View Full Version : Cooked food did not appear

10-21-14, 03:20 AM

I was travelling this morning so I set up all my food to be ready when I was nearly home. The first item to be ready was one of two sets of Lemon Scones, but when I clicked to serve no scones appeared. I waited to see if there would be a problem with my next dishes, but they appeared as normal.

Can anyone help please?


10-21-14, 03:34 AM
The 2nd set of Lemon Scones didn't show up either, but both sets are there - just not visible to me! :D

10-21-14, 04:25 PM
Have u tried g
Hard closing the game and restarting it? I know a lot of times when I have this problem if I do that then my items mysteriously reappears.
I c u posted this problem almost 12 hrs ago, so I hope this problem has solved itself by now.