View Full Version : Gold Nuggets, please

10-29-14, 07:52 PM
I have had 3 nuggets in my inventory since the summer which I have now "paid" to complete the Halloween goal. I have yet to see another nugget. Really, TL, if the quest requires an ingredient, it should drop once in a while. Or do I HAVE to buy gems?

10-29-14, 08:14 PM
I've been a player for over a year, and I currently have 56 nuggets after using them in that goal. I notice they drop more for me than the golden egg or golden apple. I don't think you need to complete the goal to get to the Halloween prizes, and I know a lot of people didn't give them. Since it's an optional goal, I don't think it's that bad.

10-29-14, 10:44 PM
I have over 60 golden nuggets and I don't do this particular quest:
I think asking 10 is way overpriced, it's much easier and cheaper for me to make candy corn in the kitchens.

10-29-14, 11:06 PM
I gave the 10 a couple of days ago as I had over 80. Since then I've picked up two new ones, so it can happen. Just random drops I'm afraid.

10-30-14, 09:41 AM
Very random. I have many golden eggs and enough golden apples, but haven't had a nugget drop in months. I doubt I'll get 7 in 5 days. Oh well!

10-30-14, 10:03 AM
Gave 10 nuggets, though I find it a really high price for 20 CC :eek:
Got 3 golden nuggets from Chopping Iron Rocks, My deep mines ( lvl 5 both) gave nothing during this event, got one from regular mine lvl 5 as well, I had a few stashed, since I only have 3 golden apples, yes been months since I've last seen one drop from a tree, though I used to collect daily, before Halloween event started!

10-30-14, 12:10 PM
I had 40 and I went ahead and gave the Baron 10 of those for the quest. I would still get the cauldron without those 30 candy corn but I REALLY want us to make the 3rd community goal.

10-30-14, 12:16 PM
I have had 3 nuggets in my inventory since the summer which I have now "paid" to complete the Halloween goal. I have yet to see another nugget. Really, TL, if the quest requires an ingredient, it should drop once in a while. Or do I HAVE to buy gems?

While I have had the odd gold nugget drop from mining rocks, the best way to get them is from regular and deep mines, so make sure you have two of each, and when you have the resources to do so, upgrade them so you can collect more often.

Good luck getting more. They will come... eventually. ;-)

10-30-14, 12:19 PM
Never give any item away to time limited quests unless you already have them all, or unless it is actually worthwhile.

10-31-14, 10:31 PM
I gave them just so I could read that the Baron was dressed up as a horse. Juvenile... But so funny!