View Full Version : Can't post my Storm8 ID!!

11-02-14, 05:51 AM

My storm8 id is Euphemia_li_Britannia

The name Britannia seems to be 'inappropriate' and I can't seem to post it on walls. As a result, I can't tell others my ID
If there was such a problem, then I should never have been allowed to create an ID with this name. Now I have a pretty much useless ID

My kingdom name is Far Far Away

11-02-14, 05:56 AM
Just as a suggestion if TL can't resolve this for you when writing on walls perhaps say something like Britan nia without the space between the n's when writing it in full so then players can still type it on properly?

Otherwise the forum is a place to find plenty of neighbors and from here you will have more than you know what to do with in no time if you post in the add me thread.

11-02-14, 05:58 AM
That is an idea. But I would have to mention it each and every time. I'd rather than the 'TL' can solve it for me

11-02-14, 06:03 AM
You can write it on your own wall as well so people visiting you can see it (just trying to provide some help in the meantime)

Contact TL support, sometimes they are helpful with these things sometimes not, it's really a hit or miss. If you know you are sending the message to a lot of people you can also copy so you can have it ready to paste to save from typing it over and over, but once again I got all my neighbors from forum and have over 200 to give you an idea. (Not sure what level player you are or how new) putting your id in signature helps too because then when you post players can see it. Good luck to you!

11-02-14, 06:36 AM
Ohh arigato!!

I will do just that ^.^

11-02-14, 09:18 AM
That does seem ridiculous you should never had been allowed to create the ID in the first place. Britannia! It's probably classified as potentially racist. I expect this post might get removed. Not supposed to discuss banned words apparently.

11-02-14, 12:46 PM
Ive been asked to mail them
Its fine I guess

11-02-14, 05:49 PM
Moved to Bugs and Issues thread.