View Full Version : ~{Fantasy story Evolution Chart }~

11-02-14, 08:25 AM
Another aspect of the game which I like, having all animals to max level
Which I would do once they change the blue shade from earth , dark and fire animals

Most of evolution times are provided in the game guid but it's arranged according to length of time
Where Iam arranging according to the type of animals
Easier to search if you have a specific animal in mind to evolve

Some I couldn't find the times
So many thanx for who would provide the missing times

Would love to know which animal you think is *better at level 15*
For me fire fox is just gorgeous at level 15*

Green/Red ------ Fairy ferret (3Hrs)
Green/Red ------ Jackalope (7Hrs)
Green/Red ------ Solar Simian (6Hrs)
Green/Red ------ Fallaby (8Hrs)
Green/Red ------ Vinotaur (10Hrs)

Earth/Red ------- Armordillo (4Hrs)
Earth/Red ------- Rampage (8Hrs)
Earth/Red ------- Volcamel (9Hrs)
Earth/Red ------- Magmacore (14Hrs)

Earth/Green ---- Plantlers (5Hrs)
Earth/Green ---- Bamboon (8Hrs)
Earth/Green ---- Harvest Hedgehog (8Hrs)
Earth/Green ---- Hedgehog (9Hrs)
Earth/Green ---- Grassquatch (11Hrs)
Earth/Green ---- Pumpkin Panda (12Hrs)
Earth/Green ---- Unicornicopia (13Hrs)

Blue/Green ------ Turtisle (6Hrs)
Blue/Green ------ Aquatter (12Hrs)
Blue/Green ------ Ocean Owl (15Hrs)
Blue/Green ------ Sea Horse (14Hrs)

Blue/Earth ------- Rainguin (7Hrs)
Blue/Earth ------- Iciclaw (10Hrs)
Blue/Earth ------- Rockodile (11Hrs)
Blue/Earth ------- Cold Turkey (17Hrs)
Blue/Earth ------- Glacial Griffin (18Hrs)

Blue/Red --------- Skyger (3Hrs)

Dark/Red --------- Firefox (8Hrs)
Dark/Red --------- Ember Bear (11Hrs)
Dark/Red --------- Cosmic Phoenix (19Hrs)
Dark/Red --------- Onyx Ox (21Hrs)

Dark/Green ------- Planther (9Hrs)
Dark/Green ------- Peamoth (10Hrs)
Dark/Green ------- Spruce Moose (14Hrs)
Dark/Green ------- Aurora Pegasus (17Hrs)

Dark/ Earth ------- Racmoon (6Hrs)
Dark/ Earth ------- Dream Bat (13Hrs)
Dark/ Earth ------- Gargolem (18Hrs)

Dark/Blue --------- Chromadile (10Hrs)
Dark/Blue --------- Chameneon (10Hrs)
Dark/Blue --------- Sea Lion (12Hrs)
Dark/Blue --------- Sea Drake (16Hrs)

Lightning leopard-- (3Hrs)
Lightning/Red ---- Fire glider (6Hrs)
Lightning/Red ---- Daredevil (14Hrs)
Lightning/Red ---- Gold lion (18Hrs)

Lightning/Green -- Thunderhawk (6Hrs)
Lightning/Green -- Eagle Beagle (13Hrs)
Lightning/Green -- Storm Sphinx (21Hrs)

Lightning/Earth -- Shock Fox (7Hrs)
Lightning/Earth -- Thunder Mammoth (16Hrs)
Lightning/Earth -- Teraradactyl (24Hrs)

Lightning/Blue ---- Conducktor (7Hrs)
Lightning/Blue ---- Falconch (16Hrs)
Lightning/Blue ---- Hippogryph (23Hrs)

Lightning/Dark ---- Koala Cadabra (8Hrs)
Lightning/Dark ---- Elphantom (15Hrs)
Lightning/Dark ---- Bansheep (16Hrs)
Lightning/Dark ---- Zepra (24Hrs)

4 element --------- Crystal unicorn (36Hrs)
Gem/Green -------- Emerald dragon (36Hrs)
Gem/Red -------- Ruby Razorback (36Hrs)
Gem/Lightning ---- Citrine Peregrin (36Hrs)

(Creatures that are not available through breeding )

1- Awards battle
Ancient Sloth (12Hrs)
Hydro Yak (13Hrs)
Troll (20Hrs)
Terrorier (14Hrs)
Thorilla (23Hrs)

Nightmare (21Hrs)
Owl Bear (21Hrs)
Arboar (13Hrs)
Steamtrunk (18Hrs)
Thanksgibbon (22Hrs)

Halloween :
Vampire Cat
Yak O lantern

Scarecrow (17Hrs)
Frankenswine (19Hrs)

11-02-14, 02:01 PM
I love these two,
Twilight Troll:
http://images.photo2.walgreens.com/232323232%7Ffp83232%3Eydnjthgqubwsnrcgu57%3A3%3Enu %3D3248%3E596%3E439%3EWSNRCG%3D4364577753328nu0mrj

http://images.photo2.walgreens.com/232323232%7Ffp83232%3Eydnjthgqubwsnrcgu%3A249%3Enu %3D3248%3E596%3E439%3EWSNRCG%3D4364578%3B89328nu0m rj

I'm also a fan of the Sea Lion:

and the Gold Lion:

Terrorier is cool too:

and the Crystal Unicorn:

I love pretty much all of them that I've seen so far. :)

11-02-14, 09:51 PM
Elephantom too
That's my second best

Grt choices

11-29-14, 06:42 AM
I dotn know the evolution times for the halloween even animals
And I assume the gem animals would evolve for 36 hours but need someone to confirm