View Full Version : Teapot Loveseat...where do I get it?!

10-30-14, 10:40 AM
This is driving me insane lol. I really want a teapot loveseat for my level 65 bakery but its nowhere on my list of floor design options. It does however appear on the list in my level 47 bakery, right between the lucky clock and amethyst cake. On my level 65 bakery I have the lucky clock and amethyst cake but no teapot loveseat. Why isn't it there and how do I get one?:confused:

10-30-14, 03:00 PM
Hmm, my loveseat is in between my Tea Cakes Display and the Amethyst Cake. Do you have the display? I am on IOS, maybe it is a device or update issue?

10-30-14, 04:16 PM
I'm on Android BUT I have two different bakeries, both on Android devices, both playing the same version of Bakery story and on one bakery (the level 47 bakery) the teapot loveseat is right where you said yours is and on the other (my level 65 bakery) I have the tea cakes display and amethyst cake but no teapot loveseat. It's super weird and for the life of me I can't figure out why I have it in one bakery but not in the other when that's the one I've been playing in the longest :confused:

10-30-14, 05:58 PM
Does one of the devices have other older editions still installed on them and one of them doesn't? For instance, I know that I could gift the Rose Petals and Pans on any version of BS I used so long as I had the Valentine's Day edition installed on the device. I'm not quite sure what edition the loveseat came with, and it may not even be the reason. Just all that I can think of outside of just a random glitch/anomaly.

10-30-14, 06:04 PM
Did you download the Springtime version for both bakeries? http://forum.storm8.com/showthread.php?67434-Teapot-Loveseat/

10-30-14, 09:44 PM
I double checked and yes, I have the Springtime edition on both devices. I honestly don't know what the problem is. I restarted my device, uninstalled and re-installed Bakery Story: Honey and still no teapot loveseat. I opened the Springtime Edition and looked for it there...still no teapot loveseat. Just to check I also looked in the Mother's Day, Summer, St. Patrick's Day, and Soccer editions (since I still have them on my device) and still no teapot loveseat. It's literally the only thing that's missing and for the life of me I can't figure out why. It's super frustrating though :(

10-31-14, 12:09 AM
Bummer! Was really hoping nmishii was onto something with that thread link! I must be an IOS dummy, I dont even know how to check what versions I have of any of the Team Lava games lol! I was thinking what everyone else was, that maybe you had a different version. I am actually wishing I had an android right now so I would have a way to get older Halloween stuff :p Wish we could just gift items to each other, I'd gladly send you a loveseat! The only other thing I can think of is to try posting on the bugs/issues board if you haven't already. I hope you get it worked out!

10-31-14, 04:38 PM
You're such a sweetheart, PoisonThorne. I appreciate the sentiment :)

I sent an email to support and they're looking into it. Hopefully they can figure out what's going on. I just really want that loveseat LOL.

11-05-14, 04:15 PM
Suga, the teapot loveseat is available on the amazon dot com version of BS. Just download from amazon and you'll be good. I play between the amazon app and the Google Play app and haven't had a speck of trouble.

11-05-14, 08:33 PM
Thank for all the help guys! Apparently the teapot loveseat was in the Fall Treats edition of BS. I had previously downloaded the Fall Treats edition onto my tablet so I'm not sure why the loveseat wasn't there but since I,m on Android I just reinstalled it and finally got my loveseat :)