 PM
I originally posted this in an older request for expansions thread but since this one has had the nasty thorns removed, and now 55lee55 has added some important thoughts, I'm moving it here:

I really can't decide what to have to sell off now to make room for my new thorilla, skeletal dragon, and zapra. I don't want to go below one of anything and lose even more ground in my album that keeps falling further and further behind due to TL continually releasing multiple new animals every single week, and also not letting me breed a single one of the super rares I don't have for FOUR weeks... so do I sell duplicate electric commons, or my early-game rares that actually earn less than the electric commons? I'm already sold off until I am down to pretty much 2 of each of those types. Or do I sacrifice income entirely and instead sell off the #3 or #4 of a couple super rares? I'm getting really frustrated with the lack of expansions causing me to have to sell off good animals. I'm nowhere near as bad a situation as EviBrooklyn or 55lee55, but I'm really starting to appreciate how bad it must be for you!!!!!

And Lee, like you, I just can't stand the thought of my album count going DOWN. I just can't go backwards by selling off those singleton commons. I wish I had something to say to help, but I don't. Only TL can help now. And in this game, unlike CS, they seem like they'd rather be set on fire than respond to any of our requests.

That's a no-brainer. Sell the commons of course, esypecially duplicates, even if they are Dark or Electric drones. After all, aren't these the fails that annoy the heck out of you? If you breed a Koala almost every time you put Electric & Dark together, then Koala is obviously easy to replace. I haven't met a hard common yet.

Truth of the matter is that TeamLava has no sympathy for players who want to hang onto duplicates, no matter how super- or ultra-rare they may be. Push them to it and they will argue that 41 habitats is more than enough to house one of every type of creature currently in the game. And that's true; but even when it's no longer true, they are not too shy to start talking about stables (in DS) and grand habitats as a solution to crowding.

I'm just letting you know that I've seen expansion crisis and severe habitat shortage. This ain't it. For a long time in DS, players had to keep animals holed up in stables and a ridiculous number of prize eggs imprisoned in storage. Imagine extra nests being used to store eggs instead of being utilized for hatching. I reached a point where I started selling the dragons that every Jack and Jane had, and began to develop a specialized island featuring arena and tournament prize dragons and other one-of-a-kind unbreedables.

There are various solutions players can implement for themselves while they wait for TL to grant this or that. Make the sacrifices you can more readily live with, recover from or even reverse. Flex your game a little. I know, I know, you shouldn't have to make those choices, but I figure tough choices have a better after-taste than fretting and threatening.

11-04-14, 05:22 PM
Sand, you answered a question for which I wanted an answer, that there is no wait if you upgrade with gems. Never going to do that, but inquiring minds want to know.

I have been systematically been turning my commons into Epics which is expensive and time consuming. Not fun or willing to sell them, and they are not as easily replaced as you might think. It took me weeks to get my first Plantler, amd I have bred very few of most commons. My luck runs to get the super Rares. I have problems breeding rares and commons. Sand you may have never met a rare Common, but I have. I had reverse luck with this game. It was fun. But seriously, would you sell a Level 10 Zapra to place a new rare that will never earn what a Level 2 Zapra does? How about six of them?

The fun is all gone for me. I don't see how it can be saved for me at this point, or not for long. Yesterday I sold at least two Super Rares. I have sold all of my duplicates below Super Rares, even the ones I had raised to Level 10 or higher for breeding while I am battling with my Epics.

I had the best set up possible in this game until I got hit between the eyes with the new animal this morning. That pushed me over my tolerance level for game frustration.

It happens. I will miss it, but I won't be missed. If I would have been missed, this situation would have been resolved long ago and it never would have come to this. The answer is obvious. Players like me who are maxed out are not welcome to play this game. I don't know why, but I am sure I was not personally singled out. I am obviously in a group of players who are unwanted. Likely it is a business decision to weed out some high level players gem speed players.

I am not in the business and to me it seems that I would be the type of player who would be cultivated, not discouraged. I agree that no matter the reason, losing me or others like me is not going to change anything. I signed this petition to make the point. I know that it is not going to make anything happen to make me happy playing FFS. Just posting my opinion.

11-04-14, 05:23 PM
That's a no-brainer. Sell the commons of course, especially duplicates, even if they are Dark or Electric drones. After all, aren't these the fails that annoy the heck out of you? If you breed a Koala almost every time you put Electric & Dark together, then Koala is obviously easy to replace. I haven't met a hard common yet.

EXCELLENT point! Good-bye koala #2 - I didn't want you anyway! :p

I still would rather get more room, though, lol.

11-04-14, 05:26 PM
I can't believe anyone would consider grand habitats an option. 500 gems? That's like $20 PER HABITAT to gain space for ONE ADDITIONAL ANIMAL. Omg that is so absurd I can't even think about it... And if anyone does it, that's just going to confirm to TL that people WILL do and then we really won't get expansions. So I really hope no one does it.

As I said before, I'm definitely done with the game if expansions haven't happened by when I'm ready for them (when I'm fully expanded, all habitats built and full). I'm surprised more players haven't left over this. How hard is it to add the expansions??? And why not??? Keep us happy and we might spend more money!

11-04-14, 06:14 PM
Yup... I didn't think we would get any new expansios today either

11-04-14, 06:33 PM
Sand, you say TL doesn't like the players to keep duplicates of rares and super rares and 41 habitats should be enough. Well, if your a paying player that hurts bc we did spent some money to get the super rares or ultra rares duplicates.
Maybe TL should consider putting a disclaimer with their gem purchase packages, letting the customers know that their money might go to waste for lack of room. I posted in another thread that I personally find that unethical. I have no problem spending money for my entertainment, but I do have a problem getting ripped off. So there better be an expansion pretty soon or I might follow in 55Lee55's foot steps.

11-04-14, 11:41 PM
Only reason I keep supra rare and rare
Incase there is crafting option in the future
If I sell all of them and crafting become available
Then iam in disadvantage in comparison to the others

Sand I respect your opinions in general
But I really disagree in this topic
Cuz it doesn't harm people games having options
But it does harm thoses who are stuck cuz they don't have options
If this was a topic to remove an animal from market or something similer I would understand your objection

Like I said i just want expansion for deceptions
And want to keep some rare and supra for crafting

11-04-14, 11:57 PM
Petition signed!!!

On having more space using what we currently have, I have a plan!

On the second tier there is a space which holds 3x3 large habitats, which is what I have there now. BUT, it *could* hold 4x4 small habitats, so instead of housing 9 large habitats containing 27 animals, it could hold 16 small habitats and 32 animals. Same land space, 5 more animals. It is ideal to transfer between big dark cove to small dark cove since the ratio of earnings to capacity is the same. 2 animals & 10,000 coins in small, 3 animals and 15,000 coins in large.

For the sake of ease, I will call this space described above, "the Square" in all instructions below.

You with me so far?

The next issue is with no space, how do you do this without selling a bunch of animals? Easy!

1. Temporarily, sell all your farms. Mine are all grand, so will free up space for six large habitats.

2. Move six big dark coves into the space formerly occupied by your grand farms (or however many you could fit into the space from selling big farms)

3. In "the Square", you should now have enough room to build 8 (small) dark coves. Do that & in twelve hours these will be built, then to step 4. ***this step brings me to my habitat maximum****

4. Transfer the dark animals into newly built coves, emptying 5 big dark coves and selling them, including the remaining 3 large dark habitats in "the Square".

5. As you are likely near your habitat maximum, I think you can build 5 more (small) dark coves in "the Square" & probably a farm or two at this point. Wait twelve hours.

6. Transfer all remaining dark animals to new habitats. Sell now-empty big dark coves & re-purchase your grand farms. Buy more dark coves or gem coves or electric enclaves to fill "the Square"

24 hours.
Temporary loss of food production.
3.64 million coins for purchase of sixteen dark coves & 6 grand farms
No loss in coin capacity & room for five more animals.

Electric enclaves are a suitable alternative, but much pricier to do. Any other colour habitat and you will lose some (or a lot of) coin capacity. Since you won't need all the small habitats to be dark, you could buy a couple enclaves or even gem groves, though that will change the costs.

3.6 million coins is a lot to invest, but may be worth it depending how much longer we are waiting for more space - and imo, definitely a better investment than a large gem grove!!!

I am currently at 34/41 allowable habitats, and this plan will put me at 40/41. So whenever we have more space to expand to, unless the habitat limit also increases, I will need to upgrade & sell small coves to be able to buy more habitats. Still might be worth it.

Have a good day/night all! :-)

11-05-14, 12:37 AM
It's late, so I hope that post makes sense & the math is right. Off to gift and start my dark cove conversion! :-)

11-05-14, 01:44 AM
I can't believe anyone would consider grand habitats an option. 500 gems? That's like $20 PER HABITAT to gain space for ONE ADDITIONAL ANIMAL. Omg that is so absurd I can't even think about it... And if anyone does it, that's just going to confirm to TL that people WILL do and then we really won't get expansions. So I really hope no one does it.

As I said before, I'm definitely done with the game if expansions haven't happened by when I'm ready for them (when I'm fully expanded, all habitats built and full). I'm surprised more players haven't left over this. How hard is it to add the expansions??? And why not??? Keep us happy and we might spend more money!

Forget about hoping no one buys grand habitats. Players already do, even when they don't have a shortage of space or habitats. I guess it's what they do when they reach a later stage of development and want something they don't already have. You don't play Dragon Story, do you? You won't believe how many players have SEVERAL grand habitats, and they cost 500 premium currency units just as they do here.

Personally, since all the grand habitats cost the same, I would invest in the Grand Gem Grove because it has a capacity of 120,000 coins. Nothing compares to that. In contrast, the Grand Fire Field holds 10,000 coins. LOL Not gonna touch that. I have other eccentric reasons that I'm saving up free gems for a Grand Gem Grove, but I don't want to go too far off the expansion topic.

My point was that TL would usually suggest them to a player who has a full or nearly full album and complains that the game doesn't offer enough land plots and habitats to fit all their extras.

11-05-14, 11:46 AM
Forget about hoping no one buys grand habitats. Players already do, even when they don't have a shortage of space or habitats. I guess it's what they do when they reach a later stage of development and want something they don't already have. You don't play Dragon Story, do you? You won't believe how many players have SEVERAL grand habitats, and they cost 500 premium currency units just as they do here.

Personally, since all the grand habitats cost the same, I would invest in the Grand Gem Grove because it has a capacity of 120,000 coins. Nothing compares to that. In contrast, the Grand Fire Field holds 10,000 coins. LOL Not gonna touch that. I have other eccentric reasons that I'm saving up free gems for a Grand Gem Grove, but I don't want to go too far off the expansion topic.

My point was that TL would usually suggest them to a player who has a full or nearly full album and complains that the game doesn't offer enough land plots and habitats to fit all their extras.

I'm sure people buy them, but my objection is about them specifically as a solution to running out of room... because you'd have to buy a ton in order for them to actually make a difference which would be absurd. I just think it's offensive as a response from TL. "We refuse to expand our game to accommodate higher level players but no worries, you're welcome to drop $200 and then you can have room for more animals! That works, right?" Yeah.... no, it doesn't. If people want to buy them for other reasons that's fine, but it's not and shouldn't be a solution to the issue of not having more land to expand.

11-05-14, 12:49 PM
I'm sure people buy them, but my objection is about them specifically as a solution to running out of room... because you'd have to buy a ton in order for them to actually make a difference which would be absurd. I just think it's offensive as a response from TL. "We refuse to expand our game to accommodate higher level players but no worries, you're welcome to drop $200 and then you can have room for more animals! That works, right?" Yeah.... no, it doesn't. If people want to buy them for other reasons that's fine, but it's not and shouldn't be a solution to the issue of not having more land to expand.

Agree completely!

If, like me, you have mostly large habitats, I explain above (in post 51) a way to have 5 more animals by switching to small dark coves, and besides the investment to purchase the new habitats, there is no loss in coin capacity. Of course, I imagine others may have already thought of and done this, but for any who haven't, it is a way to increase your park's animal capacity by 5. My first eight dark coves are *almost* done being built! :-)

11-05-14, 10:13 PM
Adding my signature to petition for more expansions!!

11-06-14, 03:20 PM
I have a feeling we're getting the new expansions tomorrow (11/7/14)

11-06-14, 04:53 PM
I'm adding my signature too for more expansions. I hope soon .

11-06-14, 06:16 PM
I have a feeling we're getting the new expansions tomorrow (11/7/14)

oh, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope you are right!

I don't have a lot saved up - only 4.5 million, but that should be enough for the fist new expansion and obstacles-clearing. At least I HOPE so!

11-06-14, 06:25 PM
I sold all my duplicate rares, plus another 3 super rares ( these are all today), plus my pony, panda,amardillo and rainguin.
So my album at this point is missing 4 commons and I don't have duplicates of rares or commons. But I still think we might get them tomorrow. Gosh I hope we won't get disappointed !!

11-07-14, 02:32 AM
Heheh. With my album at 49/66, I'm missing more than a few rares & supers. I'll never have them all, and don't need to. If I want to see all the critters, I come to your place or A2Tude's. Yes, the ice expansions were a pain for Satyr Sanctuary and even more challenging for our younger forests who aren't nearly as rich. That's why I'm saying no. But nicely.

Come on, you know the expansions will come. You don't even need this petition. And you should also know I'm just yanking your chain.

im in NEED of EXPANSIONS just to give my 75 animals (tomorrow 76 there a new one coming i think) a lil room to play lol

thank u sands for dropping by to play with my cuties:p

11-07-14, 12:53 PM
No news expansions but 2 new animals and a new habitat
Very disappointing

11-07-14, 01:06 PM
Evi I think when u don't think about it would come to you

11-07-14, 01:12 PM
Lol flowless , I have hard time accomplishing that :-)

11-07-14, 01:53 PM
LOL seriously at this point I'm almost looking forward to being done with this game.... the shameless attempts to extort more money from players with this new gem animal and new habitat and STILL no expansions? I'm quitting the moment I get to the point where I have no more room for new animals. It won't even be a difficult choice... out of room = no reason to breed = no reason to play.

11-07-14, 03:03 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm one of the game designers for Fantasy Forest Story. Just wanted to let you guys know that more expansions will be coming soon!

11-07-14, 03:44 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm one of the game designers for Fantasy Forest Story. Just wanted to let you guys know that more expansions will be coming soon!

Thanks for the reply. If you can't be precise, would you please let us know if "soon" is a matter of days, or of weeks, or of months?

11-07-14, 03:48 PM
Hey everyone!

I'm one of the game designers for Fantasy Forest Story. Just wanted to let you guys know that more expansions will be coming soon!

God bless you !!
P.s. Can you define "soon"?

11-07-14, 04:08 PM
Thanks for the reply. If you can't be precise, would you please let us know if "soon" is a matter of days, or of weeks, or of months?

Unfortunately I can't be specific. What I can tell you is that it's being worked on right now.

11-07-14, 04:13 PM
Unfortunately I can't be specific. What I can tell you is that it's being worked on right now.

Thank you for replying!

11-07-14, 04:14 PM
Unfortunately I can't be specific. What I can tell you is that it's being worked on right now.

That's all I was hoping for, nothing totally specific, but a ballpark - days, weeks or months - as opposed to a "next Friday" type of thing I know you guys can't say.

This conversation is cracking me up because of a sort of an inside joke. I am a fan of a music artist who was working on an album. Fans were of course always asking him when can we expect the album, and he would ALWAYS say, "soon." Never even a synonym for soon. Just, "soon."

After a year of "soon"s and still no release date, we determined that 1) soon is a 4-letter word, lol and 2) "soon" is a completely meaningless word - when it could mean a couple weeks or a couple years, it is so ambiguous that it signifies absolutely nothing. "Soon" is exactly the same as "not never." Which, I guess, is better than, "maybe someday but maybe not" lol.

11-07-14, 04:40 PM
Thanks Hocus. Just the fact that you guys understand our need for expansions and the fact that you're working on it, does give us some relief !!

11-07-14, 04:42 PM
That's all I was hoping for, nothing totally specific, but a ballpark - days, weeks or months - as opposed to a "next Friday" type of thing I know you guys can't say.

This conversation is cracking me up because of a sort of an inside joke. I am a fan of a music artist who was working on an album. Fans were of course always asking him when can we expect the album, and he would ALWAYS say, "soon." Never even a synonym for soon. Just, "soon."

After a year of "soon"s and still no release date, we determined that 1) soon is a 4-letter word, lol and 2) "soon" is a completely meaningless word - when it could mean a couple weeks or a couple years, it is so ambiguous that it signifies absolutely nothing. "Soon" is exactly the same as "not never." Which, I guess, is better than, "maybe someday but maybe not" lol.

Lol, that's an inside joke between me and my husband also. Every time I ask him to do something the reply is " soon". We laugh bc it usually means " never".

11-07-14, 04:47 PM
Lol, that's an inside joke between me and my husband also. Every time I ask him to do something the reply is " soon". We laugh bc it usually means " never".

Anyone saying, "soon" is like the boy who cried wolf. You hear it enough times in your life and you dismiss it as meaningless.

That said, I still do appreciate hocusplumcus taking the time to respond to this thread. "Soon" may be in the running for the most meaningless word in the English language, but it's still better to hear a word that means nothing than hear nothing, not a word.

11-07-14, 05:05 PM
After a year of "soon"s and still no release date, we determined that 1) soon is a 4-letter word, lol and 2) "soon" is a completely meaningless word - when it could mean a couple weeks or a couple years, it is so ambiguous that it signifies absolutely nothing. "Soon" is exactly the same as "not never." Which, I guess, is better than, "maybe someday but maybe not" lol.

LOL I love this.

I don't want to get my hopes up here because if anything, this announcement makes me feel like it's NOT going to happen soon. If it actually was, I think we'd be able to get a time frame. This sounds more like something that's being said just to keep us hanging on a while longer.

I really hope I'm wrong.

11-07-14, 05:21 PM
LOL I love this.

I don't want to get my hopes up here because if anything, this announcement makes me feel like it's NOT going to happen soon. If it actually was, I think we'd be able to get a time frame. This sounds more like something that's being said just to keep us hanging on a while longer.

I really hope I'm wrong.

No no, I have high hopes now :-)

11-07-14, 07:08 PM
My worry is that if we get more expansions they'll flood us with new animals ...

11-07-14, 07:34 PM
Unfortunately I can't be specific. What I can tell you is that it's being worked on right now.

Tuesday it is then !!! Lol

11-07-14, 07:41 PM
My worry is that if we get more expansions they'll flood us with new animals ...

We are ALREADY flooded with new animals!! And now a new habitat too!

11-07-14, 07:45 PM
Unfortunately I can't be specific. What I can tell you is that it's being worked on right now.

LOL!! Who could have guessed the Secret Service would branch out into the gaming market!

It's just a game! An estimated time frame would be SOOO appreciated by so many!

11-07-14, 10:45 PM
Hey guys, I think we're getting the green island below with the new expansions.

11-08-14, 09:46 AM
I would estimate that it hit "expand" through the mine or the sign or the menu at least 20 times a day in desperate hope that the button will suddenly start working again. I REALLY hope that TL's definition of "soon" is the next release day (Tuesday).

11-08-14, 11:16 AM
I would estimate that it hit "expand" through the mine or the sign or the menu at least 20 times a day in desperate hope that the button will suddenly start working again. I REALLY hope that TL's definition of "soon" is the next release day (Tuesday).

Zen, i think we are getting them on Tuesday, unless TL decides to be extra generous and give us something to do this weekend.
I was able to scroll all the way down south a few times (it happens in a flash). I thought I was losing my mind out of desperation, but it happened a few times last night and today. There is a lot of green islands below the one we can see now, (south of the green island that has the 14 plots).
I consider Hocus response an official response from TL team, as Kooky and the moderators don't have access to such info. The fact that they responded was a good sign for many reasons:
1. They hear us and do take into considerations our desperate and hysterical screams for expansions
2. At least we have the status of where they are standing on this issue. (They are working on it NOW).

So, I have no problem waiting until tuesday. I already sold a lot of my animals. I hate to admit it to you but I sold a level 5 Onyx OX. (it came down to an onyx or a pegasus, of course, I went with the Onyx). So damage is done when it comes to my animals,and I had an album reduction, I went from full to missing 4 or 5. Oh well, I'm still looking forward to their next update !!
(Sorry for the long text, I guess its easier to type from a desktop than an iphone).

11-08-14, 03:19 PM
I don't think the next expansions will be onto the lower Green Cliff. Sometimes these games let you briefly pan out toward the borders of the picture but that means nothing. I've even fallen off the edge of the world a few times in Dragon Story and Kingdom Clash. LOL

The signposts were moved after the Upper Ice Cliff expansions so that they are facing the Darklands. I'm pretty sure THAT's where we are going. Perhaps I should speculate on some Volcanic Badlands obstacles.

Lava Lakes: 3x3 squares in size; 2 million coins and 36 hours to clear.
Simmering Sinkholes : 2x2 squares in size; 3 million coins and 48 hours to clear.
Hater Crater: 4x4 squares in size; 1.5 million coins and 24 hours to clear.
Miser Geyser: 1x1 square in size; 400 thousand coins and only 4 hours to clear!... But there'll be loads of 'em everywhere.
Stinky Sulphur Stones: 2x2 squares in size; 1 million coins and 12 hours to clear.
Baffling Bog: 4x4 squares in size; 4 million coins and 40 freaking days to clear. ROTFL

11-08-14, 04:24 PM
Lol, Sand, at the 40 days one. Sadly, any or all of the others will likely be there, or something very like it.

11-08-14, 09:38 PM
Here are the unexplored islands which I get to see from time to time. It usually happens in a split second, but I got too see what's out there.





11-09-14, 12:24 AM
Iam hooping for purple island

Just to keep my purple habitus there

OCD when it comes to decrotions

11-09-14, 08:09 AM
I like the purple better but I hope we get the green that has 14 plots. The purple has only 6, unless they open at least 2 islands like they did last time.

11-09-14, 11:43 AM
Oh, I forgot. LOL!

11-09-14, 04:40 PM
Signed by me

11-09-14, 05:47 PM
At least for me, the visible area increased compared to yesterday. I think it can be taken as an indicator for an expansion soon. Probably not to the green area, since that one is not an island yet ;)

11-09-14, 11:16 PM
Signed by me

Looking forward to new expansions--hoping it will be soon. Thank you!!

11-10-14, 02:20 PM
Nothing at release time today. :(

Though if I can even remember that far back, I don't think new expansions necessarily come at the two weekly animal/battlegrounds release times.

11-10-14, 03:09 PM
I have high hopes for tomorrow
I hope we won't get disappointed !!!

11-10-14, 03:21 PM
I have high hopes for tomorrow
I hope we won't get disappointed !!!

Your optimism is becoming infectious. Yes - hopefully it comes tomorrow!!! :D

11-10-14, 07:50 PM
I hope expansions come tomorrow too!! I think the "extra area" EB got a screen shot of is a likely candidate!! That's interesting! Although I've kind of wondered if the next expansion would be to the purple area and include a new element creature, like when we got the electric leopard!

Any guesses as to what the new element could be, if there was to be a new one? I would think it should be related to the "geography" of the area... Maybe a new lava element, or some type of goblin mountain goat, maybe! ;)

11-10-14, 08:04 PM
I hope expansions come tomorrow too!! I think the "extra area" EB got a screen shot of is a likely candidate!! That's interesting! Although I've kind of wondered if the next expansion would be to the purple area and include a new element creature, like when we got the electric leopard!

Any guesses as to what the new element could be, if there was to be a new one? I would think it should be related to the "geography" of the area... Maybe a new lava element, or some type of goblin mountain goat, maybe! ;)

I have mused previously that the next new element might be wind or sky or some other air derivative. Just because that seems like the one most clearly missing from the current mix. Based on the very old notion in history of there being 4 elements to categorize all that is: earth, fire, water and air.

But I, too, thought that when they moved the "expand" sign to its current location, that meant that the next set of expansions would be that way. And that way just doesn't look like air to me. So one or the other of those thoughts I've had are probably wrong. Or more likely I am wrong on BOTH counts lol.

Maybe on the purple islands, we'll find, like, plasma or something like that. Or wine lol. What else is dark purple and red and could be and element and not covered by nature or fire?

Oh, and I love your thought of the mono for the new element being a goblin!

11-10-14, 08:14 PM
Splashy81 might be right. A lava element might be next and I think we might get some cute new critters if that's the case. Though I predict that next expansion won't have a new element, in which case we might get the green island with 14 plots of real estate.

11-10-14, 08:21 PM
I don't think there's a good element for the purple lands... they are clearly dark! Or fire. I don't think I'm ready for a new element yet. I've been wanting to put all my dark habitats on the dark lands for a while...

11-10-14, 08:27 PM
Lol, readysetgo, I am nowhere NEAR ready for another new element yet. I hope it is weeks, or a month away.

And Evi, I hope it is the final green island too that open next, new element or not. Just because the green island has 14 plots. Even TWO purple islands are only 12 plots total.

11-10-14, 08:36 PM
I have mused previously that the next new element might be wind or sky or some other air derivative. Just because that seems like the one most clearly missing from the current mix. Based on the very old notion in history of there being 4 elements to categorize all that is: earth, fire, water and air.

But I, too, thought that when they moved the "expand" sign to its current location, that meant that the next set of expansions would be that way. And that way just doesn't look like air to me. So one or the other of those thoughts I've had are probably wrong. Or more likely I am wrong on BOTH counts lol.

Maybe on the purple islands, we'll find, like, plasma or something like that. Or wine lol. What else is dark purple and red and could be and element and not covered by nature or fire?

Oh, and I love your thought of the mono for the new element being a goblin!

Oh yes!!! A Plasma Goblin!!!! TL, take note!! You have your new element & poster-critter!!


This will take time and thought on TL's part... It will likely be as EB said, some plots to tide us over first before we get a new element. So what's the trouble, TL!!??? Give us some plots for the time being while you put together some new artwork & code for the Plasma Goblin!

11-11-14, 12:04 AM
So pleased to hear we're getting expansions!

11-11-14, 12:58 PM
Omg 2 new animals and no expansions.

11-11-14, 01:03 PM
I'm not sure how everyone else decides what animals to keep. But if I breed a NEW type of animal, I will sell one of my animals (of those which I have more than one), rather than buy another habitat. That way I don't expand as fast, and it gives me the opportunity and time to feed and evolve more animals.

11-11-14, 01:11 PM
I have mused previously that the next new element might be wind or sky or some other air derivative. Just because that seems like the one most clearly missing from the current mix. Based on the very old notion in history of there being 4 elements to categorize all that is: earth, fire, water and air.

But I, too, thought that when they moved the "expand" sign to its current location, that meant that the next set of expansions would be that way. And that way just doesn't look like air to me. So one or the other of those thoughts I've had are probably wrong. Or more likely I am wrong on BOTH counts lol.

Maybe on the purple islands, we'll find, like, plasma or something like that. Or wine lol. What else is dark purple and red and could be and element and not covered by nature or fire?

Oh, and I love your thought of the mono for the new element being a goblin!

What about elements found WITHIN the earth, such as Gold, Iron, Silver? We already have a Golden Lion-type animal. TL may take it in that direction. Or even BLOOD! Mwaaaa, haaa, haaa! ;)

11-11-14, 01:15 PM
I'm not sure how everyone else decides what animals to keep. But if I breed a NEW type of animal, I will sell one of my animals (of those which I have more than one), rather than buy another habitat. That way I don't expand as fast, and it gives me the opportunity and time to feed and evolve more animals.

I try to always keep my park as full as possible of animals and habitats so that I am generating as much income as I can. Because expanding and clearing the obstacles once the expansion phase is complete costs SO much. But that's just my style, and not by any means the best way to go about this whole thing.

And actually, although level 40, I actually have only 40/41 habitats at this moment. I am waiting to see what type of habitat is most needed next before building anything. I am *hoping* that I will come to need to build a treasure trove there soon.

11-11-14, 01:16 PM
What about elements found WITHIN the earth, such as Gold, Iron, Silver? We already have a Golden Lion-type animal. TL may take it in that direction. Or even BLOOD! Mwaaaa, haaa, haaa! ;)

Oh, yes, the next element could most DEFINITELY be metal - I totally didn't think of that! And the purple islands certainly look more like metal than air - they are so harsh looking, just as mining for metal is harsh. That's a great idea!

11-11-14, 01:57 PM
You know what I would like to see? A "hidden" critter that we have to expand to like the Frostfang and Skyger. I'm ok for space right now but with all the new critters I'm gonna run out soon!

11-11-14, 02:01 PM
You know what I would like to see? A "hidden" critter that we have to expand to like the Frostfang and Skyger. I'm ok for space right now but with all the new critters I'm gonna run out soon!

You just made me realize something - we found the frostfang in a green, nature-y isle. We found the lightning leopard in a frozen water isle. That means so far, the new elements we have found by expanding to their lost little critter in the wild, the elements/animals found do NOT match the environment they were found in. So if we get another new element by expanding and saving a little critter, the element and the isle it is found on may bear no relation to each other at all.

11-11-14, 02:15 PM
So no Tuesday expansions, huh? Or maybe they are coming this evening. That has happened before. Has anybody seen or heard from HocusPlumcus? S/he just appeared out of nowhere, posted ONLY on this thread, then disappeared.

11-11-14, 02:16 PM
Hocus Pocus and then poof in a cloud of smoke??? lol, sorry, couldn't resist :o

11-11-14, 02:26 PM
I bet (and I hope I'm wrong) that we won't see expansions until January. We got another tournament today instead of expansions, and I bet the rest of what we get this month will be limited Thanksgiving themed stuff like the tournament is, and then Christmas stuff. There will probably be a Christmas event and tons of holiday animals... all of that would likely take priority over expansions. I do hope this isn't the case but it would make sense. All we've been told is essentially that it will happen someday. I never thought it would be today although it would have been awesome (and I still hope it happens!)

So like... could we please get the expansions before the likely bombardment of Christmas animals, tournaments, and events?

11-12-14, 02:54 PM
I bet (and I hope I'm wrong) that we won't see expansions until January. We got another tournament today instead of expansions, and I bet the rest of what we get this month will be limited Thanksgiving themed stuff like the tournament is, and then Christmas stuff. There will probably be a Christmas event and tons of holiday animals... all of that would likely take priority over expansions. I do hope this isn't the case but it would make sense. All we've been told is essentially that it will happen someday. I never thought it would be today although it would have been awesome (and I still hope it happens!)

So like... could we please get the expansions before the likely bombardment of Christmas animals, tournaments, and events?

Lol... I'm still hopeful that will happen this week.
I personally can't breed new animals, absolutely no space available. At this point the only animals I would keep from breeding are ultras ... The rest will be sold ... Sad sad sad !!!

11-12-14, 03:06 PM
Lol... I'm still hopeful that will happen this week.
I personally can't breed new animals, absolutely no space available. At this point the only animals I would keep from breeding are ultras ... The rest will be sold ... Sad sad sad !!!

Definitely sad! I really hope the expansions are ASAP.

11-12-14, 03:23 PM
Well, hocusplumcus posted "soon" on 11/7 and would not clarify if that meant days, weeks or months. When we actually do get expansions, I guess we will then know what "soon" means by counting the days between the promise and results. If we were betting, I would have bet "soon" means about 2 weeks, which means something like next Friday. I still think next Friday plus or minus a few days is when we'll see it.

11-12-14, 04:14 PM
There is an update in the app store. I downloaded it and sadly, it did not cause new expansions to become available. :(

11-12-14, 04:20 PM
Nicer colors though

11-12-14, 04:21 PM
What does the update do?

11-12-14, 04:23 PM
What does the update do?

So far, as far as I can tell, it only is a new icon with the crystal unicorn instead of magamacore. But there may be other differences we just don't see yet.

ETA: there is nothing new in the store. No additional farms or anything. The level cap is still 40. No new expansions. Hoping that this made nature strong vs. earth but only time will tell that.

11-12-14, 04:44 PM
The colors are nicer.
Maybe we'll have the expansions tonight.
They also talk about a new gem animal ( are they referring to treasure toucan or there's a new one coming?)
Also Santa claws will be here soon.
Where am I to put the Santa claws...
Oy Vay !!

11-12-14, 04:45 PM
The colors are nicer.
Maybe we'll have the expansions tonight.
They also talk about a new gem animal ( are they referring to treasure toucan or there's a new one coming?)
Also Santa claws will be here soon.
Where am I to put the Santa claws...
Oy Vay !!

11-12-14, 04:54 PM
There is an update in the app store. I downloaded it and sadly, it did not cause new expansions to become available. :(
I think they just changed the game format as well as how it looks on the AppStore (new pictures, a video, all that good stuff) it also seems to be more focused on "dragons" now. Anyway, you're right, no new expansions :(

11-12-14, 04:54 PM
Oh well, I guess it can stay lol

11-14-14, 07:25 AM
Evi do you think today is the day ?

11-14-14, 08:25 AM
Evi do you think today is the day ?

Lol flowless I'm a bit discouraged today. I was quite disappointed when we got the last update and no expansions.
At this point, I'm losing interest in this game :-)

11-14-14, 08:33 AM
Lol flowless I'm a bit discouraged today. I was quite disappointed when we got the last update and no expansions.
At this point, I'm losing interest on this game :-)

Then today is the day
When u least expect it :)

Ps or next update
U never know with TL

11-14-14, 08:50 AM
I hope you're right and I hope today is the DAY !!!

11-14-14, 03:39 PM
I can't discribe the depth of my disappointment
How are we to advance in a game that is all about breeding and more breeding and more breeding...
If this is TL's way of forcing us to the 500 gem habitats, well obviously it's not working. I have no problems buying gems and I have done so many times but I'm not going to spend 500 gems on those habitats. It makes no financial sense (so to speak) If it was 100 gems, uhh maybe I would have considered it ... but 500, thanks but no thanks !!
Expansions shouldn't have been a problem here in FF or DS for that matter. ( I heard players had the same issue @DS)

11-14-14, 04:17 PM
IM not sure why the rush to expansions. Even with all animals there is room and habitats for everything.

11-14-14, 04:21 PM
IM not sure why the rush to expansions. Even with all animals there is room and habitats for everything.

Because some of us spend money to buy gems so we may speed the breeding until we got the supers and ultra rares. Now if I sell one of my super rares that means I wasted really $$$$ which is quite unfair to the consumer/player.

And even those who didn't pay money are being forced to sell critters due to space limitation.

Hope this helps,

11-14-14, 04:30 PM
IM not sure why the rush to expansions. Even with all animals there is room and habitats for everything.
Some players are having to sell off animals they invested gems in (for speeding breeding, hatching or evolution), to make room for all the new animals they are constantly rolling out. It's just not cool to be forced to decide to either sell off ones you've put real money into, or not ever add any new animals.

ETA: didn't see page 14 and now I see Evi already replied the same thing. Oops!

11-14-14, 04:51 PM
Some players are having to sell off animals they invested gems in (for speeding breeding, hatching or evolution), to make room for all the new animals they are constantly rolling out. It's just not cool to be forced to decide to either sell off ones you've put real money into, or not ever add any new animals.

ETA: didn't see page 14 and now I see Evi already replied the same thing. Oops!

lol I guess many of us feel the same way

11-14-14, 05:48 PM
I keep checking my game hoping to expand :-(

11-14-14, 06:08 PM
I keep checking my game hoping to expand :-(

Don't !! Trust me, every forest will hear my happy screaming when and if that happens !!

11-14-14, 07:34 PM
I check for expansions throughout the day & come here to the forums for info when the expansion button just won't give!! I was hoping for info today, but it's same old, same old! Grrr!

I finally caved & sold my evolution flower to buy another habitat so I could get my last critter off the nest. I've been looking at that sparkling egg for about 5 days now. My plan is to continue breeding the same creatures over & over until we get expansions as I have no room for new critters. This REALLY takes the fun out of the game! :/

11-14-14, 07:57 PM
Oh wow splashy, I just visited your forest. You did sell the evolving flower. I did consider it at some point but I have such a long line of animals waiting to get in that flower, so I can't sell it, but eventually I'll get to the point of selling the evolving flower or downgrade my farms again if we don't see expansions by next week.

11-15-14, 07:27 AM
My theory is that
They are gonna make sure each combination have at least 4 permanent animals
Some still have only 3 possibilities ( not counting theme animals
Then move to new expansion with new element to be found
Like pink or dark
Hoping white ( new and beautiful )

That's what iam thinking
I could be wrong
Seems logical in my head

11-16-14, 08:03 AM
I am normally a lurker, but wanted to add to this, although I have yet to reach my expansion limit. I do think there should be a lot more spaces available. From early on I have restricted myself to one animal only per species ( the only exception would be IF I had a second unicorn). It's sad and annoying to be selling the rarer animals especially for a pittance, but it was the only way I could see of being able to make it all work. However a lot of what I am saying has already been covered. More space would mean more possibilities of customising and making our forests more individual. The vast majority all look the same, all rammed with critters. I think that it's a real shame, it's obvious a lot of thought and s**** has gone into developing the individual animals, and I do genuinely love the concept of the game. But, please give us some leeway to make our forests do justice to the work you have done to date!
I have recently started DS I know there is no way I will ever be able to collect all the dragons, so I am happy trying for the ones I really like the look of, and look forward to creating and designing my own space, because I know the expansion is there for me to be able to do this.
Sorry if this is a bit long....and hope it makes sense....

11-16-14, 11:43 AM
I am normally a lurker, but wanted to add to this, although I have yet to reach my expansion limit. I do think there should be a lot more spaces available. From early on I have restricted myself to one animal only per species ( the only exception would be IF I had a second unicorn). It's sad and annoying to be selling the rarer animals especially for a pittance, but it was the only way I could see of being able to make it all work. However a lot of what I am saying has already been covered. More space would mean more possibilities of customising and making our forests more individual. The vast majority all look the same, all rammed with critters. I think that it's a real shame, it's obvious a lot of thought and s**** has gone into developing the individual animals, and I do genuinely love the concept of the game. But, please give us some leeway to make our forests do justice to the work you have done to date!
I have recently started DS I know there is no way I will ever be able to collect all the dragons, so I am happy trying for the ones I really like the look of, and look forward to creating and designing my own space, because I know the expansion is there for me to be able to do this.
Sorry if this is a bit long....and hope it makes sense....

This makes perfect sense! You, like many of us, like the design aspect of the game & just want to be able to DESIGN your forest in a unique way... Not all "jammed with critters," basically a carbon copy of all other forests due to lack of places to expand to!!

Personally, I have a design in mind that I would like to make happen for my forest, but I'm not able to do so for lack of space to expand into! I like the idea of having 3 of each critter in a habitat... One at baby, one at "adolescent," and one at epic. I've had to sacrafice my desire to do this in order to make room for many of the new critters introduced over the last month or so. Not a big deal, because up until now, I've been able to sell off many duplicate commons.

I'm now reaching the point, however, of having to sell off rares that are harder to get and this has caused me to stop breeding, save for one combo, entirely! Players who aren't at this point yet will inevitably find themselves here sooner or later; thanks for your comment & support of this request from TL!

Boo! TL, PLEASE give us LOTS of space to expand to so we can design our forests as we see fit & continue to enjoy this game!

11-16-14, 12:00 PM
Oh wow splashy, I just visited your forest. You did sell the evolving flower. I did consider it at some point but I have such a long line of animals waiting to get in that flower, so I can't sell it, but eventually I'll get to the point of selling the evolving flower or downgrade my farms again if we don't see expansions by next week.

I understand the long line as I have this problem on my DS forest! I'm not sure how I will EVER catch up with all the critters I have to evolve!! Forget a second nest! I need a second evolution temple on DS!!

On FFS though, I'm at the point now where it's taking upwards of 80,000 food to get my critters (that I want to evolve) ready for the evolution flower! Given that I'm not really trying for anything but one element combo, it's not so bad to sit back, without the flower, and focus on growing massive amounts of food! I will eventually need that flower back though!!

11-17-14, 09:02 AM
My fingers are crossed for today! I hope TL had a nice weekend off and when they come in the office today in the next hour or so, they review one last time the expansions they are going to open then open them for us. It would be awfully nice if "soon" meant a week and a half. Once it hits 2 weeks, it leaves the realm of the definition of soon that most of us have.

11-17-14, 09:36 AM
My fingers are crossed for today! I hope TL had a nice weekend off and when they come in the office today in the next hour or so, they review one last time the expansions they are going to open then open them for us. It would be awfully nice if "soon" meant a week and a half. Once it hits 2 weeks, it leaves the realm of the definition of soon that most of us have.

Expansions on a Monday? Hmm maybe but even if it's tomorrow, that will be great :-)

11-17-14, 11:21 AM
Yup this is the shortest petition you'll ever find:

Brooklyn, NY

Re: Much needed expansions.

Dear Team Lava,

Kindly take into consideration our need for new expansions and make it your priority to provide us with such by the end of next week.

Your loyal customers !!!

P.s. Guys, please sign it by providing your Storm ID below !!
Have a great week everyone.

I'm presently on my last expansion. I would love to be able to expand to other areas.

11-17-14, 12:01 PM
Please TL,

do not drive players away from your game, which has great potential & beautiful graphics.

It is crazy to design a breeding game, with hard-won dragons through multiple breeding efforts, tournaments, battlegrounds & the fun World event & consign many to remain in storage as we fear having such such long waits for expansion.

It is frustrating to read how many habitats we are allegedly entitled to by our level, yet no space to put them. We cannot spare space for any decor.
We require, unnecessarily, space-devouring Grand farms to have any hope of cultivating a decent amount of food.

Why should I sell Super Rare duplicates, I need these for the income to expand & clear if these ever arrive.

It would be fun to have a family of the most attractive dragons, i.e. THREE, one at each stage of its development. Why take trouble with your designs & render this a pipe dream?

I will not stay playing a day longer than my last Rare duplicate is sold off.


11-17-14, 12:52 PM
I will not stay playing a day longer than my last Rare duplicate is sold off.

You know what - that is the PERFECT ultimatum. I've been wondering where to draw the line and say I'm done with the game if that line is crossed. And that is perfect. When the overcrowding becomes so bad I have no rare duplicates anymore, that's it. I've sold off all my common duplicates and have started on my rares. I still have 25 rare duplicates so that is not right around the corner as it is for some, or there as it is for a few, but every time I get a new creature, or duplicate super rare, or put one from storage in the nest (3 in storage ATM), I am already having to sell those rare duplicates... and now I have a countdown.

11-17-14, 01:20 PM
From the Expansion Obstacles thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71537-Expansion-Obstacles/), I see that a couple of expansions, those 2 on island 2 that opened up a week before the Lightning Leopard, opened on 8/20, a Wednesday.

The next set of expansions were the one to the Lightning Leopard and the rest of that island, AND the third island which is in another thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?72548-Update-Lightning-Animals-Expansions-8-28-14&highlight=lightning). That set of expansions opened on 8/27, also a Wednesday.

Really, 2 from the week before and the rest were all the same set of expansions. They just gave us 2 plots early to throw us a bone. Altogether, there were 18 new expansions in that set. And that was THREE MONTHS AGO. The game had been out about a month when they opened those. Now it is 3 months after that and we are still waiting for the next set of expansions. Now, I understand it would be a bit much to open up new ones every single month. But we've had to wait three times as long already for the next set as we did the last. PLEASE take pity on us and OPEN THE FINAL GREEN ISLAND.

SO... This Wednesday????? The final green island of 14 plots????? My fingers are crossed!

If it doesn't happen sometime this week, I'm going to call bluff on the "soon" promise. More than 2 weeks is not my definition of "soon," and by those who lost patience before mine which officially runs out the end of this week, many others definition of "soon" is shorter than mine, not longer.

11-17-14, 01:36 PM
While everyone watches and waits anxiously for Soonday, I've found it rather satisfying to gradually replace several duplicate commons with rares or prize animals. Goodbye Thunderhawk. Goodbye, Chromadile. Goodbye, Rainguin. Goodbye, Planther. Goodbye, Armordillo.... I'm actually down to one Chromadile, one Planther, one Racmoon; one of quite a few types who were once duplicated all over my forest. What a relief! There's still an over-population of Electric hybrids, but they too are going slowly.

Now they are not necessarily being replaced with all new animals. In some cases, duplicate rares are now replacing the duplicate commons. LOL. Amazingly, there is STILL only one super-rare that I've managed to breed twice, and quite a few are still missing altogether. I reckon I could go for months just slowly replacing common duplicates with somewhat decent animals without adding a single habitat. But yeah -- that has a kind of boring end-game feeling that many players won't be comfortable with.

Anyway, just sharing my Soonday thoughts. And yes, I too now hit the EXPAND buttons at every login, because I've decided I can't wait to spend my millions of coins, just for something different to do.

11-17-14, 01:46 PM
Please TL,

do not drive players away from your game, which has great potential & beautiful graphics.

It is crazy to design a breeding game, with hard-won dragons through multiple breeding efforts, tournaments, battlegrounds & the fun World event & consign many to remain in storage as we fear having such such long waits for expansion.

It is frustrating to read how many habitats we are allegedly entitled to by our level, yet no space to put them. We cannot spare space for any decor.
We require, unnecessarily, space-devouring Grand farms to have any hope of cultivating a decent amount of food.

Why should I sell Super Rare duplicates, I need these for the income to expand & clear if these ever arrive.

It would be fun to have a family of the most attractive dragons, i.e. THREE, one at each stage of its development. Why take trouble with your designs & render this a pipe dream?

I will not stay playing a day longer than my last Rare duplicate is sold off.


Totally and thoroughly agree with all of this.

I'm not going to stay playing longer than my last habitat is full, regardless of how many duplicates I have, because I shouldn't be forced to sell them. I bred them. I fed them. I shouldn't have to get rid of them and then recollect them.

11-17-14, 01:50 PM
Oh and yes - a little family of each animal at all three stages! I love that idea. The way I play is, the first of any animal goes up to level 10 and the second and any others go up to level 7, but I've kept a couple as babies because they are so cute. I hate the level 15 art for a lot of the animals so I decided I wasn't going to evolve them to that stage. I think maybe they've improved it a little since I decided that, but I haven't checked to verify... The rock rhino level 15 is the ugliest thing ever, I'm so glad I saw it elsewhere before I made mine a level 15. LOL sorry for the OT. The point is, we should have the space to put duplicates and not be told that we HAVE to sell them in order to get all the animals and to just be happy with that.

11-17-14, 01:53 PM
From the Expansion Obstacles thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71537-Expansion-Obstacles/), I see that a couple of expansions, those 2 on island 2 that opened up a week before the Lightning Leopard, opened on 8/20, a Wednesday.

The next set of expansions were the one to the Lightning Leopard and the rest of that island, AND the third island which is in another thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?72548-Update-Lightning-Animals-Expansions-8-28-14&highlight=lightning). That set of expansions opened on 8/27, also a Wednesday.

Really, 2 from the week before and the rest were all the same set of expansions. They just gave us 2 plots early to throw us a bone. Altogether, there were 18 new expansions in that set. And that was THREE MONTHS AGO. The game had been out about a month when they opened those. Now it is 3 months after that and we are still waiting for the next set of expansions. Now, I understand it would be a bit much to open up new ones every single month. But we've had to wait three times as long already for the next set as we did the last. PLEASE take pity on us and OPEN THE FINAL GREEN ISLAND.

SO... This Wednesday????? The final green island of 14 plots????? My fingers are crossed!

If it doesn't happen sometime this week, I'm going to call bluff on the "soon" promise. More than 2 weeks is not my definition of "soon," and by those who lost patience before mine which officially runs out the end of this week, many others definition of "soon" is shorter than mine, not longer.

Nice prediction! A 3-month spacing is what I expected all along, so this or next Wednesday may indeed be Soonday. Keep your toes crossed. LOL. I hope you can still walk.

11-17-14, 02:33 PM
Nice prediction! A 3-month spacing is what I expected all along, so this or next Wednesday may indeed be Soonday. Keep your toes crossed. LOL. I hope you can still walk.
lol - I'm thankful I'm a girl so I can cross everything and have that be limited to fingers and toes. ;)

11-17-14, 09:30 PM
From the Expansion Obstacles thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?71537-Expansion-Obstacles/), I see that a couple of expansions, those 2 on island 2 that opened up a week before the Lightning Leopard, opened on 8/20, a Wednesday.

The next set of expansions were the one to the Lightning Leopard and the rest of that island, AND the third island which is in another thread (http://forums.storm8.com/showthread.php?72548-Update-Lightning-Animals-Expansions-8-28-14&highlight=lightning). That set of expansions opened on 8/27, also a Wednesday.

Really, 2 from the week before and the rest were all the same set of expansions. They just gave us 2 plots early to throw us a bone. Altogether, there were 18 new expansions in that set. And that was THREE MONTHS AGO. The game had been out about a month when they opened those. Now it is 3 months after that and we are still waiting for the next set of expansions. Now, I understand it would be a bit much to open up new ones every single month. But we've had to wait three times as long already for the next set as we did the last. PLEASE take pity on us and OPEN THE FINAL GREEN ISLAND.

SO... This Wednesday????? The final green island of 14 plots????? My fingers are crossed!

If it doesn't happen sometime this week, I'm going to call bluff on the "soon" promise. More than 2 weeks is not my definition of "soon," and by those who lost patience before mine which officially runs out the end of this week, many others definition of "soon" is shorter than mine, not longer.

Let me tell you, I'm not even excited about new expansions anymore. At this point I need three habitats just to accommodate the common animals I sold and I need (at least temporarily) 2 more plots to upgrade 2 of my farms. Lots of feeding to do in my forest. Considering the holidays will be here soon, in between their weekly releases, tournaments, world events, we'll run out of space by Christmas. Considering how long it took them to give us new expansions ...Oh wait, expansion are not here yet (rolling my eyes here)....
So my bottom line is: I don't know if I can put up with this again in another three months.
Such a pity because I really liked this game but I'm also losing interest
The animals and graphics are still adorable though so great job on that Team Lava !!

11-19-14, 01:18 PM
Any day now!!!!!

11-19-14, 02:23 PM
Any day now!!!!!

Seriously !!
If we can have a date at least that will be great but all we get is complete silence

11-19-14, 07:03 PM
Soonday is coming!! Soon!!

11-19-14, 07:12 PM
And we will say "Happy Soon Day" and celebrate with cake.

11-21-14, 10:26 AM
And we will say "Happy Soon Day" and celebrate with cake.
And dancing!

IF Soonday is today. If Soonday is after today which marks 2 weeks, then there will be relief but with more bitterness (at all that continues to be lost while waiting) than celebration.

11-21-14, 10:46 AM
And dancing!

IF Soonday is today. If Soonday is after today which marks 2 weeks, then there will be relief but with more bitterness (at all that continues to be lost while waiting) than celebration.

I so agree !! I'm so hoping for today.
You know I was checking A2tude's Forest. S/he has one of each animals and a full album. With 6 grand farms s/he has space for 2-3 small habitat. This shows how those expansions are so over due. Even if one has no duplicates, one can handle 3 or 4 more new animals.

11-21-14, 10:47 AM
it would just be nice to know if they have been having issues while working on it. Why can't they just be honest and not give such generic responses.

11-21-14, 11:49 AM
I wish they would hurry up with these expansions. I keep levelling up and being told I can have another habitat but I have no room!! Apparently I can have 41 habitats, but I can only fit 31 in. What is the point of having huge farms and decoration available if there is no room to put it!!!

11-21-14, 01:10 PM
Friday's update is already out but no new expansions.
So disappointed !!

11-21-14, 02:02 PM
Friday's update is already out but no new expansions.
So disappointed !!

Me too! :( :( :( :( :(

I am having to sell more and more of my rares. It's not fun.

11-21-14, 02:11 PM
Me too! :( :( :( :( :(

I am having to sell more and more of my rares. It's not fun.

I just sold another onyx ox to make room for the new animal that came out today. Though I was tempted to buy it at 200 gems ( sale price), it makes no financial sense. I already spend money and gems to speed the breeding of the onyx oxes I have, now selling one and spend another 200 gems... Makes no sense whatsoever
So I don't even care if I get this last one. I won't even speed the breeding for this one anymore

11-21-14, 02:14 PM
I have a "value pack" offering runes!!! What a joke!!

11-21-14, 02:15 PM
I have a "value pack" offering runes!!! What a joke!!

Lol I got that too but I figured maybe because expansions might be here "soon"

11-21-14, 02:46 PM
Lol I got that too but I figured maybe because expansions might be here "soon"

Yeah, right - the value pack a MONTH ago had runes too - and nothing in the full month since then. Sadly, a value pack with runes means nothing in terms of new expansions.

11-21-14, 02:56 PM
i don't have any duplicates anymore and with all the new animals i have got lately, i actually started to loose money during the night when i can't collect the coins because my habitats fill up so quickly. that is really annoying, i just can't seem to progress with making profit anymore. i really hope we get those expansions as soon as possible!

11-21-14, 04:28 PM
I would be mad if I sell the supra rare duplicate and they start to offer crafting option

It's a good game for a new player
Many expansions from the start
Limited animals on sale

11-21-14, 05:46 PM
Am I dreaming?

11-21-14, 05:49 PM
Omg expansions are here...the green island
THANK YOU team lava
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
I'm going crazy here lol

11-21-14, 05:55 PM
Am I dreaming?

I did expand and I didn't even notice how much it was bc it was all a blur, I was that excited

11-21-14, 06:08 PM
It was a million coin

11-21-14, 06:25 PM
It was a million coin

Oh lol thanks flowless

11-21-14, 06:51 PM
I admit I'm disappointed that it's not the dark islands :( Hopefully it's not another 3 months but I bet it will be. I am very glad they finally did these though!

11-21-14, 06:57 PM
Dark islands will probably come with the next element

11-21-14, 11:50 PM
Zen, you were right - it is the green, not purple! yay!!

11-22-14, 02:51 AM
What a lovely surprise to wake up to ;) I celebrated by mining for ages !!!
Thanks TL

11-22-14, 03:08 AM
interestingly, i can no longer expand to the second ice cliff. if i want to expand, i have to start at the green area. 8|a

i don't know if that means that the ice cliffs have been bumped down in priority or what, but i thought that was something worth mentioning. i also have no idea if that means that people who have half-expanded on the upper ice cliffs got kicked back down to the new grasslands or if they were left to do their own thing since it was 'unlocked' for them.

11-22-14, 04:42 AM
interestingly, i can no longer expand to the second ice cliff. if i want to expand, i have to start at the green area. 8|a

i don't know if that means that the ice cliffs have been bumped down in priority or what, but i thought that was something worth mentioning. i also have no idea if that means that people who have half-expanded on the upper ice cliffs got kicked back down to the new grasslands or if they were left to do their own thing since it was 'unlocked' for them.

It is still unlocked. I have two expansions left at the upper ice cliff and can choose now between one of these or start with the grasslands.

11-22-14, 05:16 AM
It is still unlocked. I have two expansions left at the upper ice cliff and can choose now between one of these or start with the grasslands.

Oh! Oh! Oh! I have to go look!

11-22-14, 07:32 AM
interestingly, i can no longer expand to the second ice cliff. if i want to expand, i have to start at the green area. 8|a

i don't know if that means that the ice cliffs have been bumped down in priority or what, but i thought that was something worth mentioning. i also have no idea if that means that people who have half-expanded on the upper ice cliffs got kicked back down to the new grasslands or if they were left to do their own thing since it was 'unlocked' for them.

It looked that way to me at first as well because I have a couple expansions left to do on the upper ice shelf. When you select "expand" it automatically draws you to the new area, however, if you scroll back to the ice shelf you should still have an expand option there. At least it's that way for me :o

kooky panda
11-22-14, 04:00 PM
New expansions are here!!

See Current thread here. (http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?75430-People-expansions-are-here)