View Full Version : Restaurant Update 10-22-14

10-21-14, 12:22 PM
Wonder what We will get tomorrow in our update? Need halloween items and recipes on the ovens.


http://media.tumblr.com/cf98f944ecb1a4fdb123d378110a9c25/tumblr_inline_ndteljSVpN1qm7yoc.pngAh, buongiorno! Italian culture is full of beautiful architecture and delicious food. Turn your Shop into the streets of Venice with the Venetian floor tiles in Restaurant Story (https://www.facebook.com/restaurantstory).
Bring the best of Italy with these zesty new decorations:

Gelato Display
Pasta Tower
Gondola Date

10-21-14, 01:26 PM
Also want Halloween content, but it would be really nice to see something for Diwali, which is coming up this Thursday and was a relatively popular suggestion on the Holiday Suggestion thread. Perhaps, if TL decides to re-release previous Halloween content, we could get both? :)

Either way, I really hope we don't get more summer stuff (unless it's a new recipe). I know the season is upon the southern hemisphere, but there seems to have been a glut of it recently.

And, as always, more basic appliance recipes ;)

10-21-14, 04:01 PM
Swear if no halloween items tomorrow then I'm decorating for thanksgiving/xmas

10-21-14, 04:23 PM
I'm hoping 4 more Halloween items but since we got a Fireman's crate last wk who knows? I was really disappointed w last wk's update.
We should b getting the teaser for the update around 8pm EST today.

10-21-14, 04:56 PM
Another non Halloween release. Gelato display without being an appliance. Weird

10-21-14, 04:59 PM

Ah, buongiorno! Italian culture is full of beautiful architecture and delicious food. Turn your shop into the streets of Venice with the Venetian floor tiles in Restaurant Story.

Bring the best of Italy with these zesty new decorations:

Gelato Display
Pasta Tower
Gondola Date

Yeah, not Halloween or Fall again.

But I really like the wallpaper and flooring (maybe not together). The boat is nice, though it really should have been more like a traditional Gondola instead of a rowboat of sorts with two oars, if that's what they were going for, which it seems so by the description. The food display will be nice to have and the fountain is great, though I'm assuming it's going for gems. I'm not a HUGE holiday person, but it is pretty strange that there is no continuation from the goals so far. Although, so long as it's decent looking stuff, I'm not too upset about it.

10-21-14, 05:19 PM
I'm not impressed. I figured we'd wouldn't b getting Halloween items especially after seeing the update 4 BS. I doubt I'll b buying any of this stuff and it'd b nice if we'd get some new recipes this wk, but I doubt it since I dont c any displayed. Well we got a pizza tower way back when and now we get a pasta tower.
THX 4 nothing TL. I'm really disappointed once again.

10-21-14, 05:30 PM
Gondola? That's a rowboat.

TL at least bring back some of the Halloween boxes!

10-21-14, 05:37 PM
hm i think tl got this mixed up with bakery story, bs got the restaurant asian update and rs got the continuing gelato update. so strange, and btw i hate the pasta tower its a knock off of the leaning pizza tower ugh at least be original.

10-21-14, 05:53 PM
What the heck are they thinking? O.o Halloween is finished already?? :(

10-21-14, 06:04 PM

10-21-14, 06:18 PM
Re donk u lous. I am really quite dumbfounded at the past two weeks updates! These next three months are the biggest holiday and hello, SPENDING money months! And they go and give nothing at all the majority of people want! If not Halloween, why not fall? Come on mow....

10-21-14, 07:25 PM
I'm glad HALLOWEEN is done, I HATE....no.....LOTHE that holiday! It's about time TL doesn't cram weeks and weeks of the same holiday content down players throats. Hope they keep that trend up with other upcoming holidays. So ALL players can play the game. I've been playing other non-TL games while these Halloween goals were going on, left my tables full of tips and closed my stores for a few weeks.

This update is cool, love it! Hope not gem heavy and hope new recipe(s) since I have been cooking Roasted Chicken & Creme Brulee since the first week of this month.

10-21-14, 08:48 PM
Great Idea! Thanksgiving and Xmas it is!

10-21-14, 09:18 PM
I wish there were Fall items, but I really don't want anymore Halloween items.
I enjoy this week's updates.

10-21-14, 11:30 PM
I'm planning on decorating my restaurant for Christmas already. One Halloween update... Pointless. I hope we get a recipe though or an old appliance back

10-22-14, 12:35 AM
For those that don't like Halloween, you certainly don't want to go to my Restaurant lol.

Seriously though, one release does not give enough items to decorate with. Maybe if you have played for years one might but newer players, not even. I am ready to spend cash for some decent decorations for the holidays. Guess I keep it this week. Again......

A solution might be to release a lot more items at one time. This way everyone is happy. Those that hate holidays only have to suffer through one weeks worth while those that love holidays get enough to decorate with. People are ready to spend money.... TL are you listening?

10-22-14, 03:45 AM
Mmmm... a gelato display and a pasta tower sounds yummy! The fountain is nice, let's see how much it cost first. Will the river get overflow with so many boats recently? We got a cruise ship, a tour boat and now a gondola. Lol =/

Hoping for a re-release of past decorations from the poll we voted. Koi pond, indoor koi pond or whatever past decorations please!

10-22-14, 03:51 AM
Ooh, this should go nicely with the pizza theme from last month's goals. If I ever redecorate and decide to clean up my mess of clashing themes restaurant, Italian would be appealing.

10-22-14, 04:58 AM
Interesting update. Well i think all updates in RS should be food related and this one def fits the mould.
Now I agree designers could/should have done better with pasta than just duplicate the pizza tower - unless of course they design for free then of course I would understand and support the lack of creativity. If not......

10-22-14, 05:52 AM
good idea, poor execution. leaning tower of pizza was better than the pasta tower, the gondola has oars instead of a pole, the italian flag colors on the gelato stand make it too garish for the rest of the update. i like the tiles though. and possibly the fountain, although i can only see a corner of it here. and also i already have a fountain or two, not sure how many i actually need.

10-22-14, 07:18 AM
Please, need new recipes or ovens

kooky panda
10-22-14, 07:34 AM
http://media.tumblr.com/cf98f944ecb1a4fdb123d378110a9c25/tumblr_inline_ndteljSVpN1qm7yoc.pngAh, buongiorno! Italian culture is full of beautiful architecture and delicious food. Turn your Shop into the streets of Venice with the Venetian floor tiles in Restaurant Story (https://www.facebook.com/restaurantstory).
Bring the best of Italy with these zesty new decorations:

Gelato Display
Pasta Tower
Gondola Date

10-22-14, 08:34 AM
WOW!:( Again no Seasonal items. HELLO, HELLO, HELLO? Is anyone there in rs world? Unbelievable. So disappointed again. :confused:

10-22-14, 10:14 AM
I hope they bring out an old appliance like they did with BS last week

10-22-14, 10:38 AM
OMG 2 new recipes on the regular stove!!

10-22-14, 10:40 AM
And breadsticks on the other stove. Well done TL impressed

10-22-14, 10:45 AM
Love this update!!! 3 new recipes!!! The coin items are great! Thanks TL! :D

10-22-14, 11:07 AM
reflecting pool for 70 Gems !!!!!!!!! Why didn't bring back koi pond ??!!! It was with the most votes

10-22-14, 11:40 AM
I LOVE Halloween soooooo much!!! Best Holiday in my opinion! So much fun for adults and kids! Every other year there has been plenty of items to decorate and cook on the regular stove, what is going on this year? Because there are a few who don't like Halloween? So the majority has to suffer?

10-22-14, 11:59 AM
reflecting pool for 70 Gems !!!!!!!!! Why didn't bring back koi pond ??!!! It was with the most votes

I guess they'll bring back the koi pond soon. Though I really don't mind they brought back the Reflecting Pool, it's lovely! But my heart break again when I saw the 70 gems price tag. I can't imagine if the high pricing stay the same for every deco they bring back. My gems wouldn't last till BFS if that's the case. =.="

And it sure seem like they're removing item one by one. The Picnic Prep is the next to go.

10-22-14, 12:02 PM
Swan Pond was one of those weeks?

10-22-14, 01:22 PM
Ok, so it's not seasonally themed, but this is a FANTASTIC update all the same - all the items are nice, and the coin items are really well priced!! The icing on the cake is that there are THREE new recipes which go PERFECTLY with the new items... Looking past that it wasn't Halloween or Autumn; THANK YOU Team Lava, beautiful update :)

10-22-14, 01:58 PM
Thank you TL! Three new recipes and all short times! I'm running out of short cool times so this is just what I needed!

10-22-14, 02:39 PM
This is so ridiculous. Plenty of people have asked for autumn/halloween decorations and we've all been ignored. Wow...

10-22-14, 03:13 PM
Lmao I actually love the non halloween/autumn releases because its not so limiting when it comes to designing well that's my opinion anyways I absolutely love the items! ☺

10-22-14, 03:29 PM
Sooooo nobody was gonna tell me the reflecting pool was back,for a limited time? Y'all are SO cruel. Now I need to tap into my new apartment budget to decide if I can forego food at this new Indian restaurant, to buy gems while they are on sale.

Y'all couldn't wait until next month to give me something so glorious?!

10-22-14, 03:40 PM
ouch. 70 gems? i liked it, but not that much. but what if i regret not getting it later?

thanks for new recipes, TL! i like this update much better now.

10-22-14, 07:04 PM
I wish the Gelato was an appliance, but it is still really cool either way. Thank you for the new recipes TL! Goes great with the italian goal appliances from September. Love it. :D

10-22-14, 07:29 PM
I wished it was autumn related, however, I do like the gelato display and the new recipes. So I cant complain. I do however think 70 gems is a bit steep ( at least for my taste ) so on that I will be passing up.

10-22-14, 08:48 PM
Personally I am thrilled at the chance to get the reflecting pond, no matter what the price! I don't think it is that expensive, considering you might try way more times by buying the box and still fail. I tried many times to get the koi pond and failed. If I had been given the option to buy it outright I would jump on it! So the chance to get a beautiful item I never thought I would ever get? Definitely worth 70 gems , thank you so much TL for making it available!!!

10-22-14, 10:55 PM
Hmm, gonna have to think about the 70 gem reflecting pool. It's a very nice item, and a little less than opening a box three times (which I have done for the take out box). I play RS and BS differently--gems not used for much except opening boxes in RS since there aren't that many gem decors I like, so I have about a hundred extra gems here compared to bakery to use. Just hope if I do get it that TL doesn't bring it back on black Friday for less!

10-23-14, 12:52 AM
Swan Pond was one of those weeks?

10-23-14, 02:54 AM
I wish the Gelato was an appliance, but it is still really cool either way. Thank you for the new recipes TL! Goes great with the italian goal appliances from September. Love it. :D

I'm very happy that's it's not an appliance haha. Cause that means I can just display it, without wasting a slot for my oven. XD

10-23-14, 12:35 PM
I don't think it is that expensive, considering you might try way more times by buying the box and still fail.

I got the Reflecting Pond for this same reason. I tried my hand at the box with the Swan Pond multiple times and ended up with a bunch of those cats and dogs. If I had the opportunity to buy the first place prize outright, I would have just done it.

10-24-14, 01:03 PM
I have to say I have been looking forward to the Halloween recipes and I am disappointed. The Italian recipes that were added are great but I wish there could be some Halloween ones added in. I really want the fried frog legs again!!!! Something more than drinks and peppers....

10-24-14, 02:17 PM
I got the Reflecting Pond for this same reason. I tried my hand at the box with the Swan Pond multiple times and ended up with a bunch of those cats and dogs. If I had the opportunity to buy the first place prize outright, I would have just done it.

Been telling people this top. First place out of the box on Black Friday has been between 60 and 70 gems. If opening this box, one would spend three times that amount. So getting it now all who bought it got it super cheap. If I get a sale I'll buy one and the one over on bakery. Especially here because my box luck super sucks and I need some show pieces fo fill my shop and decorate it nicely.

10-26-14, 05:34 AM
I got the reflecting pool too. It looks great with the blossom grove goal prize from earlier in the year.